Monday, October 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 13, 2017

This former/possible future US gymnast who is not currently on network television has a sex tape. Apparently a two hour long one.

McKayla Maroney


  1. She was hotter in the olympics (apologies if she was underage then, but it is true), but I would gladly watch it (or remake it with her if she allowed me, but not record the action, obviously) it was made last week too, she is still quite pretty.

  2. I guess she's hoping for a reality show, like the ugly plastic do nothing celeb that peddled her Ray J encounter.

    How much did Ray J get from the tape?

  3. She reminds me of posh spice.

  4. Two hours? Good for her. That's a marathon.But I guess if you're an olympic athlete the thing you would definitely have is stamina .

  5. Two hours long? Wow, that's impressive. I guess all the gymnastics really built up her stamina. Credit to the guy (or gal) McKayla had sex with as well! Nice job. Might be pretty cool if they eventually release it.
