Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Blind Item #7

This foreign born Academy Award winning director says he decided to marry his wife after he beat her and she didn't run away. Ummm.


  1. MontanaMarriott1:31 AM


  2. Kno Won Uno1:32 AM

    Were her legs broken?

  3. MontanaMarriott1:33 AM

    Alejandro González Iñárritu, sorry I murdered his last name

  4. Derek Harvey1:34 AM

    Alejandro González Iñárritu

  5. Kno Won Uno1:34 AM

    I've wondered what happened with the death of their first child shortly after birth. Probably unrelated.

  6. Khaleesi1:36 AM

    Innaritu. That guy is overrated.

  7. Gooood Lorrrd!!

  8. Isn't Iñarritu already married though, and also with kids?

  9. The blind is saying he "decided to marry his wife" meaning they're already married. It doesn't say this is a recent marriage. The subject of the blind could've just got married or he's been married for 20 years.

  10. Sadie3:28 AM

    I'll go with Inarritu. He's such an insufferable dick.

  11. TopperMadison3:44 AM

    I don't know why, but reading this blind made me laugh. Didn't anyone else read it as a joke?

  12. Hunty5:11 AM


    So if the subject of the blind is already married, then it could pretty much be any of the foreign-born currently married (not formerly married or in a current relationship) Academy Award winning directors over the past 25 years or so, I'd say. Iñarritu, Polanski, Michel Hazanavicius, Oliver Stone... Although it could be the first one given that he is, I heard, a class-A douchebag.

  13. nancer5:14 AM

    my first thought was this is a joke. i'm still open to that possibility. i used to say i wanted a guy who i knew could throw me down the stairs if i needed it. wasn't meant literally.

  14. Those are pretty close to the exact words crew members have used to describe him. I've heard so many awful stories about him it almost makes me feel bad for liking his movies.

  15. Yes, it could be any of those you listed. I think Enty is saying the director was telling a story that was overheard, or maybe the person he was talking to told Enty (That is, if you believe anything on here is true. Enty does that from time to time.) :)

    It's vague enough that it can fit several directors, like Ang Lee, Danny Boyle, Peter Jackson, Sam Mendes, or any of the ones you mentioned.

  16. During last years Oscar's one of the trade magazines interviewed someone that worked with Inarritu & they said anyone that's worked with him would never vote for him as best director. Tom Hardy supposedly punched him out when making The Revenant, & I think there's another story about someone fighting him on set on another movie.

  17. Sadie3:11 AM

    It's easy for me. I HATE his movies. Birdman was a calculated, pretentious little exercise designed to appeal to all the has-been actors who are members of the Academy.

    The Revenant was just a live-action Wile E Coyote movie and they forgot to drop an Acme Safe on Leo.

  18. French girl11:07 AM

    Hardy was also one of the reasons why The Revenant's filming was difficult.
    Inarritu has David Fincher's reputation(painful, many takes) with David O Russell's temper on set

  19. UpMyOwnArse2:10 AM

    I HATED The Revenant.
