Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 20, 2017

This foreign born permanent A list singer has the sidewalk in front of her hotel outside the country blocked off 24/7 just so she can leave an enter a couple of times a day without having to get near fans. Fan interaction is not her favorite.

Celine Dion


  1. AyyPapi2:05 AM

    Celine Dion has fans?

  2. Barbara RiceHand2:24 AM

    I love Celine but maybe she shouldn't dress like a loud clown all the time and people wouldn't be able to see her as easy.

  3. sandybrook2:34 AM

    Or maybe she wants the paps to get a clear view of her outfits.

  4. longtimereader2:42 AM

    Annoyingly plenty, she even has some cred now after being name checked by a couple of rap artists. Never liked her voice, fingernails on a blackboard.

  5. hothotheat3:05 AM

    She's French(ish). They all dress like loud clowns.

  6. Random1013:08 AM

    I thought she was there with her girlfriend and wanted privacy and all that hence this demand. or something like that

  7. There is pictures of her at a gay club the other day.

    One have to wonder how much she hates her fans to be willing to do that LOL

  8. zerooptions3:57 AM

    Her face reminded them of a horse so they cleared out a spot to park the carriage she would be pulling through out the city. Clearly a misunderstanding, a horse has a prettier face than 'ole Celine

  9. Simply NOT true.

    a) The sidewalk is not blocked off 24/7 (this is simple enough to check for anyone in Paris --> IT IS NOT)
    b) She could easily avoid it or get in the car in 10 seconds.
    Instead she spends plenty of time outside. She actually seems to thrive on it and makes time for selfies & autographs in the middle of the night...

    Whoever gave you that 'blind' probably got stuck in traffick because her fans were once again blocking the street (which I can imagine is really annoying).

  10. P rei6:46 AM

    So unkind.

  11. LaLaLa8:24 AM

    So pissed I had to come back with some receipts...lol
    Watch this : https://youtu.be/09l56_2LK8U
    From the 4 minute mark on . She's a phenomenon in France and it's actually pretty creepy.
    But does it look like someone who hates fan interaction?


  12. Steffani8:47 AM

    I wouldn't want to be bugged constantly either and wouldn't hold this against her. People that fan out and ask for autographs are a little weird in my opinion anyway.

  13. paddy3:07 AM

    first off she is a permanent A+ list singer. second she is the one celebrity who loves her fans so much that she always takes a lot of time to take pics and say hi to them. not to mention of the many stories of her spending hrs doing that after a concert. she is genuinely the kindest singer out there. what you see is what she is in front and behind cameras.
