Saturday, February 04, 2017

Blind Item #2

After a very brief attempt at being together for the sake of the baby, I fully expect this multi hyphenated foreign born celebrity to play the woe is me card. The single mom thing is something she can really work to her favor. I am so hoping she gets married again in that brief reunion just to add another last name to her growing list.


  1. Lalalady1:31 AM

    Cheryl Cole

  2. sandybrook1:41 AM

    +many last names

  3. longtimereader2:13 AM

    So it was a turkey baster baby that went wrong when the supposed babydaddy split? This is pathetic.

  4. Donna2:23 AM

    Cheryl Cole-Varsini-Fernandez-Tweedy and Liam-not-the-dad-Payne

  5. marlo3:08 AM

    I'm British and I can not understand entry's obsession with this non entity. Nobody gives a damn about her here, why is she in so many blinds?

  6. D.R.B3:13 AM

    Cheryl Ann Fernandez-Versini

    So she really is pregnant? But is Liam indeed the father?

  7. I am also over Kisha knight Pulliam's 'i'm a single mom' but don't feel sorry for me act...she needs to shut it and move on

  8. Guesser3:23 AM

    The other One Direction guy had a baby without too much negativity, so it's no big deal.@marlo, she has no fame in the US outside of gossip sites, her band went nowhere and she was fired from a reality show before she started.

  9. Versini Cheryl-Fernandez

  10. Pixie34:03 AM

    Cheryl Tweedy. I mean, Cole. I know, the one who wants us to forget she punched a washroom attendant at a club a few years ago and was convicted of violent assault.

  11. Guesser5:23 AM

    Pixie3, wasn't there racist accusations as well?

  12. CheeseFries8:33 AM

    Pretty face but always seemed dumb as rocks. Have you seen that rose back/butt tattoo? Yikes

  13. Pixie39:24 AM

    Why yes, Guesser --but those were dropped. This Telegraph story covers it well. "The jury decided that there was not enough evidence that Tweedy's assault was prompted by racism rather than uncomplicated viciousness, and so convicted her of plain assault. The judge called it "an unpleasant piece of drunken violence" for which Tweedy had shown "no remorse whatsoever". Well, that's it, I assumed, Tweedy will now get the sack.
    She didn't: instead, the record bosses at Polydor breathed a collective sigh of relief that the racism charge was overturned, and a spokesman blithely announced that: "Cheryl's position in Girls Aloud is not affected." A few days later, Tweedy was prancing around on Top of the Pops. The personalised message to fans on her website reads: "thank U so much 4 everything. I really appreciate it: loadsa love hugs and kisses" - rather as though she had just been through some terrible kidnapping ordeal that was no fault of her own."

  14. marlo8:08 PM

    Pixie & guesser & Cheesefries - yes to all 3. Cheryl is a stereotypical 'chav' who got lucky. She'd be cleaning airport bathroom floors, if it weren't for those dimples. (I am sure there are airport bathroom floor cleaners who have more dignity, manners and education than her actually)

  15. longtimereader1:17 AM

    If you are from the UK then you know her name gets front page coverage of every red-top and celeb mag.

  16. longtimereader1:18 AM

    Most of the royals are 'chav'. Hateful comment used by racist's.

  17. LOLSTANS4:48 AM

    Larries, and 1D stans in general.

  18. marlo3:25 PM

    oh longtimereader, oh there we go, the "waaaaaycist" cry du jour, yawn.

    The Royal family are not chavs, they are technically german. Not that you'd know, you don't know your elbow from your arsehole.

    You can be white, brown, black, asian or whatever and be a chav. It has nothing to do with race. But why am I trying to speak to an inbred retard, who parrots 2015's word of the year, not realising how stupid it makes him/her look?

    Poor you, seriously, you deserve pity for being so excruciatingly cretinous. It's 2017 darling, 'waycist' doesn't work anymore.
