Monday, July 25, 2016

Blind Item #9

Apparently the news media in the UK can't write about the beating this reality star gave his girlfriend because of who the reality star is related to and will be related to.


  1. sandybrook3:48 AM

    UK gets banned a lot from writing $hit

  2. sandybrook3:50 AM

    Pippa and her fiance and the Royal Family?

  3. sandybrook3:52 AM

    Spencer Matthews is James' brother and he got in a spat with his g/f

  4. Pippa, her future 'brother-in-low' & RF...

  5. Kno Won Uno4:04 AM

    It was in the DM.

  6. Studio544:24 AM

    I don't believe the Royals will last another ten years after the Queen dies. It's an insane waste of money, and it's such an easy job, the monarchs live forever, surrounded by footmen, castles, jets, all at taxpayer expense.

  7. They also bring in a ton of cash into the country so there's that...

  8. Miss Edna4:53 AM

    Ten years? You're being generous! With the thousands of Muslims entering the UK, after the Queen dies (her Mum lived to be over 100) that will be it for the Monarchy. At least we've had some great memories to look back on in our old age.

  9. Guesser5:08 AM

    True, perhaps someone from Britain can give us a feel of how cost effective they are.I doubt they will be completely gone, pushed aside maybe, pay their own way more, be more like the Swedish Monarchy.

  10. A Limey Writes....5:25 AM

    Re: When Brenda Dies.....

    About ten years ago I would have agreed with Studio54 but Wills and Harry have secured the future of the house of Windsor by being Very Nice Indeed and A Loveable Rogue respectively. CharlIe may have gotten away with it because he's a amiable old codger, and we as a people like that.
    So Britain isn't going republican any time soon.
    Yes, they cost us all about £30 a year a man, yes they're a daft anachron , and don't appear to do anything, but this is a country who proudly mixes metric and imperial measurements for no rational reason whatsoever; who are suspicious of Foreigners, but will go for a curry every week, whose national drinks are Tea and Lager, and for whom a kebab is manditory post pub food, and who are more amused than outraged that Boris Johnson is our foreign secretary. If we could have him as prime minster, we would.

    *is a republican.

  11. A Limey Writes....5:31 AM

    Edna: thousands of Muslims have been entering the country since sixties.
    So..... we lead the world in grade A chicken and kebab shops.

  12. Hot Cola6:27 AM

    Pipa Midelton's ( soon to be) brother in law who was The Bachelor in UK.

  13. longtimereader3:30 AM

    So does Versailles and other french royal places, with no royals in them.
