Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 22, 2016

I have never looked, but I suspect there are hundreds of Tumblr accounts dedicated to dissecting the marriage of this foreign born dual threat A list actor and his wife. All of the rumors and innuendo, but one piece of actual news is that divorce for the couple is not just the fantasies of women who want to be with him. His wife actually told a family member their marriage is very much on the rocks.

Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter


  1. Zilla13:26 AM

    Speaking of "valid marriages," I was laughing out loud at a comment on the People website.

    The article was about Ciara and Russell Wilson and one of the comments was, "So happy for them! They are such a beautiful couple! Nothing like real love."

    I was like, "where?"

  2. Bluebird3:31 AM

    Popcorn is ready.

  3. sandybrook3:48 AM

    Hiya Cumberbitchs!! Missed you guys!

  4. morgan53:51 AM

    I googled couple pictures of Ciara and Russell Wilson then Cumberbatch and Hunter for comparisons. Photos of Cumberbatch with his wife are a cold wasteland of posturing. I prefer the ones of Ciara and Wilson.

  5. Zilla13:56 AM

    Maybe Ciara is getting paid more.

  6. B ackerman3:58 AM

    Definitely Jamie dornan and Amelia Warner marriage very rocky will never last you've had this as blind item before

  7. I think Russell is legit into Ciara. As his beard possibly, but his interest doesn't seem fake. Benedict on the other hand seems asexual to me and so does the wife.

  8. Crazy4:17 AM

    Is this fake marriage/baby crap with Cumberbatch still going on? Just end it already, Disney. These blind items for this fake shit is getting old.

  9. I wonder if Sophie Hunter is going to try and get a book deal about how she fake married a movie star, blackmailed him with a fake pregnancy and pretended to be someone's true love all in the name of a career and fame she never accomplished.

    She'd be better off writing a book about how a failed, horse face actress blew a red carpet gig and had to spend her best years escorting and getting high off of heroin while being laughed at, mocked and ridiculed by everyone out in Hollywood because she's a moron.

  10. Sophie Hunter is a cunt8:36 AM

    Judging by the lack of comments here, I would say that everyone else is done with this shit, too.

  11. Sophie Hunter is a c***8:39 AM

    I'm guessing with the lack of comments here, everyone else is done with this, too.

  12. marlo6:38 PM

    This mediocre albino Cumberbitch is so popular in the US. Go figure.

  13. Maggie11:43 PM

    I never understood the fascination with Cumberbatch - confused me for years...UNTIL - I binged on Sherlock for the first time ever this weekend...Now I totally get it. Gay, straight - whatever - the dude is sexy as hell in that show. If she doesn't want him, I'll take him, so long as he wears that overcoat with the collar up.

  14. Yeahsure4:41 AM

    Nah, actually, Gator, she won't have to bother, she'll just take her handsome divorce and child support settlement and live comfily because no one but you and Aeltri give a rat's butt what Hunter did or does - not even enough to ridicule her. "Everyone" in Hollywood is, in fact, spectacularly uninterested in the life and times of Sophie Hunter.

    Or is this Aeltri? If so, just reverse the names in the first clause.

  15. Yeahsure4:42 AM

    His wave has peaked, as expected, and he's on the way down.

  16. They're not cold, they're ENGLISH. L

  17. Jessica5:30 AM

    To be fair, those "hundreds of tumblr accounts" are basically just Gator, Aeltri and Sophiehuntergossipblog. The rest are just their sockpuppet accounts and these three just send each other "insider" informations and reblog them from each other. Must be such a sad life, being this obsessed with an actor who would never even look at them.

  18. that's the excuse they've been using the past 2 tears or so, if they were american the press would rip them early on

  19. i don't think Cumberbatch should pay "child support" for a kid that doesn't exist tho.

  20. to be fair, those "fansites" Sophie Hunter Central and Benophie Daily are Sophie Hunter's sockpuppet accounts trying to make fetch happen for herself. must be a sad life being obsessed in wanting fame, calling the paps at Nobu (because it's the place every A-lister goes dontchaknow) and leeching off an actual talented person.

  21. Yeahsure11:09 PM

    Grins at receiving expected reply. Well, hon, you can always submit an amicus brief in the divorce suit with proof there is no kid - Hunter is quite the wonder, isn't she? She bribed a CoE vicar, a world renowned hospital administration, the governmental registration process of birth, and next she'll fool the British legal system submitting birth records, photos, expenses for schooling, etc., and Cumbers will humbly fork out for the next 20 years because, er, well, she caught him doing what?

    If Trump wins the election, we'll know who fixed it, eh?

  22. Yeahsure1:19 AM

    I'm sure the court will look into it.

  23. Benedict is gay. But one thing said in comments is intriguing me. There is no child? OR there is, but benedict is not the father? Or Hunt was only the surrogate?
