Sunday, September 03, 2017

Blind Item #2

Apparently this A list mostly movie actress got dumped by some titled UN executive. He went back to his wife so she has been putting on a full court press with her ex. No, not the artist. No, not the who knows what he does guy who lives in Monaco. Her actual ex. The other A lister.


  1. Jen Anniston2:28 AM

    I read that her and Brad are giving it another try.

  2. Angie saying she and Brad are the new Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. No news whether Brad wants any part in that narrative.

  3. Simon2:32 AM

    New book coming out saying they've reconciled but could be b.s.

  4. Sd auntie2:51 AM

    Just in time for her new movie premier. Hogwash that they are reconciling. Too much bad publicity with the children that auditioned in Cambodia and her home wrecker tendencies. Still think she is the most beautiful woman alive.

  5. sandybrook3:14 AM

    Liz just rolled over in her grave and I swear I felt the ground shake just now too.?

  6. Joel Theriot3:35 AM

    I think it would be kinda tough after accusing him of child abuse.

  7. Kimberley4:03 AM

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I'm surprised at Brad if this is true. Interview & pics of her in today's DM, her saying that her life as a single mother is soooo hard, also talking about her health problems including her Bells Palsy (yeah right) and her breast cancer preventative action - good for her, but she also infers that she has had chemo! Lying, manipulative, dangerous woman.

  8. texasrose4:09 AM

    At least the UN guy was smart enough to pump and dump her. Smartest move by an UN exec in a long while. Maybe there is hope for the UN yet.

  9. Meg00m4:53 AM

    According to the DM, her teenage son is listed as a producer because it's a "child's narrative" and he was born in Cambodia. Gag.

  10. LizOz5:13 AM

    I wanna know more about the artist and the sketchy guy in Monaco! Any guesses on the exec?

  11. LizOz5:17 AM The commissioner for refugees seems like a logical starting point..

  12. Guesser5:46 AM

    What about the female nanny and the British female,politician? She is awfully busy with all these lovers and illnesses.

  13. Dannette9:55 AM

    Probably not though.

  14. .Hot Cola10:10 AM

    Yeah. In her head maybe.

  15. .Hot Cola10:12 AM

    I am in Puerto Vallarta now where her former house with Button's ( connected by a kissing bridge) has now been transformed into a restaurant. Very nicest place.

  16. .Hot Cola10:14 AM

    Beautiful+ grow up in Holywood= screws loose all over the place

  17. I think it's meant to be Angie Jo but I have a hard time believing she sees so many men and not a single woman. Besides she'd be running back to Billy Bob

  18. BlissBoo5:50 PM

    If this is Angie, how on Earth does she have the energy?? She looks like walking death. Her eating disorders are off the charts.

  19. angie sounds like a person w/ a multiple personalities disorder...

  20. texasrose10:36 AM

    I see the moron that does multiple up/down votes is back.

  21. Psdoctorps10:55 AM

    Maybe the artist is a woman?
