Sunday, March 19, 2017

Blind Item #2

This A- list writer/actress who is in a way, looking for work now was telling people the other night at an event that she is going to shock the world in a few months with new breasts and some other plastic surgery. She is just going to end up looking like everyone else.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Lena Dunham

  2. Sd auntie11:59 PM

    Wow. I know a few people who will be upset with Lena.

  3. Guesser12:00 AM

    Lena Dunham, how do you know it wasn't a joke?

  4. Where are we on head transplants? Ask your Doctor, Lena.

    And don't forget your teeth!

    Wait a minute, this implies we will be subjected to her in the future... now I hope it is someone else.

  5. Casting Girl12:03 AM

    Tina Fey? If Lena does this it will go against everything she 'says' she believes in! After GIRLS, truly, where can she go? Maybe she can write.

  6. dianavonthirstybird12:04 AM

    Maybe she read my comment on CDAN last week when I suggested that instead of losing weight she got extensive plastic surgery. Now I'm on a power trip for the rest of the day.

  7. Chuck Norris12:11 AM

    Didnt she say she would move to Canada if Trump won? What happened to that..

  8. Select12:36 AM

    I think the authorities stopped and turned her around at the border.

  9. Lena will always be dumpy

  10. Huns Buns1:03 AM

    I dunno @Chuck but I'd put in on a ticket if she'd honor her word. Buh-Bye. There is no amount of surgery, love or money that would make her appealing. It's like my dad told me as a kid, "Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone!"

  11. AyyyPapi1:47 AM

    Pretty sure this isn't legit. Lena revels in the offence she causes to all 5 of the human senses.

  12. Alistdiva3:45 AM

    She'll only get jobs if she's a writer or Judd Apatow hires her lol I'm sure 95% of others in Hollyweird don't want to deal with her!

  13. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:48 AM

    If it goes badly she can blame Trump as she did when she lost a few pounds. Anyway she will still be disgusting.

  14. whatever1:13 PM

    BRILLIANT! No one would have thought of her! Sensational! Fabulous! OMG OMG!
    You're tremendous! I don't know what else to say except thank you.

  15. whatever1:15 PM

    They're doing amazing things lately.

  16. marlo9:15 PM

    Select: LMAO!

    Hear hear Kermit. She should be sending Trump thank-you flowers if he's the reason she lost weight, not that she looks that much better, but since there is less of her, it's surely an improvement
