Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 5, 2016

While out of the country, this foreign born former boy bander met with a religious leader known to be extremist in his views about Western Europe and the US. Our boy bander has donated money to the cause in the past and is big supporter.

Zayn Malik


  1. trump will deport him faster than he can say 'jihad'

  2. mariaj12:26 AM

    Which " estremist" Leader? Sometime, in the East countries are called" estremists" people that are not

  3. You do know that this is incredible dangerous game you are playing "enty". Accusing someone of this while there is not any evidence or just creating something of what people want to hear will for certain work against you.

  4. I forget where I saw this, but apparently ISIS is very, very good at recruiting European born Muslims to their cause through Social Media. And, that recruiting has crossed over to America!

    In the report, they showed an electronic game developed by ISIS where warriors were attacking Western Military Target. And at the end of the ensuing battle, the victors were greatly rewarded (supposedly) from Allah. (I guess that meant they died and went to heaven(?).)

    This is so, so sad, that young Muslim men - who have suffered such bigotry and hatred in Europe - want to kill and die for such an extremist cause.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf12:37 AM

    If his drug problem is as bad as Enty claims, he's pretty vulnerable. I wonder what his Hadid friend thinks of this.

  6. This imbecile druggie has 2 braincells bouncing off each other in a vacuum. Of course muslim extremists with terrorist ties are going to try and get to him: he's money, fame, a huge following and most of all, ACCESS.
    It's not difficult to believe, he is atrociously returded.

  7. Hey. Am I seeing thing or is "The recent comments" is back.

  8. "This is so, so sad, that young Muslim men – who have suffered such bigotry and hatred in Europe"

    LMAO - aaawwwww poor muslims suffering in naughty waycist Europe. Hey, maybe they should go the phack back to their cesspits, if Europe is so bad to them, and live with their LOVING brothers, who DECAPITATE them, since they're so tolerant and non racist, like us terrible Europeans, who give them shelter, social security, an education and safety!!!?

    You motherfucking inbred imbecile - am I glad Trump won. Can't read this shiite anymore. What a degenerate you are, and anybody who agrees with you.

    Greetings from waycist London,
    where muz' aren't decapitated and blown to bits, like the peaceful muz are doing to one another, u turd.

  9. Obvious troll is trolling.

  10. marlo1:06 AM

    ME, why do you have to be so inbred too?

    WHAT is trolling, the truth?
    What ISIS does in Syria and Iraq is trolling?
    The attacks in Paris (% of them), London, Copenhagen, Lyon, Nice, Brussels (3 attacks), Frankfurt, Cologne, Normandy, Munich, Berlin, Ansbach - all of which are in EUROPE, is "trolling"???

    And then you wonder why Trump won? This degeneration has to stop and somebody HAS to stop it.
    Go phack yourself with a large cactus ME, you're just another little inbred cowardly appeaser of the dregs of humanity. All you do is sit in your village of inbreds, stuff your fat face and read internet celebrity gossip. You are useless. Then when you don't know what to say (which is often) you point your grubby snack-smeared finger, and scream 'troll'!
    Waste of space.

  11. Heather Duke1:38 AM

    It is back, and I noticed a lot of people commenting on a 3-year old blind called She's Not Letting Go (or something like that) , check it out, it is some crazy ass cult-level fanticism about Jamie Dornan/Dakota Johnson. Super creepy.

  12. longtimereader1:49 AM

    Would that be the ISIS that didn't exist before the iraq war? Ever heard of the concept of cause and effect? Always remember that bin laden's plan was to provoke the US into an unwinnable war in the middle east where it would pour it's blood and money and bankrupt itself. In the immortal words of admiral ackbar 'it's a trap'! i'm guessing zayn merely helped a palestine charity. If you want supporters of extremist's, try hillary with the saudis.

  13. You really have not a clue, ah?

    1) the terrorist group ISIS and all target Muslims as well and just using the Qu'ran to justify their slaughter against their own people/Westerners and their own political agenda.

    The only thing that Trump has done (and keep on doing) is giving ISIS or any other terrorist groups the ammo that they need for their propaganda. He is making them waaaaaay too easy to show others that the West are arrogant crusaders who wants to start a holy war.

    2) Stop trying to tar the Muslims with the same brush. They dislike the terrorists just as much as we do and are pretty much angry that their religion is being used like this.

    Have not you seen the outrage and fear on Social Media and on the news? But then again, you probably only watch news sites like FOX, ah?

    If you actually watch the news then you would have known that Muslims actually have done the MOST things against ISIS!

    While the West has done almost doing nothing than train them or throwing bombs THEY actually go out and re-capturing the lands and freeing the people! But I know. It just does not fit in your kind of "truth".

    3) degeneration? Oh. The irony.

    Truth? Do not make me laugh. You just trying to fit the pieces of your "truth" in the way that you just want to see it.

    [quote] do is sit in your village of inbreds, stuff your fat face and read internet celebrity gossip.[/quote]

    Awwww...are we projecting again?

    [quote]Then when you don’t know what to say (which is often)..bla..bla..bla [/quote]

    Wow. Irony at its finest. If you have done some actual research about religion and other cultures you would have known better than posting this words of ignorance all the time.

    Yes, you are trolling. Always trying to inflame an argument with others. Always repeating things without checking the actual facts.

    Not to mention the fact that YOU are a hypocrite. Every time if someone does not agree with you you start to call them retards and/or inbreeds or any other insults.The pot calling the kettle black, ah? Maybe you just should go and look up the word troll.

    Actually you are a waste of life. Please go and sit on a chainsaw to stop you from making more of you.

    PS: And yes I am usually more civil, but I just had enough today.

    PSS: Now that being said. let us move on.

  14. Yeah. I have noticed that as well. It seems that a lot of people to be obsessed with these people.

  15. Hot Cola4:35 AM

    Oh don't worry, Zayn, they'll execute you too once you ha e no more money to give them.

  16. Barbara RiceHand4:45 AM

    I remember clearly when this was a blind. Everyone guessed Zahn. It made someone so mad that we were jumping to conclusions bc of his skin color or ethnicity or whatever. Which no one was doing. But now look. I never thought about his background until that jerk pointed it out.

  17. Such anger. Such bile. Such hatred. @marlo, you're a big loser.

  18. GoTrollUrSelf9:02 AM

    @Barbara RiceHand - love your username

  19. Juanita Suarez10:43 AM

    Drain the swamp no more allowed

  20. Juanita Suarez10:45 AM

    If Isis can recruit a boy bander rich than a poor Muslim who grew up in west can easily be recruited stop the influx until they can be vetted

    Thank god Clinton didn't win

  21. mariaj8:37 PM

    Wow, i love how people are assuming that Zayn was seen with someone from Isis.

  22. bubbles12:00 AM

    Trump has jurisdiction over Europe now?

  23. marlo2:29 AM

    ME - you're such a retard!

    ISIS did not emerge under Trump, but under Obama.

    THANK GOD TRUMP WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
