Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Blind Item #2

This foreign born one named A list rapper is his drug dealer's biggest customer of coke. That is something you can't lease so Tyga probably can't afford this much. Our foreign born rapper drops an average of $25,000 a week on cocaine just with this one dealer.


  1. Tricia1310:45 PM


  2. Barbara RiceHand10:47 PM

    Omg. That's so much money. Dying at the Tyga can't lease it dig....

  3. Tricia1310:51 PM

    Enty definitely gets his digs in for those Ktrashes and Co.:)

  4. MontanaMarriott10:57 PM

    At 25k a week that's either a helluva lot of coke or that is some majorly pure good shit LMAO

  5. Could this rapper not know that the drug dealer is probably selling him a 'dime bag' for $25K?
    (Is that the slogan?)

  6. TiggyTea11:25 PM

    My guess is Drake's not doing it alone. If he's sharing, there are his handlers, houseguests, etc who are prolly using with him.

  7. TiggyTea11:25 PM

    Oh and JLo is like a hoover for the nose candy.

  8. I am blow-n away...

  9. ansari12:09 AM

    making making down payments

  10. Look Book12:25 AM

    So jlo and Drake are Hoover buddies as well as fake relationshipping? I always heard she was clean and healthy and not into coke.

  11. June Gordon1:30 AM

    Look Book: You probably heard that she sings, too.

  12. Barbara RiceHand2:15 AM

    Yes like on MTV Cribs ice-t had a regular trampoline and paid like $15,000 for it.

  13. longtimereader2:19 AM

    The song is 'snowblind' by black sabbath. Seriously coke is a sit drug for creative people. The reason so many second albums are so bad, you believe your own hype.

  14. TiggyTea2:20 AM

    haha! Just like Milli Vanilli

  15. TiggyTea2:23 AM

    Oh am sure JLo is not into drugs or coke...just so happens that all of her exes are into it. Coincidence, right? I'm sure she just sits on sidelines and watches like an angel (wink)

  16. Hola Cockaroaches!

    You puny little peons DARE to say I can't sing and that I do drugs?

    I will vaporize you with my Sparkling Cleavage Death Ray and my Buttcleavage of Doom just as soon as I can tear myself away from this mirror.

  17. Jlo I can't believe you read blinds on cdan!!! J, hunnie can you explain why you are hanging out with the gay rapper who's half your age? Are you embarrassed at all about being so blatantly fake?

  18. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:07 AM

    25 grand a week? That is about 1.5 Kilograms here of the best Colombian just arrived from the farc's hands. That guy's house must be like that scene at the end of Scarface.

  19. RenShaw4:46 AM

    Three weeks will pay off my student loans. I hate these people.

  20. Chingers9:24 AM

    ^^^ actually dead from laughing at this comment

  21. Swanky Bubbles12:04 PM

    You heard wrong then. J-Ho is a huge user of coke and that is very old news. In fact, she loves to get coked up and hunt for females, particularly strippers because they keep their mouths shut.

  22. BeenHereBefore2:28 PM

    He's been down so long it feels like up to him. They look up to him. He's got fake people showing fake love to him- straight up to his face.

  23. You guys kill me.

  24. lol! Good one June :-)
