Monday, July 25, 2016

Blind Item #10

Three bodyguards and a driver and an assistant all provided by this A+ list singer to her "boyfriend" this weekend when he had to travel for work. The second he was finished working she had her people hustle him away from anyone who could ask him questions and had him brought back to her.


  1. sandybrook4:01 AM


  2. oobejabbawwonka4:07 AM

    Fuck's sake. That girl needs a therapist. Run, Tom, run!!!

  3. Kno Won Uno4:07 AM

    ♫We got a thing that's called hostage love....
    Maybe he's researching a part

  4. sandybrook4:09 AM

    Not James Bond--Bond can get himself out of any type of mess.

  5. BullyTheBlond4:17 AM

    This website makes up mean shit for a living. Nothing about this story is true.

  6. Studio544:17 AM

    Sorry, but men do this all the time. Plus, he knows the rules, whatever she says are the rules are the rules. He knew this going in. This guy is getting a massive amount of free publicity just for being "with" her, fake or not. Just like Calvin who? No one ever heard of him before, now everyone knows who he is, thanks to his association with her.

  7. Studio544:19 AM

    Taylor is a million times more talented and better than her critics like the sex tape actress in a sham marriage with a gay rapper. Taylor is being bullied big time by a lot of people, because she's young, pretty, talented and WHITE.

  8. You mean Stockholm Syndrome?

  9. Guesser4:46 AM

    +1. The massive bulling campaign against Taylor, and everyone is buying into it. You're right, even though Calvin was successful, he was a nobody to the public. He got his fame, he got dumped for cheating publicly, and now suddenly she's to blame for everything, and people even siding with Kanye!

  10. Guesser4:53 AM

    This has nothing to do with race . The industry doesn't want artists to have as much control as she does, they want disposable artists they can control. They are more likely to side with a producer like Calvin, because they can just replace the performer. Look how they dealt with Dr. Luke.

  11. Kno Won Uno4:58 AM

    I typed that and deleted it!

  12. Riven5:03 AM

    FUCKING HELL! Lol think that's he first time CDAN has actually made me spit coffee at my phone in surprised laughter. A++ @KWU

  13. At this point, is being known for dating Taylor a boost to anyone? I think its become more of a joke. The guys are either trying to hide something or are desperate for exposure. Dating Taylor is like saying your dating a Kardashian.

  14. Lurky McLurkster5:13 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is all BS. Enty know people are turning on some of his yacht posts so he is making up as many psycho Taylor BIs since people eat those up.

  15. Oh sure. White people have always been profiled, bullied, secluded from jobs, shot by the police, faced Apartheid, etc, etc, etc. All because of their color/race, ah.....oh wait. Wow.

  16. "Just like Calvin who? No one ever heard of him before, now everyone knows who he is"

    Showing your age there as Calvin was a big name with a list of hits long before the Taylor mess. He even had his $400k a night Vegas residency months before he met her.

  17. Robyn5:35 AM

    My, we have so many Taylor Swifts fans here. It's probably her "squad" commenting on their leaders behalf. Believe me no one really likes Taylor Swift, she has a lot of stuff on people, so they have to pretend to like her. She is no better than the Katrashians.

  18. MysticChic5:39 AM

    Taylor is not being bullied...seriously she's crying all the way to the bank..It's a Faustian bargain she makes to others in her posse and in turn her Faustian bargain is that she delivers social leverage. Everyone "wins". But the public soon tires of anyone over exposed. Even people made fun of the King of Pop in the 80s at Michael Jackson's heighth of's part of the can't win everybody's love 100% of the time.

  19. newbie5:42 AM

    This blind is not true if it is about Tay and Tom. Tom worked in San Diego and then came back to LA and was pap'd at a Beverly Hills hotel and then leaving immediately from LAX (both the hotel and LAX without Taylor). So she did not have him 'brought' to her and he did not use her bodyguards or driver. There are pics of the people he is with and none of them are Taylor's crew.

  20. bigtimebig6:12 AM


    hey swift stan. didnt take that long for you to show up. how many more are coming to the party today?

  21. Riven6:21 AM

    LOL I wonder if Taylor's egomania is actually as rampant as her PR team's presence on gossip sites leads one to believe...

    Pro-Tip: the more you defend this vacuous, entitled and arrogant snob, the more happily people will trash her. You're just making her look like a petulant child, paying people to be her friend. There's nothing redeeming about manufactured corn syrup.

  22. manufactured cultural fraud they are (she & kkkkkkk+caitlyn)...

  23. Sd auntie8:35 AM

    Oh hell no. She is being bullied because she is a control freak. Look, l'm a fan and think that she is overly thin skinned and paranoid. Oh and by the way, she'll probably have some really good tunes on her next album. Kanye has lost his creative touch and needs his wife to stir shit up cause nobody is paying attention to his music. Taylor's demeanor reminds me of good ol Tommy Cruise.

  24. SnarkIsFun9:21 AM

    Eh, I like Taylor Swift well enough. I take issue with people going after her for "controlling" her "brand", simply because that type of behavior would be considered good business sense in a man. Also, if she IS the one calling the shots in her relationship with Tom, good for her. (No idea if she's gay, straight, or bisexual, or if her relationship with Tom is romantic, business, or both, but I can't say that I care to look, as it doesn't interest me.)

  25. Honeybunny9:22 AM


  26. without taylor but with taylor's driver? just google it bud.

  27. Englishrose9:43 AM

    +1 just saw this proved with pap images. He might've ducked questions about her, but he definitely wasn't staying with her.

  28. Darlington10:40 AM

    Take the white off her skin and people will still be critical of her narcissism. Just like Kanye, Kim, ALL OF THEM. Race has nothing to do wit it.

  29. Darlington10:41 AM

    Take the white off her skin and people will still be critical of her narcissism. Just like Kanye, Kim, ALL OF THEM. Race has nothing to do with it.

  30. Darlington10:44 AM

    This is not about race. It's about her narcissism and people are not having it. Kanye is a narcissist and so is Kim and many others. Race is not a factor and you know it. Why is it that when it's fair criticism, it's bullying.

  31. They are in NYC together. There are photos from the pap walk.

  32. Agreed. Tom's a grown man who is willingly taking part in whatever their relationship is. He's not an abuse victim. If any of the details in this story are actually true, who's to say he was being forced or that it wasn't a mutual decision? I think it drives the gossip world nuts that she's got such a firm control of her image and she isn't out getting sloppy drunk or high and hooking up in bathrooms. Everyone is just dying to be the person who "exposes" her and "brings her down."

  33. Englishrose5:21 PM

    @hjh errr... no, they're not. No pap footage of them together since LA last week. Apparently she's in Nashville and he's on his way/is back in Australia.

  34. PurpleHairDontCare5:56 PM

    Taylor Swift truly is the creepiest person out there. Her loyal supporters are as delusional as the Trump supporters, are you guys even paying attention? Seriously, Delusional. I'm speaking as a former TayTay fan, who now thinks she super manipulative, mean spirited and divisive.

    I mean truly ask yourselves what you would have done in her position if you heard the Kanye lyrics and then the public had a bad reaction that you weren't expecting? MOST people who have just said, "it's all good, we spoke earlier on the phone and I'm letting the 'bitch' comment slide because he was nice enough to contact me about the other part of the song." I honestly think its super shitty to throw him under the bus like that when he went out of his way to squash the beef and give you a heads up. Why do that? Not cool IMO - and Im not even a big Kanye fan or anything, I just have basic principles & decency.

    That speech in retrospect was a power play to a Blair Waldrof's(sociopath) degree and tried to make her into this feminist icon, when hello "Bad Blood" was her bullying Katy Perry with her gang of other women (NOT feminism at all).

    When Taylor got caught, why didn't she do the decent thing and just be honest and apologize and do the right thing? She seems really manipulative and happy to use people and Im not cool with that.

    PS. Im not a Kim K fan either.
    PPS. They both have fake boobs and have had many boyfriends, and its rumored that Taylor has had Ed Sheeran ghostwrite some of her songs, so the difference between them keeps dwindling.

  35. When men have that much control over their successful careers they don't catch crap like she does. When men manipulate the women in their lives they don't get sh*t upon like she is.

    Everyone knows Bradley Cooper's relationship is fake and all the pics are staged, but he doesn't get called a manipulative b**ch and totally trashed. How many music "moguls" completely control the careers and lives of their artists, even down to doing illegal and immoral things, and don't catch this kind of hell?

    I'm not even a huge Taylor fan, but she's got real talent. She writes, she performs live, she plays instruments. She's been part of a big machine that turned her into a superstar, but if she hadn't been born into a wealthy family that supported starting her career, she'd still be playing in coffee houses and making music.

    Why don't we celebrate the fact that she hasn't had to screw for tracks, like half the women artists have to? That she doesn't have to rely on drugs to make her forget the horror that those Disney and Nick stars went through to become successful, because her parents actually protected her.

  36. Yeahsure3:06 AM

    Maybe he likes it . . . which is why he can be bondaged but not Bond . . .

  37. Yeahsure3:11 AM

    Suspect you're right. The question is, what does she have on Hiddleston?

  38. longtimereader3:37 AM

    Popbitch last week claimed she uses P.I.'s to get the dirt on prospective beards and uses the leverage to her advantage. Poor loki, he is probably gonna need therapy like harris just to get over horror.

  39. longtimereader3:53 AM

    The d.j. was mentioned in the sony e-mails as a priority to capture the 'new' edm market, swift is with sony publishing...his vegas gig was set up by his management., he is a LOT less wealthy than claimed. His profile has gone through the roof since his stunting. It's all about the $$$'s. It's a business arrangement, nothing more.

  40. longtimereader3:56 AM

    It's not her team, it's deluded swifties who refuse to consider the idea that she might not be altogether 'straight'.

  41. longtimereader3:59 AM

    Erm, that's the one b.s rumour, ed is a far poorer writer given to cliches. She definitely knifed kanye and got caught though.
