Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Blind Item #3

Speaking of cocaine, this foreign born A list singer who is married to an A lister was seen with a woman two weeks ago in his home country. The pair were in a booth at an out of the way dive bar and drinking shots while doing bumps of coke. Oh, and groping each other.


  1. Tricia1311:05 PM

    Marcus Mumford?
    Is Carrie Mulligan A list(talent wise she is )

  2. Look Book11:05 PM

    Keith urban? Back to his old ways maybe?

  3. Tricia1311:08 PM

    He was born here...
    +1to Keith and Nicole

  4. Barbara RiceHand11:19 PM

    If Keith Urban, I have to say, I hate his flat ironed hair. Hate it.

  5. TiggyTea11:28 PM

    They had a tense red carpet moment. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4082500/Nicole-Kidman-Keith-Urban-red-carpet-argument-Lion-premiere-Sydney-just-days-dancing-storm-stage-New-Year-s-Eve.html

  6. This reminds me of being a busboy at the NY HardRock and watching a musical star in her own right and celebrity offspring joining a famous singing tongue with makeup do after closing blow for hours.

  7. Malibuborebee2:50 AM

    That Erdem dress is fucking hideous. She used to have such good taste, she should get her old stylist back except it was probably a $cieno-freak.

  8. BeenHereBefore2:25 PM

    Lol. Yeah- waaay to K-Pop ish.
