Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blind Item #6

The PR people of this A+list singer have been trying to get the media to report that the singer is dating this foreign born rapper. The problem is, first she is not, but that has never stopped the kiss butt tabloids. The problem is that another A+ list singer has an equally powerful team and have pushed back against that story line.


  1. MontanaMarriott12:03 AM

    Tay Tay and ???

  2. Glitterandgold12:03 AM

    Taylor swift/Drake/Rihanna

  3. Tricia1312:04 AM

    Taylor Swift/Drake/Katy Perry? Or maybe Riri for the 3rd one

  4. Taylor Swift is such a desperate, thirsty ho.

  5. Sunshine daydream12:23 AM

    Taylor swift and Rhianna

  6. GoTrollUrSelf12:35 AM

    Taylor's attempting to add a hip hop feel to her next album with Drake's collaboration. She's delusional enough to think a fake hook up would expand her fan base. It's laughable. RiRi will crush her.

  7. cebii1:04 AM

    Notice how Enty said her "PR People", not her. What makes her so thirsty? She likes success. Who doesn't like success? Taylor doesn't have a history of backstabbing. People who've worked with her say she's professional and very smart.

    She loves playing to huge crowds. She's admitted publicly she'll likely never outsell 1989. She wants to make music that people want to listen to, and she does. If she wants to bring more edge into her music, let her - she's never really flopped. Maybe that's why so many hate her. Eventually, her relationship with Karlie will be unavoidably out there, and that will kill half her current fan base. Why not try to expand before that happens?

    I love Rihanna. She is one of the most purely talented musical artists alive today. She turns songs into art with hardly any effort. But, as big a hit as it was, her voice and affect in the calvin harris thing were emotionally flat. Half of the background vocals aren't even her's - Taylor sang all the lower pitched oooos. Her career is not going to last much longer if she can't stay sober enough to perform when she needs to.

  8. Taylor is not interested in Drake. It is his tam that is pushing it. RiRi is a falling star. Her songs flopped this year and she had to have a phone company buy up her albums. Maybe is she got off the coke, she might try for a comeback. Riri is not going after Taylor. Taylor wrote tthe only hit she had this year.

  9. Taylor is dating someone and it's not Drake. It's a guy she dated in the past.

  10. lemon sorbet1:35 AM

    If her PR people are pushing a story, she has 100% ok'd it, and, given her history of such things, most likely come up with the idea herself.

  11. YoureWrong1:45 AM

    Nope...just a lesbian!

  12. longtimereader1:53 AM

    Yup right! taylor never really ever 'dated' a guy, even mayer was made up to be more than it was. Current g.f for 3 years and before that one for over a year and a half. The drake rumours might be double bearding or more likely, an apple p.r exercise(they are both connected with beats).

  13. tswift should just give up and come out already everyone knows she's gay

  14. AyyyPapi3:03 AM

    TIL an album that tops the chart (twice) and a #1 single = flop.

  15. Frenchkiss4:58 AM

    Wtf are you talking about nobody knew gaylor cowrote that song before she splits with Calvin and Rihanna isn't falling off her biggest hit this year was work who went number one for few weeks ..RIHANNA didn't need any stunt or promo for album coz she was paid 25 million for it ..all TAYLOR has to use relationship stunt to stay relevant..now she's trying to use drake for her next album coz she wants to gained urban fan something that RIHANNA has already COZ RIHANNA music touch every race unlike gaylor

  16. Majid5:03 AM

    Taylor may not be "dating" every guy she's linked with, but you don't have to officially date someone to have sex with them. And Taylor very much loves the D.

  17. in or out: she's a singer for a middle school girls, w/ a weak vocals, horrible dancing, not a great guitar player, just ridiculous piano player - like her dramatical back & force head moves bc it's so funny & pathetic + w/ her mouth O-open....
    great money maker, real estate/antiques buyer...
    needs to change PR team strategy...

  18. Spanish6:43 AM

    You're exactly right, Majid.

    She is indeed besotted by the mighty Dollar.

  19. Absolutely. Whoever wrote that tripe above might as well be on Taylor's payroll with that much butt-kissing.

  20. K. Sure. Right.

    She's as asexual as a mannequin.

  21. GoTrollUrSelf9:13 AM

    Swift fan girls are hysterical.
    On Sparkle Kitty Planet "Teardrops On My Guitar" probably has a sizable monument to its depth and validity. Shaped like a Cat Cookie.
    We see you, Swifties! Always amusing.

  22. GoTrollUrSelf9:15 AM

    Swiftoids? Swifters? TayGirrs?

  23. DancerDiva12:23 PM

    So true. People might hate the Kartrashians, but Kim had the receipts on Tay Tay's snake-ish ways.

  24. Jess Sayin'11:57 AM

    Kim had some edited snapchat snippets that didn't "prove" a thing. And even if the "receipts" were what Kimye stans think they were…so what? Taylor's allowed to change her mind.

    So Taylor spent the fall getting $20M+ for a single concert…and K-Trash spent it dodging Interpol after staging that fake "robbery" in France. Yeah, totally "winning", Kimmy.

  25. Jess Sayin'12:04 PM

    Well, on and off with Dianna ("months and months of back and forth", as TS sings in her goodbye song to Di, "Clean"), not exactly 18 months consecutively. But you're pretty good on the timeline, otherwise.

    Do you think she and Karlie will stick together? With Trump elected, and Jared essentially the "real" President, Karlie's role as Josh's beard is going to be pretty important…the more that Jared is seen as the power behind the throne, the less the Repubs will want their evangelical voters to know that Josh is really dating Mike Hess, not Karlie. I don't know if KK is going to be available for "squad" duty much over the next four years.

    And Dianna is married now…maybe Taylor should finally give Jennifer Lawrence a chance? I can't see their personalities meshing, though.

  26. You loons are hysterical. Dianna said she never dated a woman and is not gay. 1989 is about Harry and Karlie was never dating Taylor. Kaylor was made up by teen lesbians on Twitter and Tumblr.

  27. What kind of drugs have you been doing? Taylor has never dated a girl.
