Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 13, 2016

When this daytime talk show needs ratings they fake some conflict between hosts. Fighting apparently gets ratings so they want to bring back all of their best fighters which would definitely be one big mess.

The View


  1. sandybrook1:15 AM

    Nobody fights better than Rosie not even Joy. Rosie's a bully. Anyone even remember when she was called "The Queen of Nice"?

  2. these shows with a bunch of women talking to each other are fucking ridiculous. absolutely i sufferable.

  3. GoTrollUrSelf1:29 AM

    And not ironically

  4. Guesser1:40 AM

    @sandybrook, I remember, and she had a crush on Tom Cruise. She is a pretty good actress.

  5. Jennifer5:45 AM

    KILL this show already. I can't stand listening to those shrill menopausal hags.

  6. Sarah6:52 AM

    What offends me is these women are super vocal, strong, and opinionated, which is great. But wouldn't it be better if they could engage in civil, rational discussion without screaming at one another? It's not exactly moving feminism along to try and pit the women against one another in screaming matches. The View is awful and needs to be cancelled.

  7. Hortensia9:44 AM

    Jerry Springer - now that's a show worth watching!

  8. Remember when The View used to have smart, savvy women on it, and it was really good? I can barely call up that memory when I hear it named anymore.

  9. Hot Cola10:27 AM

    This is like the closed ward at the nut house only in live t.v.

  10. Robin Stewart11:24 AM

    they'll just need to retire there too old we talking about anything

  11. Robin Stewart11:25 AM

    Their lolol

  12. PamelaKiss3:12 AM

    @Dumblesnore This! I've been unemployed for a months (not by choice) and still won't watch this crap.
