Saturday, April 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

February 19, 2016

This three named mostly television actress who has not had any luck in over a decade with the locked in the house husband is hoping to be the next Elisabeth Hasselbeck. She already leans to the right a lot and has made it known she will go extreme right if the check is big enough.

Sarah Michelle Gellar


  1. sandybrook3:50 AM

    in the meantime she'll do the Cruel Intentions tv show instead

  2. Derek's Thong4:14 AM


  3. Malibuborebee4:23 AM

    Fuck her. Not only is she a douchebag Republican, she made Robin Williams' last tv show a living hell for him and everyone else - as usual.

  4. Kno Won Uno4:25 AM

    She's so yesterday
    Who actually cares what she thinks or says?

  5. Kno Won Uno4:26 AM

    And her husband's an Adult Baby. I'm sure the GOP appreciates his kink.

  6. supapimp5:13 AM

    Haha. She got killed off in 'Star Wars Rebels'.

  7. JaWrite5:26 AM

    She actually announced a few months ago that she's not even a Republican, so... nice try.

  8. Ahhh...the liberal "tolerance" is really coming through.....*cough*

  9. You mean that one liberal's opinion. Don't generalize.

  10. Barrio10:16 AM

    Oh that diabolical SMG again! I call BS.

  11. My ex was on Buffy & said she was an intolerable twat whose bad behavior made it a tense set for everyone. Apparently, Allison Hannigan was just as bad. I never understood how SMJ got famous with that fucked up nose of hers. Tell me more about her hubby's adult baby fetish! Its the only remotely interesting about either of them.

  12. Shalene4:04 PM

    Republicans all bad? Right? Ben Affleck Rosie o'd, George Clooney, Adam lambert, Miley... All the democrats are known druggies and alcoholics. Samuel Jackson is a known wife abuser. My point is democrats suck --ck too. I love how tolerant u are.

  13. Shalene4:29 PM

    "Look another pos democrat.." Do you not see how dumb you people sound. I'm an independent voter. I voted for Obama one time. I then seen he wasn't bring home our troops. And he bailed out banks and billionaires. Plus everyone my husband works with lost insurance for their families thanks to his healthcare crap. I do plan on voting for trump. 1) how is it racist to want immigrants to be LEGAL? 2) I've been saying for years now we need to freeze our boarders bc we have terrorist camps in U.S. Virginia for sure.

  14. marlo5:02 PM

    I think it's fucking refreshing that not all Hollyweirdos are hypocritical lefties.

    Where's the tolerance of all, my 'tolerant' liberal friend? LOL

  15. DoctorMaybe12:08 AM

    Tolerance actually requires condemning intolerance.


  16. Whywhywhy???12:22 AM

    R u sure about Sam Jackson? Guess different side to Latanya's life if true.

  17. ellie1:21 AM

    Er I think the right is confused with the "tolerance" issue. The left is typically "intolerant" of the right's intolerance. We're supposed to sit back and let the right trample all over basic rights of human beings? Marriage, abortion, marijuana, religion, etc? WE'RE intolerant??! No, we stand up for our peers who are getting fucked over routinely by the Bible-thumping right. Interesting how Christians are supposed to love each other and not judge yet they're by far the most judgmental people. Soo calling the left intolerant when they're promoting tolerance is just silly. YOU'RE intolerant when other peoples' personal lives somehow aren't okay. NO, the left is putting their foot down after years and years of oppression of various sorts of people, and then we're labeled intolerant.

  18. ellie1:22 AM

    Terribly sorry we're not tolerant of hateful rhetoric and the curbing of basic human rights and decency.

  19. back again1:23 AM

    Hi Meg, Freddie Prinze Jr.'s supposedly into wearing diapers/acting like a baby & being taken care of by 'mommy' SMJ as part of their sex routine...i'm not sure if burping is involved but changing his diapers is a big "yes please mommy"
    -or something like

  20. ellie1:24 AM

    +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!! The right sees the left getting upset at bullshit and then we're intolerant because we won't turn our cheek to their hateful actions. Typical, they can't see past their own Bible.

  21. Ellie, you should shut your mouth. You come across as a moron.

  22. An ex co-worker has met her before and he said she was horrible (also really tiny irl)... like a toddlers in tiara's kid throwing tantrums

  23. Southern Smartass2:58 AM

    Freeze our boarders?!?! Man, that's intense. Republicans are so mean.

  24. longtimereader3:09 AM

    She is Buffy, i do.

  25. back again5:22 AM

    ...but what would all the landlords do then?!?

  26. weird5:30 AM

    her nose bothers me.

  27. weird5:30 AM



  28. Derek Harvey6:04 AM

    I also nailed it so will you please be my friend?

  29. Penelope26:50 AM

    He's a locked in house husband? I thought he did a show a few years back.

  30. Penelope26:53 AM

    But she and hubby hosted an event for Clinton (Christmas extravaganza) and wouldn't for Bush, so are you SURE she isn't a democrat?

  31. Seriously where is Freddie? Even if they spend half their time role playing baby and mama, we still never see him. My friend worked on one of her shows and quit not long after she started. Not one good thing to say about her.

  32. No LOL, you're only tolerant of pedophiles, rapists, terrorists, inbred lunatics, and wife beaters.

    I especially like how the left supports gay rights, and those, who throw gays off tall buildings. Pricelss.

  33. Then start by condemning pedophilia, rape, underage forced marriage, spousal abuse, terrorism in MUSLIM COMMUNITIES IN THE WEST!!!

    Otherwise you're just a parasitic cowardly hypocrite.

    Because being tolerant, of THE MOST INTOLERANT PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, just goes to show: too scared they'll cut off your empty head, so appease appease appease, and better vilify those who will do anything to protect their family and home.

    Btw, I'm writing from Europe, where thankfully the left is dying.

  34. What Bible? I'm an atheist you inbred turd!

  35. "Tolerant" of those people? If you're referring to not liking the death penalty, then yes...I guess we're tolerant of them. The government has zero right to kill people. Life in prison is FAR worse than the death me.

  36. And as far as terrorists go, did you ever stop and think that the US is a terror group as well? You have presidential candidates wanting to bomb entire cities, not giving a shit that MOST causalities would be innocent civilians. Rosie O'Donnell got slammed for pointing this out, but she was totally right. How is a terrorist group flying planes into 2 buildings different/worse than what we've done to other countries? Because we're American so we're always right?

  37. Uh yeah I'm atheist, too. Hence my dislike for overbearing Christians.

  38. I have no idea where you're getting this idea that we're a-ok with pedophilia & etc. We don't want to castrate/kill them, so we're okay with it? No.

  39. Hahahaha! You scream that liberals aren't tolerant then go off on them in the most over the top, intolerant, ludicrous (and yes even you know what you said was stupid) rant. Thanks for proving their point!

  40. marlo3:24 PM

    I am not a Christian, as I wrote before.
    But you are indeed an ignorant simple minded turd.

  41. marlo3:24 PM

    Listen to Urg Ellie.
    You're coming across as an imbecile.

  42. ellie6:51 AM

    Right, which is why I said "too". That's fine, think I'm a turd lol. You and Drumpf would get along great with you ridiculous insults and shitty views
