Friday, February 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 1, 2016

There is a real fear this A+ list mostly movie actor will die soon because of his drug addiction. His long time celebrity ex paid him a visit which she told a friend was an intervention of sorts but he chose to ignore her advice.

Johnny Depp/Winona Ryder


  1. sandybrook1:30 AM

    Obviously Johnny has used up all the f*cks he had to give. Most people use them all before they die.


    Another gossip site has been saying Cher has six months to live for over a decade. A celebrity can't sue because they can't prove they WON'T die in six months. So now CDAN has added another name to the list of doom. Johnny Depp will be around long after I'm gone, believe me. Hasn't he had a rough enough year without this? And, by the way, Wynona is a first class f---up and so boggled and ditzy she can hardly stand up. She's one to talk!

  3. Alistdiva1:44 AM

    Lohan should of been dead years ago according to most sites, but that cockroach is still kickin!

  4. Winona, c'mon!
    Johnny is NOT addicted to anything.
    He's self medicating!

  5. longtimereader1:54 AM

    When winona tells you to clam down you know it's serious.

  6. CheeseFries1:56 AM

    Is it bad that I wish they would get back together??

  7. AndrewBW2:10 AM

    @longtimer Yah, I thought the same thing!

  8. SarahS2:40 AM

    Right? Kettle to kettle!

  9. marlo2:41 AM

    Oh man...remember him in 21 Jump Street, so young, fresh faced and magnetic? What a shame, this midlife crisis shit is.

  10. Annie5:57 AM

    Amber broke him emotionally. He adored her but when he realized she was using him he fell apart. So sad. Hope he picks himself up because he's a good back and has a kind heart. Plus, these actors when not filming have a lot of down time which leads to bordum and excess partying if not careful.

  11. I dreamt Cher died last night. Weird.

  12. Dannette6:25 AM

    He def. stumbled because of his association with the vile wench, but I'm not convinced that he ~fell apart~. And I'm sure she did everything she could to assist his ex agents in fleecing him. Ah well, lessons learned, and personally i'm looking forward to more excellent acting performances from him.

  13. You're not seriously defending Johnny Depp. The man's been rotting for decades, and he's sure as hell not getting better.

  14. CityGirl7:12 AM

    I'm sure she enjoyed the domestic violence too

  15. Agreed w/ marlo

  16. BitchieMitchie8:24 AM

    You guys saying that Amber broke his heart...he was beating her and a nasty drunk or druggie. Honestly when they first got together I knew their would be trouble not because of their obvious motivations not being in sync but because he was already looking bloated. And before you jump all
    Over me about him getting older and body's change and I won't stay perfect I won't and I'm already held together with duct tape and spit...but that was full on coke bloat. That wasn't putting on a few LBs. look at his face compare to just a couple of years ago! He's not "gaining" weight he's super bloated from drugs. Listen to a few interviews with him on the red carpet he's incoherent...and yes I'm a fan and I'm saddened that he can't get his shot together.

  17. Hortensia10:13 AM

    Oh, please! Amber Heard is a predator. Johnny Depp is a soft guy. She saw her target, and went for it. Johnny supports a lot of people out of the goodness of his heart. Not many people know that Johnny is Arapaho NA.

  18. syvyn1110:22 AM

    Just like with Taylor and Selena, Winona is going to have to tell Johnny that he's on his own. You can only do so much for someone who is drowning.

  19. Jennifer10:27 AM

    If she keeps hanging with those greasy A-rabs and Russians it's only a matter of time...

  20. how many years he has 2 coins in his pocket (to put over his eyes)?
    he is an alcohol/any possible drugs user for a few decades....

  21. hunter12:33 PM

    The fact Winona went and spoke to Johnny tells me somebody reached out to her because they felt it was so bad. Somebody familiar with Johnny's actual situation who felt it was getting so bad they needed to ask Winona to come speak to him.

    She doesn't know him well enough (these days) to have made that assessment herself. Means things are pretty bad.

  22. Sd auntie12:49 PM

    Agree!! Depp is a dirtbag who had Anthony Fox removed from the face of this earth. Yeah, Depp did not lose in court against Fox but sure as hell did with Amber. Hahaha

  23. information desk6:49 PM

    Johnny gets what he deserves selfish druggie who spent all his money on drugs lifestyle and useless crap cheap the blamed everyone for his stupidity and incompetence

  24. Just Saying...2:53 AM

    Mighty brave of Winona considering that Depp once shot her. His violent rage and self-harming (NOT medicating) practices were in place long before he met Amber Heard. Not defending her either, bur please stop treating him like some poor, lost soul.

  25. candy6:00 AM

    Maybe he did take her advice. This blind is from July 1 2016, and I'm thinking she went to offer her condolences on the late May death of his mother, whom Winona knew. In August, Johnny began a 2- month stint in ibiza, and came back much thinner and healthier looking. He's continued to improve daily. Ibiza would be a genius cover for rehab LOL!

  26. Yeah I was actually picturing Wynona spazzing out at the Golden globes trying to give someone a serious talking to all bug eyed and loopy LMAO
