Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blind Item #2

This model no one knows who dated this former A list tweener actor turned mostly bomb movie making actor was at an event with the actor but got kicked out when she kept trying to get close to him to talk. Apparently she caused a scene and was shown the door.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:48 PM


  2. Tricia1311:50 PM

    Kellan Lutz/Brittny Ward?
    He was never really a tweener though I don't think.

  3. im guessing zac efron and sami miro? but sami has moved on with some new guy and was pap with him the other day.

  4. Big Dog12:26 AM

    Zac Efron's ex PR GF, Sami Miro.. She is burnt toast since Zac kicked her PR ass to the PR curb.
    I wonder what event ?

  5. Sami Miro trying to talk to Zac Efron. She was drunk with some dude at a sushi restaurant and Zac was there for some pilot show.

  6. @big dog
    if this is even true. im guessing zac's pilot episode for his mtv series in 2017? also if sami was even there she would make it known she's there, but it says dated as in the past and she moved on and made that clear. sami was out pap with her new guy but no-one seems to care

  7. you mean the new guy she was seen with on her snapchat and pap the other night?

  8. Yes, that is the dude I'm talking about.

  9. I don't think it is Zac because the movies he has done since HSM haven't been bombs. He may be a hot mess personally but his career is going well and he has been in some very successful movies.

  10. if sami was at the same place as zac, i feel like she would make that known, sami try to get some attention with her deleted tweets about how zac 'misses' her, then deleted it, so she moved on with this new guy, people well the media still doesnt seem to care?

  11. missK3:57 AM

    sami miro damn ugly, you think zach could get a better looking beard

  12. Sami Miro and Zac Efron. Get ready for the mud to fly, Sami will tell all of Zac's secrets.
    This is the second time Zac humiliated her.
