Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - Put the beard in between you and your boyfriend on all amusement park rides. That is what this foreign born former boy bander from that now broken up A list group did.

#2 - Which super-talented A list cable news host had better have another talk with his partner about who he chooses to step out with... or bring home to hang? The partner's latest muscle man toy, a trainer / singer / actor has been posting photos of himself at the couple's Connecticut home Instagram.

#3 - This closeted television judge who does commenting rather than having his own show is homophobic while a guest on these shows but loves to find weekend hookups at NYC bars. The last time he tried this two weeks ago he was given a five minute lecture about being an a-hole. The judge doesn't care though and just moves on to the next person.


  1. Tricia133:10 AM

    1)Louis Tomlinson

  2. Tricia133:11 AM

    2)Anderson Cooper

  3. 1 - Niall Horan
    he got papped at disneyland

  4. sandybrook3:13 AM

    #3 let him be that POS Judge Napolitano

  5. JustReading3:16 AM

    Heh heh

  6. JustReading3:23 AM

    Oh, there's a Fox news aficionado among us. Negative 1 to you, too, pal. Napolitano is crazy as a bedbug.
    This is so Daily Mail, isn't it?

  7. JustReading3:26 AM

    Wikipedia "Napolitano's longtime friend James C. Sheil died on March 19, 2013. In the Acknowledgements section of his book Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty, Napolitano states: "... my happy dreams turned dark last year when Jim Sheil, my alter ego to whose memory this book is dedicated, died suddenly on March 19th 2013, as we were working on this book. Jim and I shared much of our lives with each other. Among that which we shared was a love of the printed word. Yet our philosophies and politics were like oil and water." "

  8. sandybrook3:26 AM

    Never watch Fox News I'm surprised the gay bars in Manhattan have people in them that know who he is.

  9. 2 Shep Smith

  10. Just4Fun4:07 AM

    I saw that, too. Doesn't sound too closeted to me.

  11. TheBPlot4:13 AM

    3 - Napolitano

  12. THISBITCH6:44 AM

    #1 - Niall was just at Disneyland

  13. longtimereader2:52 AM

    I thought he was the only straight one?

  14. Nathan12:51 PM

    no, he wasn't ))

  15. I don't miss One Dire Erection.
