Saturday, August 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 27, 2017

Academy Awards

This foreign born B list model was A- maybe back in the day. She is not that old, but for modeling is getting less work. She is more well known for a busted relationship that is still talked about a few years later. Last night, everyone at an after party could not stop commenting how she only has one look. The procedure done to her face has frozen it in one expression which is a kind of grimaced smile. It does not look good and she is not even 40, so totally not necessary to be doing this.

Liberty Ross


  1. Siliconlifeform2:42 AM


  2. anndie2:59 AM

    Well, she married rich which has a whole new set of requirements vs working as a model. Gotta keep him from looking for a younger prospective wife.

  3. She was nowhere close to A list. And during the KStew scandal I thought she was in her late 40s.

  4. Guesser4:11 AM

    She doesn't need to work,she is married to Jimmy Iovine who may be a Billionaire, he can buy her modeling jobs. Since she is under 40, maybe she could pop out a baby and be set for years.

  5. Bob Belcher4:44 AM

    She was A list for the British models in the 90's. Why she married what's his name is still beyond me, but the current hubs is loaded. She can just start a "Lifestyle" web site, and come out with a health/beauty book.

  6. Dannette7:57 AM

    Why why why is this necessary? Isn't her husband almost 70yo?

  7. So was not A or A- list for Brit models in the 90s, and is barely C now. No fecker would know who she is if her creepy talentless ex hadn't been cracking on with his employee; when that came out the only person it seemed to benefit was Lib' herself, 'specially when she got her finger in Jim's ring

  8. Anna May11:24 AM

    KScrew stans need to move on & get a life. KScrew screwed Liberty over, Liberty was the victim.

  9. I would argue that it's not "necessary" at any age.

  10. The lump of an ex-husband screwed them both, figuratively and metamorphically. K came out looking like a silly young girl, him like a dirty old man who puts his sticky paws over people he has a duty of care over, and Liberty made the best outta a shitty situ. Good on her, but never was, and likely neva will be more than C list ova there, not even TOWIE/MIC list ova here. Soz babes.

  11. longtimereader3:06 AM

    Jimmy iovine could do so much better.
