Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blind Item #2

At this point, this A list singer in a group and solo who moonlights in reality tv is being used pretty badly by her celebrity boyfriend. He needs some good publicity right now and if she split it would be trouble. Apparently he has even gone a couple of weeks without cheating. Well, sexting. Oh, and some phone sex, but no physical cheating.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM


  2. M.Carey/J.Parker

  3. AyyyPapi12:22 AM

    Gwen Stefani is A list?


  4. Megley2:36 AM

    How is she being used badly? She signed up for this bullshit-too fucking bad for her.

  5. mimi in a group... i can imagine & it's funny....

  6. yeah.. seriously...smh

  7. Yeah, BS, if it is indeed meant to be Stefani. She probably created and distributed this rumor to ensure she is the innocent, wronged party when the breakup occurs. The same manipulation she used to bury Rossdale. Hope Shelton knows who he's dealing with.

  8. Lies, lies, and more lies…provide the names and pictures of the women he is suppose to be cheating with then I will believe! Go ahead, call them out and provide the proof in a picture because he is TOO big of a star for there to NOT be pictures of him cheating? Imagine the pay day it would bring to a pap so give the proof, I dare you to supply the proof? Otherwise stop spreading lies with your fake lawyer stories…why in the world would Blake tell a lawyer I am cheating on Gwen, makes no sense for they are not married and there is no cheating clause where he would have to admit it or pay up, seriously???
