Thursday, February 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 27, 2017

Strangest story of the month. This permanent A list singer won’t eat ice cream. She thinks it is fattening. Sure, she will drink four bottles of wine a day, but when it comes to ice cream she won’t eat it. With one exception. She likes being tied to a chair and forced to eat it. She will do this for hours at a time several times per week. It is a crazy story, but with her, you say to yourself, yeah, i can see that.

Mariah Carey


  1. sandybrook1:09 AM

    As somebody said on the original--she eats ice cream. several days a week and hours at a time, and people don't understand why she is less than svelte?

  2. Troy Barnes1:25 AM

    That sounds kind of kinky.

  3. Barbara RiceHand1:36 AM

    Like a fat baby in a high chair.. 'eat your mashed peas, MiMoo'

  4. SarahS2:03 AM

    I've said for years---she's wearing double FULL-BODY Spanx!! And tops it off with a fake stomach piece. Oh Mariah....such a trainwreck!

  5. B.S. Detector2:38 AM

    Sorry, but this is total BS.

  6. Jennifer6:03 AM

    They don't call her MOOriah for nothin'!

  7. Eats ice cream hours at a time, mutliple times per week. Drinks 4 bottles of wine per day. Yet some how she's skinny currently and has been for the majority of the last decade (minus the pregnancy). Also seems pretty coherent during interviews and performances for someone who's supposedly smashed all the time to the point where a lot BI's here say she can't even stand. These blinds just don't seem to fit from what I can see.

  8. I don't buy this at all.

  9. Anti5ocial10:36 AM

    If it's revealed she loves anal sex then I believe it's all about fudgesicles for Mimi

  10. information desk7:20 PM

    If it's chocolate brownie fudge or cherry Garcia I don't blame her girl get your dairy sugar fix on

  11. Meg00m5:14 AM

    I knew this was SCARY MARY. She is certainly interesting.

  12. I believe this because I WANT to believe this.
