Monday, August 28, 2017

Your Turn

You or anyone you know affected by Harvey?


  1. sandybrook3:07 AM

    I have 4 friends in Texas and Louisiana who could be affected. None in Houston or Galveston or Corpus Christi though.

  2. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley3:15 AM

    I enjoyed following the story of the hurricane, but I did not like the twist.

  3. A few friends in/around Houston.

  4. Gator4:05 AM

    I e-mailed someone I know, she's radio silent right now.

  5. cebii4:24 AM

    We just caught the edge of it - lots of rain and enough wind to blow small branches off trees. Creeks and rivers are hovering at flood stage, and the rain may keep up all week. My kids' school is closed today. We have family and friends in Houston who are all okay, so far. My wife's job is distantly associated with foster care and nursing homes, so she had to work all weekend keeping track of service providers. It isn't really over, yet.

  6. sandybrook4:26 AM

    Nope because it's still in the Gulf and could re-energize and circle back in any direction.

  7. AndrewBW5:06 AM

    There are no hurricanes in Ohio.

    Just sayin'.

  8. Marianne6:31 AM

    No I don't, but hoping and praying that those affected are getting the help they all need.

  9. My grandfather had to leave his house in the Heights area because of a flood for the second time in his life — the first was Allison in 2001. My parents can't get back to Houston because of flooding in La Grange (a town halfway between Austin and Houston where they were stuck while looking for a place to retire to). My aunt & uncle are stranded on a cruise ship now headed towards Miami and won't be back until Friday. This is a historic catastrophe... There's never been anything like it in the state or region before, and it's overwhelming to anybody familiar with Houston at all.

    It's as if an area the size of Delaware with the population of Manhattan was simultaneously underwater and it keeps coming.

  10. just sayin\'12:57 PM

    family in brownsville and san antonio - all fine.

  11. Fairylights1:23 PM

    Yes. I live an hour south of Houston, all that water is rolling down the river toward us. We are totally cut off, can't get out, but not (at this time) expecting the houses to flood. We'll see if that hold true for the next 48 hours.

  12. Fairylights1:24 PM

    There are tornadoes, though. No place is without natural disasters.

  13. Fairylights1:25 PM

    At the moment it's looking like it will be going by and into Louisiana.

  14. zerooptions1:32 AM

    Corpus here, we only caught the weak part of the storm, and yet the house was shaking during the gusts.
    No power yet, I'm at a friends checking in.
    Others had it a thousand times worse.
    Thanksgiving will have such a deeper meaning this year.
