Thursday, February 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 28, 2017

This former celebrity turned reality star turned porn star turned reality star turned celebrity was having sex in the parking lot across the street from Sur this past week and it wasn’t with her husband.

Courtney Stodden


  1. sandybrook1:34 AM

    Hey if it was good for Tiger Woods to do, it's good for anyone. (Celebrity meaning has sunk to its lowest depths.)

  2. Guesser1:43 AM

    It would be more shocking if it was her husband.

  3. How is this shocking exactly? Was she using protection or something? Or the fact that she wasn't live streaming or recording the sex for dvd sales?

  4. she's so 'teen': parking lot sex...
    grow up, be a real celebrity: use public restrooms for sex...

  5. Jennifer6:02 AM

    She's like a really low rent Anna Nicole Smith. I didn't think that was possible...

  6. texasrose8:35 AM

    Was she in a car or just on the pavement? Hopefully they didn't take up more than one space.

  7. GroovieMann5:31 AM

    I don't blame her! Her husband is creepy as fuck!
