Saturday, July 08, 2017

Blind Item #1

July 5, 2017

A lawsuit about to be filed against this former tweener actress turned adult addict singer is troublesome for the singer. Not so much about liability, but because there is the possibility of depositions being taken and some secrets she likes hidden will be blown open damaging to her career.

Selena Gomez/13 Reasons Why lawsuit


  1. ElleCee2:40 AM

    What's going to be revealed? That she's lying about having lupus for publicity or that she has nothing to do with the production of the show (her mother and her bought the rights for doing a movie out of the book but the project fell off and the ACTUAL producers bought the rights from her so they could do the mini series on Netflix, her being listed as a producer was part of the transaction)?

  2. Guesser3:50 AM

    I think it may involve her "lupus" or drug use, if they put any money or used any clout they have to get a show on, they are still producers

  3. This lawsuit will be thrown out so fast that it won't get to depos. Triggering someone isn't a civil crime.

  4. i'm mad this basement dweller makes money off writing fiction about celebrities.

  5. Dumblesnore3:33 PM

    Sucks for chipmunk cheeks.

  6. Mooshki6:47 PM

    If that's true, how come the cast has talked many times about Selena and her mom being active participants in the production?

  7. ElleCee1:30 AM

    Uh, keeping up appearances?!!
