Friday, May 13, 2016

Blind Item #12

This B+list mostly take what she can get actress who has A+ list name recognition looks to be suffering from depression. On the set of her latest project she is constantly being awakened to come shoot her next scene. Once finished she crawls right back into bed.


  1. Derek Harvey4:45 AM

    kiki d

  2. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    nvmnd katie holmes

  3. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    she is in Cannes

  4. sandybrook4:48 AM


  5. Derek Harvey4:50 AM

    yup---filming ANOTHER Kennedy movie---I'd be depressed too

    Where is SURI though...

  6. Whoever this is, I can relate.

  7. lila fowler5:03 AM

    Same. Constantly oversleeping, late for work, four hour naps when I get home...

  8. So can I. Depression is the worst feeling.

  9. Kno Won Uno5:22 AM

    Me too. It seems like I work, sleep, work sleep. I look at the people that seem to be doing stuff in the evening and I have no idea how they do it.

  10. sandybrook5:29 AM

    Private boarding school somewhere?

  11. Derek Harvey5:47 AM

    Exercise always helps me snap out of it---even if it is just a nightly walk 45 min-hout

  12. Derek Harvey5:47 AM


  13. shakey8:00 AM

    Or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Either way, it really sucks and I hope she's getting the help she needs.

  14. Chris J8:31 AM

    I agree it could be CFS. It's rarely diagnosed in the beginning. Everyone is quick to write it off as psychological.

  15. Studio549:52 AM

    Thank you Enty for this. This is very serious. If this is Katie Holmes, and she is drinking on top of it, she is making the problem worse. She needs help, and there IS help. She needs to trust the Lord with her problems and ask him to help her, and give her wisdom as to what to do. God said he gives wisdom to whoever asks, and upbraideth not.

    I had something like that one bleak. sunless winter, with SAD. I could not lift my head off the pillow. It's not something that should ever be ignored.

  16. Like a slow death :(

  17. I doubt this is Katie who's also directing this movie and she posted it on her instagram along with other pictures of her family(not Suri). Suri goes to private school and is with Katie.

  18. Good Lord if this is really KH then I feel for her. Having that whackadoodle as a baby daddy/ex would make anyone depressed.

  19. LaBomba3:14 AM

    Haha pathetic

  20. ThrBarberLady3:29 AM

    I have to say, I come to this site for the comments even though Im mostly a lurker but I am glad to have found you because of things like this. I suffer from depression and i never talk to anyone about it. I get embarrassed for some stupid reason but the people here who have experienced it are so open and so honest about it. I feel way less lonely when i see these things so...Thanks.

  21. rockonsa7:41 AM

    Its Hayden Panettiere

  22. Dahlia2020499:23 PM

    Don't sell it short. Depression is a full blown disorder. People (i.e. my mother) will always say, "what are you so depressed about?! Snap out of it". The answer is, I'm generally depressed about nothing and I can't snap out of if. So take a seat.

  23. TopperMadison6:33 AM

    Sea Org

  24. Derek Harvey6:35 AM

    I hope not---she's a little princess--she would be bossing everyone around ; )
