Friday, February 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 1, 2016

For someone who doesn’t have to do a whole lot to make the marriage look real, the wife of this dual threat foreign born A list actor sure does complain to her friends a lot about how much she is being paid each month.

Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. desk hack1:46 AM

    Oh look, another plant from the Cumberbitches.

  2. sandybrook1:47 AM

    Page view day alert!

  3. Phew!
    Glad the woman i met (while living in Hollywood) and fell in love with doesn't need a monthly paycheck to make her life worthwhile!

  4. CheeseFries1:54 AM

    I can't imagine having to pay someone to stay in a relationship with me. These people do it all the time. A lot of girls would be willing to beard for cumberbatch for a lot less money honey.

  5. Guesser2:07 AM

    Having babies is doing a lot ,but some say she didn't have them.

  6. Y'alling2:20 AM

    Ikr? His skeptics are clearly sending in fake gossip (because they hate his wife and the fact he has a kid with her) and CDAN are publishing it for the clicks&comments!!

    (I'm looking at you gatorfish, because I know you're obsessively reading these comments, ha ha.)

  7. Upyours2:27 AM

    Gosh, I see that Gatorfisch has been busy, little hater sending in confirmed "tips" to this site - since she has nothing to do until BC and SH announce the birth of their SECOND child together!

  8. SarahS2:39 AM

    I'd totally beard and/or have babies for $$$. I mean, I don't really have anything else going on. And look at all the perks!

  9. ??¿¿2:45 AM

    Meh, this isn't surprising, Cumberbatch's been known to be a cheapskate. LOL ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  10. Sustainably Stoic3:08 AM

    No wonder why the guy makes business arrangements around his relationships. I swear he has magical powers to bring out the repressed inner greed and envy of people.

  11. marlo3:36 AM

    Couldn't have happened to a nicer albino / snark

  12. morgan53:38 AM

    She could divorce him and take him to the cleaners for child support. Be set for the next 18 years.

  13. Katharina Kidd F.4:13 AM

    Are the haters still beating that dead horse....

  14. As long as both parents love and are there for the kids, have at it. If they're supposed to just be props, accessories or a guaranteed paycheck, DON'T DO IT.

  15. Zzzzzzz3:23 PM

    Predictably, all the loyal Cumberbitches line up to deflect every time there is a negative reveal about his wife. It's boring. Why not point a finger at Enty instead of making wild assumptions about who submitted the blind. His team probably got the information from their contacts. You'd think people who read this site would have a clue by now about the nature of many show business relationships, especially ones that just happen to occur during awards seasons where the two people involved can barely look affectionate. Keep 'em coming, Enty, always entertaining.

  16. Knest6:13 PM

    Oh, look, all the Cumberflaks who show up to combat their meal ticket's gay gossip with nasty barbs at the crazy fans!

  17. Razor7:23 PM

    I don't even care about Cumberbatch but the drama on his blinds never fail to entertain me. Who's this gator guy people keep mentioning?

  18. Who is this Gator? Some nutter blogger who has this whole stupid "theory" that SH is some all-powerful, super-villain (who is also simultaneously a complete failure nobody, strangely enough) who has half of England and the US under her control (like she is manipulating every columnist who writes anything positive about Cumbie's marriage or family). Gator has postulated that Hunter has the influence to crash Buckingham Palace, bribe the Church of England, defraud the registration of births, convince BC to walk around London carrying a plastic doll... it goes on and on. She's just off her rocker - really!

  19. Fluff3:46 AM

    Oh Gator, Gator, Gator. If you want to convince anyone you're going to have to try a little harder than that. Maybe try to change your very identifying writing style a tiny bit? Or not post "predictions" about future Enty BIs that somehow always mysteriously come true? Or maybe not run a full-on stalker hate blog where you post a billion times a day about how much you hate Sophie for stealing your fantasy boyfriend and dream of punching her in the face? It hardly makes you look like a reliable, unbiased source.

    The original Enty no longer has any involvement in this site, public knowledge so not sure why you keep insisting this site is run by one person who actually is a lawyer. And no, there is no "checking." Tons of people have tested this site by sending in fake BIs, I send a few in myself to give boosts to friends who are minor actors (nice BIs) and they literally always get posted.

  20. Fluff3:53 AM

    Assuming you're not sealioning:

    Gator is a deeply mentally ill female fan who has long been obsessed with Cumberbatch and maintains a hate blog with something like two dozen posts every day. She is convinced Sophie Hunter is a prostitute and criminal mastermind who got Cumby hooked on drugs and has spent the past few years forcing him against his will into pretending to be married to her, and into carrying a plastic doll around pretending it is his own fictitious child. That he is desperate to escape her clutches, but she (Sophie) stalks him 24/7 and has successfully managed to gatecrash Buckingham Palace, all his movie and TV sets, and various red carpets and for some unknown reason everyone including his security just lets her (and Cumberbatch responds to being gatecrashed by his stalker by, you know, talking to her and cuddling and kissing her) rather than physically throwing her out and calling the police.

    Gator is very baffled by this and has been looking forward to the moment Cumby reveals the whole "junkie blackmail fake baby victim" thing and Sophie goes to prison, which she has been promising will occur any moment for the past three years.

  21. Fluff3:56 AM

    Actually I don't think this is Gator's submission, it doesn't fit her usual style and contradicts her insistence that Sophie is forcing Ben into a fake marriage.

    It's probably that frizzy haired chick who insist Cumby was gazing at her love-struck from the stage when she was in the audience, who came to London and stalked him and his Hamlet co-stars all over town, and uses astrology and tarot to reveal his true love and soulmate (who coincidentally bears a shocking resemblance to herself).

  22. Confused5:01 AM

    If this person believe all these things about Cumberbatch, and is as you say submitting BIs, then how come none of that stuff you mention have become BIs?

  23. If she's not being paid enough, why doesnt she think about it like a job and just leave for a better offer? Unless there is no better offer.

  24. Zzzzzzzzzzz2:43 PM

    Once or twice, I've left comments here, and whenever they're about Cumberbatch, the obsessive "Bitches" always claim I'm "gator." I'm not gator, I don't interact with gator, and I don't write like gator, as far as I know. I've also NEVER said I believe gator's theories. But I don't like seeing a rabid pack of Cumberbitches in defensive mode, worshipping their idol and his fairytale romance complete with Valentine's Day wedding during Oscars season, ready to doxx at the drop of a pin if one does not see the world as they do, spreading nastiness like poisonous petals wherever they post. It's a weak argument, and wishful thinking, to accuse every naysayer of being gator. Nor am I some frizzy-haired person. Is that another pathetic attempt at doxxing? All it tells me is that you lot are the ones he calls his scary stalkers, the kind who stalk his neighborhood and buy tickets to every performance. Keep it up, Enty, it's fun to see the Sophie yawn Hunter controversy spill over onto your website.

  25. Zzzzzzzzzzz3:04 PM

    Little Fluffy, I just realized you were the one who was first out of the gate to call me gator, gator, gator, and also the one who wrote "Actually, I don’t think this is Gator’s submission." Made me laugh. Razor, gatorfisch (not sure I spelled it correctly) is one of many tumblr bloggers (and Enty, too, apparently) who think it's an arranged marriage to further his celebrity goals. Some think their pregnancy/baby is fake and that they probably don't live together. On the other side, you have the rabid, loyal, stalker types, the "Cumberbitches," many of whom actively defend the couple from these accusations (which ironically spreads the accusations all over the Internet instead of being confined to selected tumblr blogs). Which would be fine from my perspective, if only they didn't act like Nazi stormtroopers in doing so.

  26. Quite a lot of what they say on their blogs has turned up here as BIs. It's only the 10% most crazy stuff that hasn't. Gator's pretty much openly bragged on her blog about sending in BIs to Enty and always somehow correctly "predicts" when Enty is going to post a Cumberbatch BI and what it will say.

    I guess they try to be a bit more subtle with what they send in because their agenda is to attack Sophie Hunter and make the marriage look fake; they know if they were to send in BIs about fake babies and gatecrashing Buck House they'd just look crazy. Or maybe they've tried and those BIs didn't get posted.

  27. There are at least seven on the record accounts of self-declared "skeptics" stalking him in real life, Aelteri with her train thing and trying to rent a flat on Ben's street, that Twitter woman who was spoken to by police, the Canadian skeptic who photographed Hunter at the farmers market, and Gator herself sent a friend to check out Ben's house and that friend took pics of Ben's recycling bin.

    But sure, keep saying you're not the stalkers and that Ben wasn't talking about you.

  28. LOLSTANS8:17 PM

    Don't believe this for a second. I've been a regular here for years and can smell a fangirl stan a mile away.

    No one thinks the marriage is fake apart from the handful of stalker erotomaniacs who dream about being Mrs Cumberbatch, who post fifty times a day and maintain dozens of blogs and sockpuppets.

  29. Scandi Sanskrit8:29 PM

    Lucky you, David. I recently fell in love with a guy and I'd help him win a campaign to win for zero pay, plus I'd let him live in my family home's guest bedroom if he ever had to go into exile for whatever reason (and, no, I would never get him drunk and poke holes in his condom to trap him—I'm too fond of him to do something nasty like that, it's just that he makes me horny all the time). LMAO!

  30. Scandi Sanskrit8:33 PM

    A series of "anachronistic prosthetics", is what I call it... But I guess Westerners stopped believing in science/basic biology and evidence. Oh well. Shrugs.

    How ungrateful and greedy, tho (and she's not even good at her job, TBH). I don't know what goes in their strategizing, but I don't even think she was supposed to stay around for this long, was she (maybe a month or two after the 2015 Oscars, but then she poofed her dress at a film fest and got people talking about a possible pregnancy, and the rest is history). She got to keep the job longer and still complaining about the pay? FFS, woman. You should be glad you even have a job!

  31. Scandi Sanskrit8:36 PM

    Why always brown horses? Why? Why not a rabbit or a cat a bear or an otter for once?

  32. Actually, there are a lot of people who think the marriage is fake (with or without kid(s)), in the entertainment industry too.

  33. Sustainably Stoic12:32 AM

    Zzzzzzzzzz, I'm guessing it was both for Oscar season and to get rid of the more intrusive Cumberbitches. It's well know they were problematic during S3 of Sherlock, and practically had temper tantrums because of the lock down on S4. Then there was the Hamlet tickets and stage door. What an entitled lot. It looks as though Sophie made the most of his bad situations and banked on them. Note: I said "looks as though", and in the industry, appearances can have a HUGE impact on a reputation. Why would she fake anything? To cause him the embarrassment of looking desperate for attention. It comes back at him, not her. He's the one who looks like he can't manage his fans and affairs.

  34. Zzzzzzzzzzz1:28 AM

    TPIM and SS, nice to see a few here who aren't head over heels. I don't claim to know the reasons for this relationship, and I don't subscribe to most theories. Nor am I a fan. But I find the fandom an interesting phenomenon because of the possesive, immature (but not that young in years, I think) fans such as the ones posting here who in large numbers doxx, stalk, gift, fawn, worship the wife, buy tickets for every night of a live show or convention, and who are in complete denial about themselves. The mentality is on display in this thread. I agree with you that the relationship may exist partially to change his image because of these fans. But I wouldn't hold him fully accountable for not managing his fans. He's probably somewhat insulated from it and doesn't realize exactly what's occurring. As for the so-called skeptics, in general most of their discussions are about regretting that change. And they note, correctly in my opinion, that whenever he talks about his wife and child, it sounds and looks awkward and stilted. From what I see, they all still like him but want him to find someone who will put a genuine smile on his face (not just for a 5-second red carpet photo op) instead of the current wife. The obsessive fans are the ones who picture themselves as his wife, in my opinion, and seemingly worship her even though she's done nothing I can see to earn that adulation. The others hope he'll move on, be genuinely happy.

  35. Sustainably Stoic1:58 AM

    Oh, I don't think he's accountable for managing his fans, but rather it's the image associated with having unruly fans that's the problem. I rushed a bit at the end there. As for the opinions of the Skeptics, many are just trying to get some understanding of the situation, but on that I could be wrong or maybe not.

  36. God, I am sick to death of these morbidly obsessed little freaks who don't seem to understand what constitutes terrifying stalker behaviour. Just read that article about some woman leaving red ribbons at Cumberbatches' house. Oh my GOD. She should have spent a couple nights in jail. Only a handful of people are genuinely deluded or psychotic. What these women do is exercise willful disregard for personal boundaries.
