Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. X

January 10, 2017

Golden Globes

This actress/model who enjoys nothing more than getting naked in her Instagram while looking for “serious” acting roles that will challenge her and don’t require nudity was stoned out of her mind at the show. She kept nodding off during the latter portions of the evening. That 230pm cocktail hour she went crazy in probably didn’t help either.

Emily Ratajkowski


  1. GoTrollUrSelf1:29 AM

    She's gotta be at 14.5 minutes

  2. information desk2:13 AM

    Video ho to yacht girl
    Don't worry em it's almost time for cannes

  3. Nonames minute of fame2:13 AM

    Her boobs are her only good quality. Maybe she'll hook some Hollyweird idiot or land a solid well paying bearding job. Good luck!

  4. She's a feminist apparently lol.

  5. AyyyPapi4:35 AM

    "Her boobs are her only good quality."

    ...well, not strictly true. Fantastic ass on her as well.

  6. When I was young, smoking pot used to put me to sleep, too!

    Then, I'd wake up hungry!

  7. CheeseFries6:42 AM

    She looked good in that yellow dress though...

  8. Sarah6:49 AM

    She angers me. She whines that super sexy, attractive women only get "sex kitten" roles, yet does nothing to try and deviate from that image that people have of her. Not to mention that there are actresses like Margot Robbie who happen to be just as stunning and have better careers. Maybe Em's problem is lack of talent? She's exhausting. I hope her 15 minutes are up.

  9. sandra1:30 PM

    It's always the untalented ones who whine about sexy women only getting sex kitten parts.

  10. Dumblesnore2:07 AM

    Her face is do damn hideous. She looks like a llama or a camel.

  11. @dumblesnore. So true!
