Friday, July 28, 2017

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor recently ended his franchise but the closeted actor has not ended his relationship with his long time boyfriend. In fact, the two were spotted together several times this week while out of the country. That marriage with his wife just grows more distant by the day.


  1. sandybrook4:47 AM

    Hugh Jackman

  2. The Troublemaker5:19 AM

    Clearly his wife is on board, so who cares.

  3. Hugh Jackman is gay even the New York Times I believe a theatre critic strongly suggested Jackman is not straight. Jackman marriage to the wife is just bizarre she is much older than him and extremely unattractive. You look at Jackman the guy is six foot three, handsome, fit and gorgeous, and his wife is frumpy. I heard Jackman used to date some guy Joe Palmero not sure if they are still together or not? But I do hear Jackman is a nice guy despite being closeted. I hear he is very friendly to his fans signs autographs and is kind to them.

  4. mkemg7:04 AM

    jackman is gay. his wife is okay with it. they really seem love their daughter. he doesnt seem to be hiding it from her.

    who cares if he's gay and she knows it? maybe she gets hers on the side too (hopefully). bottomline: they seem like they have love (albeit strong and platonic) for each other and parental love for their daughter

  5. LiveYourLife7:47 AM

    It was John Palermo, and he and Jackman dissolved the production company they started together (Seed Productions), shortly before or after John posted a number of racist and homophobic comments on Facebook.

  6. Sunspirit8:09 AM

    If this is Hugh Jackman, so what! He's not doing anything wrong except living his life.

  7. Apegirl8:27 AM

    She's not extremely unattractive. She just looks older and maybe not his type. How would you like to read someone calling you 'extra unattractive' ? I bet it wouldn't feel too good.

  8. Apegirl8:28 AM

    Extremely * not extra. Didn't proofread very well.

  9. The New Yorker8:40 AM

    Living a lie and lying to the public constantly is not kosher. Queer people are being gassed in gas chambers in Chechnya and Donald trump is putting laws in place that will destroy and harm our community. It's time for rich privileged closet cases to fucking take some kind of real stand instead of living in their ivory closets making piles and piles of money.)

  10. NoseyNeighbor9:11 AM

    Here's a link to that mess. What a guy.

  11. Hes a great actor. Great entertainer.
    I loved Logan. He can do whatever the
    Phuck he wants in my book...

  12. Sd Auntie12:47 PM

    Wow, why would a gay man make terrible comments about Anderson Cooper? I would not associate with someone like that!

  13. Jimbo1:00 PM

    Maybe not his type? Lol

  14. two kids, not one

  15. You're an idiot. His marriage is "bizarre" because his wife is older and "extremely unattractive" IN YOUR OPINION? Maybe he's just not a superficial flake, like some.

  16. Antonio3:33 PM

    I agree. Plus if he is gay he has stated numerous and numerous times that he isn't and said that there is nothing wrong with it (being gay). So if he were to come out as gay I would love some respect for him in that manor. His "trainer" in the speedo has a nice bubble though. I'm guessing Hugh is a top?

  17. Renshaw1:34 AM

    He's a jerky. Maybe that's why he's not with Jack and if he is, Jack needs to re-think it.

  18. Renshaw1:35 AM

    +1 on Jack. Obviously it's an open marriage. To each his own.

  19. Emmaf7:35 AM

    I can see years ago him and his wife got together. Whatever changes, as long as you're honest to eachother, and no one gets hurt, then none of my business.

    I adore Hugh Jackman whatever.

  20. Zophie2:34 PM

    While I don't think what anyone does privately is the business of anyone but who they do it with, I don't understand why in this day and age people in an industry where being gay isn't a big deal hide it, and being a public figure and going to great lengths to appear straight when you aren't sends a message that it's bad to be gay. I just dont get it. When i first learned what gay/lesbian meant over 30 years ago my parents explained and then pointed out some of their friends in same sex relationships. I never knew it was looked down upon by so many until later in life and still don't understand all the effort put into hiding it.

  21. D. Albertson11:45 PM

    Wow, that just changes EVERYTHING, doesn't it?

  22. Not everyone has the same type. Just because you think she's old and frumpy doesn't mean everyone does.

  23. fritanga7:33 AM

    Jackman is a darling. He's a sweet guy who still lives part-time in very conservative Australia, and it's obvious his marriage was both cover and a chance to have kids. And let's face it: his leading man career would be over in the US (and other countries) if he came out. Yeah, he isn't being honest about himself and his family and his boyfriend, but that's his choice, and no one seems to be complaining about it. His situation seems far less complicated that that of, say, Travolta, and less burdensome than that of Luke Evans, who came out and then took it back when he decided to go after Disney roles.
