Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blind Item #1

The man who is second in charge of one of the world's largest companies dropped close to mid six figures to hook up with this married A+ list reality star. It was the whole point of her trip. He has a place next door to where she is staying.


  1. Tricia1311:32 PM

    Kim Kardashian and

  2. Tricia1311:35 PM

    Someone from Telemundo? Or even bigger company than that I imagine.

  3. Salaam11:38 PM

    What exec was in Mexico last week?

  4. MontanaMarriott11:45 PM

    Why would anyone want to sleep with the star of the whackest "celebrity" sex tape?!?! Just watching her performance in it was painful enough so I can't imagine her being any better in person. UGHHHHHH

  5. Tricia1311:49 PM

    Dunno but thought maybe someone from Telemundo/Univision. Randy Falco is the COO(inthink) still.?

  6. Carlos Slim

  7. AyyyPapi12:25 AM

    A quick Google search shows Kim earned somewhere in the region of $52.5 million in 2015, yet she hooks for less than $500k. That makes sense..

  8. Kno Won Uno12:25 AM

    That explains the wet-t-shirt/hey-look-at-my-ass/oops-I'm-drenched-in-oil pics.
    Even street hos don't take their kids along. That's tacky AF.

  9. Kno Won Uno12:27 AM

    You do remember the virtually animatronic Paris Hilton's all-green sex tape, right?

  10. Kno Won Uno12:28 AM

    He has a lot of money. I should get to know him better.

  11. God Almighty. She is still into prostitution? I thought the escorting times are gone.

  12. The kids were for the image

  13. And fellow posters on this blog give me grief because I refer to these women as Prostitutes! I'm sorry, that's politically incorrect, Escorts!
    Oh, well.

  14. mariaj1:02 AM

    Sometime i did ask myself where is Kim K getting something, since she doesn'y get it from Kanye ( assuming that she would like to get it from him )

    It had to be from someone. Glad to have FINALLY some answers

  15. Miss Edna1:03 AM

    Carlos Slim is in his 70's and is very picky about the women he goes out with. Kim Kardashian would be the last female he would want to sleep with, I assure you. He is quickly losing his billions due to the world-wide financial mess, so he and his sons are cutting back on the party hardy times. We should have such problems.

  16. S.D.AUNTIE1:42 AM

    I doubt portly elderly Mr. Slim could even petform. Maybe some Middle East person.

  17. sandybrook2:26 AM

    KTrash and Alfonso deangolia Noriega second in charge of Televisa TV.

  18. Dutch3:55 AM

    Who the hell wants to have sex with a Kartrashian? She is 90 percent plastic. He would have been better off buying a sex doll. The rubber doll is new, fresh and a virgin.

  19. Just4Fun4:51 AM

    Philippe Dauman, stepping down from CEO at Viacom?

  20. BTownGirl9:06 AM

    +10000, she sounded like a sea lion in distress.

  21. texasrose10:21 AM

    True grifters don't leave a penny on the table.

  22. Small Penis Porn11:48 AM

    Kim Kardashian and someone who likes poop a lot. Someone with a poop fetish. He likes the giant ass because it smells like poop all day and it gives him a poorection

  23. Hot Cola1:55 PM

    That! +1

  24. Hot Cola1:57 PM

    Pleanty of ultra- rich Mexicans. And the 4 seasons/ st. Regis is where she stayed.

  25. And-so-on..2:10 PM

    That hookup is called acting.. she's a star... worth millions.. selfies and pretend married to Kayne aren't enough to keep her narcissistic and artistic side happy..

  26. +1 was for AyyyPapi's comment

  27. If Kim Kardashian is worth millions there's a bridge in outer space to sell you. The pretend to be paparazzi photos from her trip to Mexico were bizarre, and she's taking low end appearances.

  28. FameHeaux12:57 PM

    It has to be Kim: TMZ reported that she sent out a look-a-alike to fool the paps while she was in Mexico. Like why hire a clone to fool paps? Unless you need to distract them from where you REALLY heading to?
