Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 22, 2016

After a few years of this A list director being creepy and hitting on everyone, it is only the models who don’t speak English who fall for his moves. His moves include casually leaving out DVD copies of all the biggest movies he has directed. He only shoots these commercials every year to find models to hook up with.

Michael Bay/Victoria's Secret commercials


  1. longtimereader3:23 AM

    Who is the bigger director creep him or berg?

  2. hottottottoo3:57 AM

    and the transformers movies keep coming...

    as long as there are dumb-as-fuck people, there will be michael bay fans

  3. Polanski and Woody.

  4. anna from savannah6:14 AM

    Speaking of strange directors, my favorite is Oliver Stone. Met him in London back in the early 70s at my employer's home. He claims (decades later) it wasn't him. Strange. That was the name George gave me when I asked who the weird dude on the sofa was. "One of your guys. (meaning American) Just got back from Vietnam. Comes from a rich family. Wants to be in film work." Couldn't be you, Scruffy, right. Fast forward to the mid-90s. Actress who was working on a film that went straight to DVD. She had won a Golden Globe as most promising new actress back in the day, was talking with me about Mr. Stone. I told her my story. She told me hers. Funny. I asked her what an actress does when she wins a Golden Globe and never works again. She looked at me with a sad face and said, "They become high paying escorts." She was dating a very well known Native American actor at the time. Found out a lot about him! I love Show Biz.

  5. Everybody knows he's like this. Creepy and hitting on people gives it away

  6. suzanne11:14 AM

    I remember when Robot Chicken had a vignette of Michael Bay. Hilarious. And fitting.
