Sunday, July 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 2, 2017

Met Gala

This B+ lister who has A+ list name recognition freaked out because her hair stylist had the flu. Our actress, who is neither a very good actress or director needed her hair colored because the grey was showing. She finally agreed to let another stylist from the salon work on her hair.

Katie Holmes


  1. Maybe I should freak out, too!
    My gray hair is showing through!

  2. sd auntie2:58 AM

    Stay home if you have the freaking flu. Her parents are elderly and if you have asthma, its 20x worse. I know hair dressers need to work but i would have walked out

  3. texasrose3:00 AM

    One person's 'freak out' is most likely another's disappointment then resignation that someone else will do her hair.

  4. texasrose3:02 AM

    side eye at these kinds of blinds with no description of 'freak out'.

  5. anndie3:38 AM

    Agree, she probably found out her stylist couldn't make it at the last moment so yes there will be scrambling. And having colored my hair, you do have to trust the person and not just let anyone do it because results can be bad and you can't hide color.

  6. This is a stupid blind not worthy of the space.

  7. David, your comments never disappoint! : )

  8. July August6:30 AM

    I'm younger than her, but my hair is dark, grey shows up much more in it, her usually stylist had her formula.

  9. texasrose7:16 AM

    Agree. Next week we'll hear how someone 'freaked out' when they lost a parking space and honked.

  10. anndie7:19 AM

    lol, it seems it was more to insult

  11. anndie7:21 AM

    gah hit post to soon. but this blind seemed want to insult katie more than an actual blind.

  12. jones4:31 PM

    Katie Holmes is a perfectly fine actress these days, if you ask me.

    This blind is kinda stupid anyway.
