Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Blind Item #6

With her married boyfriend about to file for divorce and his wife not happy at all, this A- list teenage mostly movie actress is doing a little damage control by hooking up with the lap dog celebrity thinks he is the boyfriend the tabloids love.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Chloe moretz/Brooklyn Bechkam

  2. MontanaMarriott1:01 AM

    CMoretz and Brooklyn Beckham?

  3. Chelle1:20 AM

    Man, I gotta say I kinda feel bad for Brooklyn in all of this. He looks like a baby still and probably still thinks like one too, thinking this is true love.

  4. who's the married boyfriend?

  5. Jesse4:42 AM

    Cmortez/ beckham, with affleck being the married boyfriend. Could be the young blonde he was spotted in Miami with.

  6. Whywhywhy???4:44 AM

    If this is you, Chloe, heed my warning and do not mess with Victoria's child. She's already ornery from hunger, don't set her off.

  7. Brooklyn is in love and after Chloe is done screwing him over he'll be just banging bitches like the rest.

  8. I have personally seen Ben with a young blonde. It wasn't Chloe.

  9. SnarkIsFun2:23 PM

    But you have to admit, watching Victoria going off on Chloe would be funny as all hell to see!

  10. Jesse9:42 PM

    Wonder if this is the same woman he was spotted in Canada with. Guess all those reconciliation rumors are just that.
