Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Your Turn

What is the way you would least like to die?


  1. sandybrook3:07 AM

    With a long lingering debilitating disease like cancer or Alzheimer's Disease

  2. I don't want to say.
    I'm suspicious like that.
    If I say, it may happen that way.

  3. JustReading3:14 AM

    Drowning in burning liquid

  4. Scandi Sanskrit3:17 AM

    From "heartbreak" of any form: heart attacks, depression, et cetera (because anyone who hurts you that badly—to the point of being sick/depressed/anxious—isn't worth it anyway). ♥

  5. Scandi Sanskrit3:19 AM

    Big day for you today?

  6. Simon3:27 AM

    No good way to go so I've decided not to die

  7. just sayin3:28 AM

    like justreading, drowning in burning liquid or burning to death.

  8. TopperMadison3:37 AM


  9. CobraDemander3:46 AM

    Knifed in the ass.

  10. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley3:47 AM

    I have this recurring nightmare where Mika Brzezinski sneaks into my boudoir while I'm sleeping and takes a few shots at me when she finds out she isn't Morning Joe's only side piece!

  11. Scandi Sanskrit3:50 AM

    I'm afraid that's not an option, mortal.

  12. Lurky McLurkster4:00 AM

    Accidentally submitted it too soon and was too lazy to finish my comment in a reply

  13. Just4Fun4:13 AM

    When I was in 9th grade, we had this discussion - actually - preferred ways to die - after reading the short story "To Build a Fire" about a man who froze to death. Our teacher said he would not like to drown but wouldn't mind getting shot, since with gunshots it pretty much either misses vital organs or it kills you pretty quickly. A few weeks later, he got shot in the head with a shotgun. End of story.

  14. Simon4:15 AM

    I prefer to live in denial

  15. TheBPlot4:16 AM

    My car goes over a bridge into the water and I wind up suffocating / drowning after 10 minutes of struggle. Yep, i have nightmares about it.

  16. shakey4:27 AM


  17. Amanda5:08 AM

    Drowning followed by plane crash followed by jumping off a tall building.

  18. Wendy5:27 AM

    Probably being burnt alive. Not the kind of die in a fire, like where you pass out from smoke inhalation first, the kind that you can feel your whole body burning. I cry when I just get burnt a little bit on something so I can't imagine what it would be like for my whole body to be on fire.

    Could be a tie with torture though, but I feel like that's probably everyones worst way to die, being tortured first.

  19. RenShaw5:31 AM

    I was told by some elders to never reveal this because of what happened to your teacher.

  20. RenShaw5:33 AM

    Exactly. Don't tell anyone or say it out loud. I'm that superstitious about this one thing.

  21. AnnaNonymous5:56 AM

    Staying alive for 20-30 years in a declining mental and physical state seems worse than any transitory experience of pain or shock, at least youd know death was near that point.

  22. Do Tell6:16 AM

    Dying of air hunger would be horrible. Plane crash close second.

  23. Conscious. But seriously, I've always had a thing about being deprived of oxygen, like drowning, choking or being strangled. Apparently I met my fate in a rather nasty way in a previous life. LOL

  24. Painfully and alone. That would be horrid.

  25. Hortensia11:01 AM

    You can ask for and get the way you want to die. For me, gently, like asleep, or during meditation. Not gonna think about the unpleasant, horrible ways. Why bring that on for heaven's sake!?

  26. Scandi Sanskrit11:15 AM

    LMAO. It's funny, I can see where you're coming from (whether you're 'suspicious' or 'superstitious'). I try not to let people know I have suicidal tendencies (because I keep seeing on detective shows how people murder you and "make it look like a suicide", LOL).

    I think one really sinister director (who's been trying to insert herself into my life) once brought it up in a private chat to gain my trust (she's also been trying to gas-light me about how "everything is just a coincidence"). Very creepy person, she knows too much about me at this point. To a point where she knows how to tell whether I'll be attending an event, watches my movement on social media.

    Same thing when I wrote in a blog post about how "I'm a messy person who is wired to vent online for relief", I think it had people riling me up for attention (in hopes that I would tweet/vent about them). I really shouldn't have said that given how vulnerable I am to rumour... I'm a drama queen's dream come true.

  27. Scandi Sanskrit11:17 AM

    I prefer to call that "living a fantasy". ♥

  28. Thought about this in detail. Bear attack. At night. The terror, the pain. Awful.

  29. Sd aintie2:01 PM

    Agree! ALS is the worst.

  30. Jennifer3:28 PM

    What a morbid question. Good grief Enty couldn't you pick something a little less unsettling? Why not ask me my favorite breed of dog or something? Or what I sing in the shower?
