Monday, August 28, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Back In The Day VMA Show

I don't know if this VMA show from back in the day was the most crazy, but it was right up there. It was the mid 90's. The show was actually something people still wanted to attend and was an event.

The host this particular year was an a-hole. Hell, he is still an a-hole. He kept talking crap about everyone at the show. Acted like he was better than everyone and practically said as much during rehearsals. He just wanted a check and an audience to get him more attendance at his stand up shows. I remember this at the time A list singer who has always had issues with drugs was doing lines of coke and smoking crack with this former A list boy bander who was there with his wife. Where was his wife? Well, if you ask this former A+ list athlete who still has A+ list name recognition, he will say he was having sex with her in her dressing room. He says they always did when they saw each other and that her husband just got out of the way. Oh, I just remembered something I had not thought about in awhile. There was this at the time A- list singer who had split from a group. She was so "crafty," she refused to speak during rehearsal. She just sipped tea and nodded. The thing is she wasn't resting her voice. She wanted the producers to think she was because she thought it made her look arty or what not, but she talked before and after rehearsal. I hate that kind of thing. She had a big group album and one big solo album and nada for a couple of decades now.

This A list celebrity who seems to enjoy the confidence of a world leader threw up all over the shoes of this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and started on television.

One crazy thing I know I won't see again is this permanent A list rapper hot boxing in a room with this Academy Award winning actor who was with his Academy Award winning actress significant other forever. It was a crazy scene.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:13 AM

    Crackhead = Whitney but wouldn't she be permanent?
    A list singer drinking tea= Gwen Stefani?

  2. MontanaMarriott3:14 AM

    Host= Chris Rock?

  3. Chris6273:16 AM

    Dennis Miller as the host

  4. […] I don’t know if this VMA show from back in the day was the most crazy, but it was right up there. It was the mid 90’s. The show was actually something people still wanted to attend and was an event. The host this particular year was an a-hole. Hell, he is still an a-hole. He kept talking crap about everyone at the show. Acted like he was better than everyone and practically said as much during rehearsals. He just wanted a check and an audience to get him more attendance at his stand up shows. I remember this at the time A list singer who has always had issues with drugs was doing lines of coke and smoking crack with this former A list boy bander who was there with his wife. Where was his wife? Well, if you ask this former A+ list athlete who still has A+ list name recognition, he will say he was having sex with her in her dressing room. He says they always did when they saw each other and that her husband just got out of the way. Oh, I just remembered something I had not thought about in awhile. There was this at the time A- list singer who had split from a group. She was so “crafty,” she refused to speak during rehearsal. She just sipped tea and nodded. The thing is she wasn’t resting her voice. She wanted the producers to think she was because she thought it made her look arty or what not, but she talked before and after rehearsal. I hate that kind of thing. She had a big group album and one big solo album and nada for a couple of decades now. This A list celebrity who seems to enjoy the confidence of a world leader threw up all over the shoes of this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and started on television. One crazy thing I know I won’t see again is this permanent A list rapper hot boxing in a room with this Academy Award winning actor who was with his Academy Award winning actress significant other forever. It was a crazy scene. The post Today’s Blind Items – Back In The Day VMA Show appeared first on CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS. Source: Today’s Blind Items – Back In The Day VMA Show […]

  5. sandybrook3:17 AM

    Ben still was the host in 1998 he's an a-hole, so let's say Gwen Stefani is the crafty one too.

  6. sandybrook3:17 AM


  7. MontanaMarriott3:18 AM

    A list celebrity throwing up= Dennis Rodman?

  8. sandybrook3:19 AM

    Clint Eastwood for the pukee?

  9. hakunafrittata3:19 AM

    Dennis Rodman puking on ... maybe Tom Hanks?

  10. Guesser3:20 AM

    The A list celebrity who threw up maybe Dennis Rodman, who has done soon negotiations with North Korean pres.,I think Eddie Murphy hosted around that time.

  11. sandybrook3:20 AM

    JayZ and Brad and St. Angie for the hot boxers?

  12. Chris6273:20 AM

    Biggie smoking with Tim Robbins

  13. MontanaMarriott3:22 AM

    Permanent Mostly Movie actor who started on tv =Will Smith?

  14. MontanaMarriott3:23 AM

    I want to say this is the 1997 VMA's so I the A list crackhead could be Fiona Apple?

  15. D Brown3:24 AM

    OJ for the + A athelete who still has name recognition?

  16. Chris6273:25 AM

    Putting it together.
    Year: 1995
    Host; Dennis Miller
    Never happening again rapper/a lister: Biggie and Tim Robbins
    Smoking with a boy bander: Whitney and someone from Boys 2 Men? Athlete - Mike Tyson?
    Puker: Rodman, Recipient of puke George Clooney

  17. Guesser3:29 AM

    May e Susanna Hoff,from the Bangles, can't be Stefani, she had a lot of hits solo, for the fake arty singer. Cracksmoker Whitney.

  18. Guesser3:30 AM

    I think one of the three is dead, which is why you won't see it happen again.

  19. Guesser3:32 AM

    I'll try TuPac and Robbins and Surandon

  20. Chris6273:42 AM

    Tupac was in prison in 95. Biggie was at the 95 awards

  21. I read this as the boy bander being Bobby Brown and Whitney was having sex with the athlete.

  22. Guesser3:48 AM

    Wrong about Murphy, this is meant to be Dennis Miller,who did standup, Ben Stiller was a movie star by then . The show was fun then!

  23. Gwen doesn't really fit the "nada in a couple decades" part.

  24. Tricia133:48 AM

    +1 awesome
    A+athlete isnTiger Woods he won the Masters that year....

  25. The "crafty" singer with one big group album, one big solo album, and then nada sure sounds like Lauryn Hill.

  26. Guesser3:52 AM

    Maybe Lauren Hill for the crafty singer, one big hit with the Fugees,and one huge hit solo.

  27. Crafty singer- Lauryn Hill?

  28. Lilly4:02 AM

    Gwen didn't perform that year so no rehearsals.

  29. LizOz4:18 AM

    So singer and former boybander are smoking crack while boybander's wife hooks up with athlete? Then who's smoking with Bobbi when Whitney and Tyson are getting it on?

  30. LizOz4:23 AM

    They co-presented video of the year so she probably would have had her own dressing room?

  31. LizOz4:24 AM

    And Hole performed so crack smoker could be Courtney. Ok I'm done w steam of consciousness guesses, sorry about that!!

  32. Full list of performers, presenters and host

  33. Chris6275:03 AM

    ah yes. I struggled for the Boy bander, without thinking of Bobby. So my guess would be whitney with Mike, not sure who is smoking with Bobby

  34. L.Boogie5:48 AM

    Maybe the crafty singer is Gwen then? Miseducation of Lauryn Hill didn't come out until late summer/early fall of 1998, and took some time to blow up the way it did. Plus, didn't Stefani have some song lyric about "I'm just sipping on chamomile"? Lauryn was a great guess, but I think this could be Gwen.

  35. Apricot6:14 AM

    So far this is what I got: Dennis Miller host 1996
    A-list crafty (1 successful group and 1 successful solo) Lauryn Hill
    Perm A-list rapper: Snoop smoking with Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon.
    A-list with World Leader friend: Dennis Rodman

  36. carolinalily6:25 AM

    Gwen's first solo album wasn't released until that would have been after these awards. I like the Lauryn Hill guess.

  37. carolinalily6:28 AM

    Gwen didn't split from No Doubt until 2004

  38. Patrick6:34 AM

    Ben doesn't do stand up.

  39. Boredguy7:11 AM

    Natalie Merchant as the crafty singer

  40. mercat8:03 AM

    Host: Dennis Miller - 1995
    A list singer: Courtney Love
    A list boy bander: Bobby Brown
    Boy bander wife: Whitney Houston
    A+ list athlete: Mike Tyson
    A- list "crafty" singer: Natalie Merchant
    A list celebrity: Dennis Rodman
    A list mostly movie actor: George Clooney
    Permanent A list rapper: Notorious B.I.G.
    AA winning actor: Tim Robbins
    AA winning actress: Susan Sarandon

  41. Josh Baskin10:15 AM

    I do think the rapper is actually with Kurt russel and Goldie hawn. Because of the 'forever', and Tim/Susan being broken up. Who knows tho.

  42. rdmtimp10:49 AM

    TIger was still an amateur in 1995 - his first pro major wasn't until 1997 (Masters).

  43. Jess Sayin\'11:28 AM

    Kurt Russell has never won an Academy Award. In fact, he's never been nominated for one, and he's never won *anything*. One Golden Globe nomination and one Emmy nom, and that's it.

  44. Monique west3:24 PM

    Boy bander: Nick Lashay
    Wife: Jessica Simpson
    Athlete: who did she date? Tom Brady?
