Saturday, July 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 23, 2016

Proving politics and friendships don’t have to line up, this permanent A list super model is lending her support to Donald Trump for President while the best friend of the family goes in a complete opposite direction.

Cindy Crawford/George Clooney


  1. Just Saying1:49 AM

    Better watch out, Cindy, or Hil will put the kaibosh on you.

  2. Kno Won Uno1:53 AM

    My very best friend in all the world is a lifelong republican & I'm a bleeding heart "libtard" - we respect each other and stay out of each other's politics.
    That would not be true if they were a Patriots fan. Everyone has their limits.

  3. @kno why do you hate us so? ????

  4. All Republicans hate minorities and/or poor people, so nice choice in friends.

  5. Penelope23:34 AM

    Republicans are often minorities (raising hand) and poor, so nice choice in stereotypes.

  6. Cupcakes4all3:52 AM

    ReTHUGlicans are not minorities, there are VERY few...RNC is run by RICH white men. (who just keep getting richer) they do not care about the poor (its their choice, shrugs) I know because of my work w/them and their national meetings..

    I've worked so many events for them, the conversations, smdh.

    I was never feeling Cindy anyway w/her fake marriage.

  7. Never once in the history of humankind has any group of people been "all" anything. It simply does not work that way.

  8. Claire7:14 AM

    My family are all conservative Republicans, I'm a liberal democrat. There are arguments from time to time, but we mostly just try not to discuss it.

    I definitely think you can be friends with others with different political views.

  9. Sasha9:13 AM

    This doesn't surprise me at all. Cindy is repugnant, self-centered and one of the biggest bitches I've ever met.

  10. Ettacettera10:21 AM

    Although I disagree with her choice, I just adore her for pissing off Klooney

  11. syvyn1110:33 AM

    Dude. I'm a republican and I'm poor. I barely make 10k a year. So stop being a know it all liberal and educate yourself.

    But, it matter what I say cause you have drunk the kool-aid of the democrats.

  12. syvyn1110:35 AM

    And the DNC isn't run by rich old white men? WOW! Can I be a liberal too? I would love to know everything, while at the same time, being as dumb as shit.

  13. Rashida11:37 AM

    Oh please ! I'm a poor black republican! Republicans are mostly poor farmers and there are a lot of Hispanic and black republicans too
    Anyway trump is in the middle all his children are democrats and he will bring us jobs
    Minorities are getting played by the democrat party who wants Wall Street lover Clinton cheater
    Bernie did more for minority's but the democratic party and Clinton chested him democrat party will do more for Wall Street than trump

  14. Rashida11:38 AM

    I bet you never met her
    Trump is great !

  15. Sasha1:27 PM

    I've not only met Cindy but I've met Trump also and he's as equally repugnant in person.
    Go ahead, keep your head up your arse. Nevertheless, I doubt you'll be exerting the effort on election day.

  16. Sasha1:31 PM

    Did you graduate high school? You are utterly illiterate. Your backing Trump makes perfect sense.

  17. Abu Mohammed Durka4:50 PM

    I met Hillary once. She tried to have sex with my goat! How dare she! That is haram! Stupid democrats always trying to have sex with my goat! Disgusting filthy democrat people. Allahu Snackbar! Durka Durka.

  18. Killary12:05 AM

    Typical liberal response. No facts, insert insults.

  19. June Gordon12:21 AM

    "I’m a republican and I’m poor. I barely make 10k a year."

    You're not just a Republican -- you're an idiot. The GOP will NEVER do anything for you. Ever. Except appeal to your paranoia.

  20. @ rashida Never would of guessed you where black

  21. Brianna11:19 AM

    Mmmmkaay. I can tell by your cyber weirdness that Cindy or Trump wouldn't be for you. They have other people they live with and seem to like them . But ain't nuthin that spells "liberal" better than an intolerant , myopic fucktard .

  22. Everyone with a Brain12:07 PM

    Yep. Facts are superfluous when one has a driven, nearsighted view of EVERY single person that doesn't agree with them, or conceed to/aquiesce to the shoddy, shady, and highly dysfunctional approach to politics they perpetuate.

  23. Sasha1:09 PM

    How long did that take you to comment? Looking up those 'big' words must've taken a while. Anyone with a brain can see that.

  24. Everyone with a Brain1:13 PM

    Only someone who thinks they "are big words" would term them so. Didn't realize you were THAT pedestrian.

  25. Sasha1:14 PM

    Will you be making the effort to vote on election day or will you be too busy huffing? Smoking meth? Drinking yourself into oblivion? Beating your poor children? Fucking for drugs? Shall I go on?
    You are an embarrassment.

  26. Everyone with a Brain1:15 PM

    Ps- didn't have to look up a single word, but feel free to!

  27. Sasha1:17 PM

    Just stop it. I see you've been impressed with someone you feel is smarter than you. Don't try to thing for yourself. God no, don't do that.

  28. Sasha1:19 PM

    Obviously, I meant to type, "Don't try to think for yourself". It was, of course, sarcasm.

  29. Sasha1:22 PM

    A-freaking-men, June. Unfortunately, due to their collective lack of intelligence, they'll never know that, even after they lose their homes. They'll still blame Obama or Russia or something.

  30. Brianna1:24 PM

    Ok I will try hard not to "thing "too hard for myself " lmfao. Cuz that's only for those intelligent folks smdfh.

  31. Sasha1:27 PM

    You're an ass, and I bet you know it. Why don't you hang on Fox? Not enough people to argue with? Stay with you own kind and stay drunk on election day. As per, you know....

  32. Brianna1:36 PM

    A-freakin-hysterical @Sasha. Unfortunately, due to your collective(and by that I mean all your alters, you'll never get that June is a parody genius!!! (A great one by the way @June). Other than that , everything you personally endorse is soooooooo valid and meaningful to us all!

  33. Go to extremes much?
    You sound like a fuckin psycho- who does one or maybe all the above? Log off weirdo.

  34. Sahsa2:26 PM

    No matter how many times you change your name, you are pitiful.
    I truly feel sorry for you.
    I can't even make out what you said... "who does one or maybe all the above?"
    Does that somehow make sense to you, Wtf?

  35. Sahsa2:32 PM


    This is a prime example of the mentality that's supporting Trump. Nice going!

  36. marlo7:26 PM

    WHen you resort to using ad hominem, you lose.

    Rashida's post is well written, self explanatory and makes sense.

    Your post is just a cheap low-brow attack, which is very typical. Everything you accuse Rashidaof being, you display yourself in those 3 short sentences. Projection.

  37. marlo7:31 PM

    "Smoking meth? Drinking yourself into oblivion? Beating your poor children? Fucking for drugs?"

    Thank you for a wonderful demonstration of your bottomless primitivity. You show with each comment, how undeserving of rational debate you are. Really lowest bottom denominator.

  38. marlo7:33 PM

    My gosh, now you can't even spell your own moniker???

    what an inbred 'tard LMAO

  39. You do realize in your own delusion and absurd rant, you ceased being able to spell your own screenname correctly, right?

  40. *would HAVE

    ~*~The More You Know~*~
