Saturday, August 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 11, 2017

It didn’t take her long to catch on to the game. This one season network wonder had a list and a photographer and made her way through a pharmacy in NYC. They took photos of the celebrity with about ten different products. Right now she is getting about $2500 a pop. So, in about 30 minutes she made $25K.

Rachel Lindsay


  1. sandybrook2:38 AM

    Get it while you can. It's easier than chasing ambulances.

  2. Siliconlifeform2:43 AM

    Again WHO????

  3. Guesser4:03 AM

    The most recent Bachlorette.

  4. Bob Belcher4:45 AM

    Hopefully she's saving it, or buy herself an apartment building so she'll have some income when this is over.

  5. Simply Nana6:18 AM

    No big deal...If companies think they can sell more stuff if she holds it in a pic, it doesn't hurt me... Do You - Get Paid

  6. .Hot Cola7:35 AM

    Good on her! We would all take this deal if it was offeres to us!

  7. Wendy9:26 AM

    Damn can I get my 15 minutes so I can pay off some debts lol. I only need about 20 grand to pay off my student loans lol.

  8. Nooooooooooo I thought she seemed pretty sound and smart (for a contestant of a reality dating show) mebbe it was condoms, and the morning after pill and similiar and was making a political statement supporting planned parenthood and the like?!?
