Monday, August 29, 2016

Blind Item #9

This permanent A+ list singer who drinks bottles of wine while she squeezes into her clothes has a great disdain for this A+ list everything in her mind diva. Apparently the in her mind diva once slept with the first husband of the permanent A+ list singer. So, now whenever she gets a chance, our permanent A+ lister trashes the other woman in songs and to other people.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM


  2. sandybrook3:46 AM

    Mimi and JLo

  3. sandybrook3:48 AM

    I don't think its a big secret they hate each other. Mimi swears she doesn't know the bitch everytime she's asked.

  4. Stupid blind, it is KNOWN FACT that Mariah doesn't fuck with J Lo.

  5. Is this the real reason Mariah has the better gig filling in for Celine at Caesar's while JLo is regulated to filling in during Brittney's breaks at Planet Hollywood?
    Oh, my!

  6. Salaam4:47 AM

    I thought the story always was that the feud originated with a song both of them sampled ("Firecracker") and the use of Ja Rule to provide rap/duet portions for the remixes.

  7. Guesser4:49 AM

    I found an old tabloid from Mariah's breakdown time where she blames JLo for the Breakdown. This was long after her marriage broke up,but Mariah sure can hold a grudge! Anyway, their fued never ended, and most assumed JLo had an affair with Motolla. She was also given songs that were to be done by Mariah.

  8. June Gordon5:20 AM

    They both too long in the tooth for grudges and flashing they titties all the dang time.

  9. BigMama6:00 AM

    This made me smile

  10. Kno Won Uno6:05 AM

    It's not even a blind.

  11. marcopolo7:01 AM

    always the Other Woman to blame, and of course her husband was just seduced! he made a mistake!

    woman on woman sexism. how can we defeat it in general when most women file each other into 2 categories: threat or non-threat. It's fucking absurd.

  12. + a freaking bazillion

  13. Jennifer4:07 PM

    Mariah is so friggin annoying and clearly she doesn't care if her sister drops dead while she drinks herself to oblivion. Yeh, her sister's a drug addict but she dying. And Mariah's an alkie so they are in the same boat. Help her you twat!

  14. Whywhywhy???5:00 AM


  15. Whywhywhy???5:07 AM

    Jennifer, I wonder what the mother is doing in all this. As she is alive and the child's mother. Hard to say with an addict in recovery or not. I thought part of Allison's inheritance was put into a trust fund for her children? Why isn't the brother doing something beside running to the press? Why doesn't he hold the mother accountable? Why haven't Mariah and Allison spoke for five years. Oh, cause Mariah is a grudge holding diva and addict!

  16. sunshine6:08 AM

    Woman on woman sexism is just reality. It will never change. The fantasy "sisterhood" bs is just that...BS. Women are women's worst enemies and I know I wouldn't trust another woman as far as I could throw her. Too long of a lifetime of backstabbing, gossiping behind backs and all sorts of other hateful and unnecessarily vicious behavior. I'm no masochist and I'm damn sure no feminist.
