Saturday, May 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 21, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actress does not have many friends. Oh, she has people who are close to her that she pays to work for her but she does not have that many friends. It may be why most of the guests at recent big event held in her honor were all there because of her husband’s work rather than being her friends.

Reese Witherspoon (40th birthday party)


  1. Sadie1:26 AM

    Don't think this is fair. Witherspoon is also a producer and a successful one and has been pushing to get women a bigger part of the pie in Hollywood.

  2. I'm picturing Reese as her character from Election!

  3. Mrsbellaj1:49 AM

    Idk I'd like to believe she is well liked

  4. Derek Harvey2:04 AM

    +1--Tracy Flick haha--I like that movie

  5. hothotheat2:33 AM

    I agree. Women are labeled as difficult bitches for trying to level the playing field in hollywood. She may well have been a bitch to a few folks but I feel like she probably had good reason.

  6. The American Citizen has no friends?

  7. sandybrook3:14 AM

    Maybe she has friends that aren't hangers-on and always around her. I can't stand having a lot of people around me--friends and especially not (like in a crowded place).

  8. sandybrook3:15 AM

    of course with Reesie, there's the pap thing too.

  9. Zilla13:18 AM

    And her heavy drinking and type A personality as well.

  10. Derek's Thong4:51 AM


  11. Why? By all accounts, she's horrible.

  12. Southern Smartass5:35 AM

    I went to school with Reese Witherspoon (yep, I'm a Nashville native) and she has many good qualities including fighting for more women directors and substantive roles but oh. my. word. is she insufferable. The woman drives me nuts and always has. She's a good actress but no one and no one are good enough for her. So, if she still doesn't have many friends it's because they aren't up to her standards, not the other way around.

  13. Southern Smartass5:37 AM

    Oh, and I wouldn't label her a bitch at all. Just . . . insufferable.

  14. She seems as interesting as dry toast, and her fashion sense is boring soccer-mom chic so not even her photos are fun to look at. She's also exceptionally unattractive for a celebrity (thick-waisted with chicken legs and a Jay Leno chin). She's not a great actress and has only moderate on-screen charisma. I'll never understand why she's so famous.

  15. mrs.K9:42 AM

    Nothing wrong with having few friends. Go for Quality over Quantity. One good friend is better than 20 fake friends!

  16. NoseyNeighbor10:00 AM

    As much as I find her slightly despicable because of race issues, I don't rejoice in her issues. I know many lovely ladies who find it hard to make or find the opportunity to make close relationships. They are busy. I hope that she's finds a confident. Someone who loves and respects her completely.

  17. Southern Smartass, I have heard a few stories about her from other HH alumnae. BTW, have you been to Draper James?

  18. LaBomba11:51 AM

    Sorry, but she was just in People with 7 of her friends in Cabo for her birthday. They were normal, everyday kinds of friends. Real friends.

  19. Penelope21:14 PM

    Maybe those are people she is legitimately friends with, and wanted to keep it small. I am not a fan of hers, but her husband seems to be a good guy and I'm guessing at least HE would pick good people to be friends with, and anyone she invited would show up simply because she's A list, so it seems intentional that it was this way

  20. Cupcakes4all2:02 PM

    not surprising, she does not seem pleasant AT all.

  21. I've always suspected she wasn't acting in that movie.

  22. She's always been very attractive physically to me and still is. However, I have also sensed she would be extremely difficult to live with (reminds me of other women like her I've known) so I'm never surprised by blinds like these.
