Monday, May 23, 2016

Blind Item #11

This married, closeted former A list singer in a group who did it briefly on her own was upset last night because she heard rumors that her girlfriend was going to be asked some uncomfortable questions about the relationship with the singer so she had to go solo to the event.


  1. sandybrook4:31 AM

    Kelly Rowland?

  2. MontanaMarriott4:33 AM

    Which is funny because I have never heard anything about Kelly but Enty swears she's a closet case lesbian. Michelle, I can see.

  3. Malibuborebee4:33 AM

    Kelly Rowland?

  4. Derek Harvey4:36 AM

    Belinda Carlisle---The GoGos performed last night

  5. Derek Harvey4:40 AM

    Hey, thanks for the kind words and defending me the other day. And thanks to all the nice people here that did as well---I cant go from post to post thanking everyone but it was very appreciated.

  6. Dereks Mommy4:46 AM


  7. Pffffft4:51 AM

    You really should ignore...they'll give up eventually. Ya gotta laugh at the fact that they take the time to come up with interesting and stupid "names".

  8. Pffffft4:52 AM

    Or at least try to...

  9. Derek's Bunghole4:56 AM

    Because nothing is stupider than 'Pffffft'

  10. Kno Won Uno4:57 AM

    Well, that's interesting.

  11. Jon Dough5:06 AM

    Let's hope you learned your lesson. Most people around here don't like the way you treated Tricia. And the posters don't like it when you say "nailed it". There is someone else on my radar and if they don't tone down the assholery, they are next.

  12. Man up, Derek!5:19 AM


  13. Two Cents5:20 AM

    I don't mind the guessing and the "nailed it!" I think it's become the victory slogan for any poster who gets it right, first. I don't remember the specifics with Tricia but I remember she was always kind to first time posters. Keep on guessing, Derek!!!!

  14. Salaam5:24 AM

    Carlisle has spent more time as a solo artist than she did with the GoGos. She's released 7 solo albums. Doesn't fit the "briefly on her own" part of the blind.

  15. blahblah5:26 AM

    Pffffft is a super name tho

  16. blahblah5:28 AM

    Thanku. Forfucksake, let's hope the lesson was learned

  17. LaBomba5:34 AM


  18. HEY! My mom's name is Pfffft.

  19. celine dion???

  20. Jennerationb6:33 AM

    I'm here nearly everyday,and while I remember the Derek and Tricia sagas, I don't recall seeing a post as to why she left?? Did something big happen or did she just stop posting?

  21. Pffffft6:41 AM

    Thanks, blahblah. I like's a light and airy name. Pffffft

  22. Malibuborebee6:59 AM

    Hey Derek, you're welcome any time.

    Unfortunately, you're responding to one of the dickheads who fakes being one of us. I didn't post that Kelly Rowland guess although I totally think it is Kelly Rowland.

    These morons will never learn. They will, however, go away eventually.

  23. Malibuborebee7:07 AM

    Ooooh.. you are soooo scary! It's great when you twats butch it up.

    Most people around here don't give a flying fuck about Tricia and have made it very clear to you that they/we don't like the way you are treating Derek.

    Sucks to be you - as usual.

  24. Malibuborebee7:11 AM

    I wasn't here when she left - I often come and go. I don't know if she made one of those drama queen "I Am Leaving!" declarations, blaming everyone else as they run out the door. lol

    After the fact someone said that she was pregnant and that she left to have a baby but who the fuck knows? She's probably still here, pretending to be someone else. They do that on a regular basis, the cowards.

  25. Peawry7:12 AM

    i'd really like to know too!

  26. Derek can only create so many fake Google accounts at a time. Give him a while, he'll get to blowing smoke up your ring soon enough

  27. Barrel of Monkeys8:21 AM

    You've handled the attacks well. Just keep doing what you're doing. They'll tire of their charades eventually.

    They must have a miserable life to spend so much time trolling you. Maybe they are closet fans & are in love with you since they use Derek Harvey variation names. They just wish they could be close enough to be your thong or your family so they live in an imaginary world.

  28. I'm not Tricia, my name is8:29 AM

    Maybe the trolls are Tricia & that’s why they keep attacking Derek. She always did like to play innocent. She was here day & night daily then poof she disappears. No way she disappeared because she had another baby. She already had one baby & it didn’t stop her all day every day postings. She knew she’d slipped up in her postings lately & people were starting to catch on to her innocent act so maybe she’s just hiding now but still trolling Derek hoping to run him off or make him blow up at everyone. Stranger things have happened online.

  29. Tranny8:38 AM

    Oh please, Tricia never attacked Derek. He always went out of his way to attack her.

  30. Tricia wasn't here any more than Derek was. She enraged him because she got her guess in a split second before his most of the time. He was worse than the troll or trolls are now.

    I doubt the troll is Tricia since the best way to sock it to Derek if she wanted to is to start guessing again and show the new people what an out of control pussy he is.

  31. crystalmeh9:29 AM

    I still think these posts are all one person under different user names

    Mildly entertaining nonetheless

  32. I'm not Tricia, my name is9:39 AM

    Derek doesn't have a 2-3 year old that needed his attention either. Mommy devoting that much time to CDAN was neglecting her child. CDAN was an obsession for her. Do you really think she quit cold turkey? Tricia tried the hanging around & playing the victim card for months. It didn't get rid of Derek. She even claimed she was hacked within seconds of her posting a new picture when even a genius hacker couldn't gain access in seconds after she changed her picture. She slipped up several times with that plot. Now she's probably trying a different approach.

  33. I'm not Tricia, my name is9:40 AM

    Some see the opposite.

  34. @crystalmeh - probably a 14 year old named Sybil! ;D

  35. Anti5ocial11:50 AM

    UGH I'm so confused by all the drama and missing threads...can we get a site Wiki or something to keep up to speed?

    WHen I started coming here both Derek and Tricia acted like aholes a bit but more so Derek from what I saw.

    It's a damn shame reading comments because as much as I love drama you can tell so many come here just to feel better about themselves and feel vindicated that this or that celebrity is being a yacht girl or doing something sleazy to get their fame. So many of these are fake or stretched truths. I find them entertaining. Some of the comments tho, not as much...I am surprised by some people lately that I thought were mild mannered previously.

    As for the Derek trolls, I do laugh because they have some good responses and like many I've felt that many could be Derek...then again so many people could be posting under multiple many multiple personality disorders

  36. I been visiting this website for years. Before the damn ugly redesign. Before the Mr X reveals and all that junk. So therefore I have more of a right to talk then any of you that said, stfu all of you. You fucking pathetic loser low life cackling drama kings and queens. Read the fucking gossip take a guess and post and enjoy. The extra curricular activity needs to end. Thank you. Goodnight.

  37. How ya doin' Derek? You know it doesn't take more than a half hour to go through this site, especially if you're only doing the blinds.

    You always used to tell her to take care of her baby instead of guessing before you. God you need to get help. Now you're calm and trying to befriend everyone because you ran her off.

    Good job nutcake.

  38. We'll stfu when we bloody well feel like it, self important twit.

  39. crystalmeh12:33 PM

    Yeah, it's all mere entertainment

    I feel like commenting or complaining about people on here is equal to winning the special Olympics, as they say

  40. How funny would it be if Derek and Tricia and all of the trolls were one person with way too much time on their hands? lmao i refuse to believe that real people actually take the time to troll people this much.

    And I'm pretty neutral when it comes to Derek and Tricia because I don't really know why all the animosity started, i've been reading the site for years but they've hated each other as long as i've been here lol, but the trolls are kind of just making Derek like his own little celebrity here, half the people are hating on him and the other half are defending him, so i dont really know their point...

  41. blahblah12:46 PM

    Some are idiots

  42. blahblah12:48 PM

    Hi Derrick

  43. blahblah12:50 PM

    Fuck off derrick.i mean Chris

  44. Claire2:08 PM

    Since when did Derek become more famous on CDAN than the actual celebrities the site covers?

    Too funny, but not a good sign for the site itself when personal drama outweighs the blinds.

  45. Is it malibuboreme?? God I hope so. What a tool.

  46. That might be the dumbest comment ever.

  47. Valerie3:19 PM

    I rarely post, but I've been reading the site for a couple years now, it's a fun break from work or writing, I don't really care about the whole derek thing one way or another. I would just like to see the trolling stop. It's getting out of hand and ruins the site. Although, at this point I'm actually surprised Enty hasn't addressed it.

  48. You're Not The Boss of ME!8:42 PM

    ‎╭∩╮( ͡° ل͟ ͡° )╭∩╮

  49. longtimereader3:29 AM

    There are rumours about all three of destiny's child. There might be a reason bey never had many dating rumours before hova, doesn't mind his cheating and tours with an all female band...

  50. Angel3:02 PM

    Fergie. And who is Enty? Why are u people so derogatory to him when u read & get entertained by his free tea? Why the weird trolling to anyone either? Does it make u feel good about yourself? Chill out & post your answers
