Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

July 22, 2016

This former A+ list mostly movie actress was used as a reference by someone she once called her daughter. Apparently though, those times are gone because the actress told the person calling that she had never heard of the person and then hung up.

Halle Berry/India Benet


  1. Zilla13:38 AM

    That is horrible.

    My brother works in the media and I brought up Halle's not so good reputation among gossip sites. He said that she was one of the nicest people he's ever worked with. I wonder if that is because he was in a position to provide publicity for her project at the time, though.

  2. Damn Halle. Unless they wanted money or something I don't see why she would do this.

  3. A reference is someone your in contact with and you should ask their permission. Halle was probably pissed this girl who she has not seen in years did this, so would I.

  4. Zilla14:41 AM

    GMAB. If India was ever special to Halle, she should have been happy to do it. It isn't some fangurl who met her once or twice asking for a reference.

  5. Lahal5:35 AM

    Hmmm Halle is that you?
    She is not nice and fact she would hurt an innocent in her many divorce dramas -a child who she posed in so many fake photos - shows the depth of her meanness biotch

  6. Gunsmoker5:35 AM

    Cause she is a biotch

  7. Why would you be pissed? The girl was probably desperate. Just simply say no I can't do this or that. Pretending she doesn't even know her is just.....bizarre.

  8. snitty5:50 AM

    I vaguely recall, though, that Halle did have a very close relationship with this girl. She divorced the dad..not the kid. It seems pretty heartless to not only completely sever relations with the girl but to refuse to offer a damn reference.

  9. Whywhywhy???6:14 AM

    Halle seems a bit vindictive. so India Benet should consider herself lucky. If they weren't in contact anyway, why expect a reference?

  10. Zilla16:56 AM

    Why would you assume I am Halle? Ridiculous. My brother works in broadcast journalism and has met her. That was his impression, not mine. He did say Jessica Alba was one of the biggest, most difficult bitches he's ever encountered, though.

  11. Anti5ocial7:36 AM

    I'm sure calls just go directly to Halle and not "her people." And she's probably changed her number a few times over the years

  12. Kno Won Uno7:44 AM

    Maybe Halle didn't get enough gold star stickers in kindergarten and her emotional growth failed to develop past that point.
    That must happen to celebrities at an alarming rate.

  13. How do you know when Halle saw this person?

  14. I used to live for those gold tar stickers. I'm still stalking the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval though.

  15. dazzle9:33 AM

    that's really mean IF it really happened! All she had to say was, I've not been in touch with her for awhile but at the time she was terrific going girl. That's it, no harm done. Haske is a real b.

  16. That's freaking awesome :-) !!!

  17. marlo6:40 PM

    Halle Berry is such a vile nasty cnut.

  18. Hamster Whisperer7:29 PM

    I would be pissed too. My mum does that, gives my number to people who want to get in contact with me.
    Bitch, if i wanted to be in contact with them, they would have had my number

  19. "This person" was clearly her stepdaughter. No matter when she last saw her, it's a bitch move.
