Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 8, 2017

That manager of the permanent A+ lister finally made a misstep and is crawling around on her knees apologizing to her client. No matter what the A+ lister says about her first ex, she still loves him and no one is allowed to talk smack about him except for her. Quickest way to lose your job is to say anything bad about him, let alone publicly.

Mariah Carey/Tommy Mottola


  1. sandybrook1:20 AM

    Does Tommy say nice thingys about Mimi?

  2. Sd auntie1:21 AM

    Nailed it finally. She still has feelings for him, awww.

  3. longtimereader2:03 AM

    He was abusive, that's not aww that's sad.

  4. Dutch2:16 AM

    No wonder Mariah is so messed up. If she still loves a man who was abusive and tried to ruin her career after the divorce just makes her crazy.

  5. Jennifer2:31 AM

    Don't buy it. Mariah always trashes her ex's. Look what she's saying about JP. I bet that's bullshit too. Mimi has daddy issues and gets mad when men leave her like daddy did.

  6. Sd auntie3:27 AM

    @longtimereader. Oh, did not know that. I thought he was father figure and perhaps insecure. Well shame in him then.

  7. i loved mimi's 'diva' schticks from ice-cream cart to 'i don't know her' & more... but now it's getting boring & repeating ...

  8. At least Mariah knows who is primarily responsible for her becoming famous.

  9. CheeseFries6:44 AM

    I don't get why she's still with that manager??

  10. Sarah6:51 AM

    I don't think anyone should listen to a word that Meems says. She's off the deep end. Did anyone see her Instagrams last weekend of her working out in those platform sneaker heels? Takes trainwreck to the next level.

  11. Yeah, he defended her after the New Years performance. Went on about her talent and legacy, as well as how what happened to her could've happened to anybody, before talking about how she shouldn't be doing the reality show (which, as a fan since the beginning, she really shouldn't because it makes her/her team look so bad) and how she needs to be surrounded by better management.
