Monday, October 16, 2017

Today's Blind Items - A Friend Assaulted

Someone this week sent me a tip about a sexual assault that happened. What made this different is that when I read the tip, I realized the person assaulted is someone I know. That's not to say I haven't known many people in the industry who have been assaulted, I just didn't know she had. The other crazy thing is that it is in her words. The tipster took a screenshot from a private group my friend belongs to. Have you heard of my friend? I don't know. She is super funny and makes me laugh until I cry when she performs. She does some acting and other things.

The person who assaulted her is in an acting family. He is an A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. If you read the site, you know this is not the first time he ha done something like this. He has never been the person you look to for morals or ethics.

"This isn't exactly comedy related., but I needed to warn my fellow femme artists, in light of the Weinstein revelation.

About a year and a half ago I was sexually assaulted by ______________. After mounting himself on my then underage friend after she kept saying no, he started talking to me and offering to read my scripts. I was of course excited and had a bit of a crush on him. We made out and fooled around, I was thrilled. One time he told me to drive to set at night, I did and brought him a birthday card. He glanced at it and then looked around and suddenly had his d**k out. I got nervous and didn't do anything. He moved my hand on it and then started pushing my head down. I resisted but he kept pushing. I didn't move and he got frustrated. I finally gave in. He left right after. I felt disgusting and he sent me a dirty text. I drove home crying. I felt like I had to be nice to him after that. I drunkenly told him he was a sexual predator. He told me I was crazy. I apologized to him, fearing he would ruin my career. I was only 22. I wish I spoke up about this sooner because it's been eating at me. Sharing this isn't easy, I'm sweating as I type this. But I'm sick and tired of the men of Hollywood getting away with sexual assault. It took this town 20 years to expose Harvey Weinstein. I want to keep an open dialogue so that doesn't happen again."


  1. Casey Affleck for the pedo\\POS

  2. James Franco to be different?

  3. I'd go with James Franco as well.

  4. I'm going to say Ben Affleck, not Casey. He read a script (won an oscar for WRITING Good Will Hunting, not acting), and his taste now that he and Garner are on the outs seems to be skewing younger. Plus now that the Hilarie Burton thing is open it might very well be him. Barf barf barf.

  5. I thought it could be Ben but Enty has had him rated as A+ for at least some of this year, but he changes his mind as often as the sun rises and sets.

  6. Casey Affleck wrote and/or directed a film too. i think this him. I can't see anyone underage going for old bloated drunk Ben.

  7. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Ben Affleck is usually referred to as "sometimes director" so probably not him. I'm going with either Casey Affleck or James Franco. Franco recently filmed two movies featuring girls who would have possibly been 22 at the time, Zoey Deutch and Lauren Elyse Buckley. Possible the girl wasn't ever in anything with the A list actor though.

  8. Casey Affleck - Nominated for that Jesse James movie and best actor for boring movie manchester
    Also sued in 2010,

  9. Casey or Ben Affleck seem to fit most for the guy.

    Any idea who the friend is? Likely a comedienne born around 1993?

  10. Anonymous2:03 PM

    scratch the girls i mentioned, don't seem to fit the female description. still leaning towards franco though, seems like the type to make a girl comfortable at first, unlike casey.

  11. Lol she went out with him AFTER he climbed on top of her underage friend and didn't care she was saying no?
    That might've been a clue babe

  12. A year and a half ago Ben Affleck would have been filming Justice League, right? May/June 2016? Is this victim based in England?

  13. Remember that Asian comedian Judd Aparow was trying to make happen? She was best known for dating Michael Cera and they made a movie about their realationship? Maybe her?

  14. I saw the original post that is copied here. It is about James Franco

  15. Josh Brolin sprang to mind.

  16. I have to agree, PSDoctorPS, after reading this, I think this was in no way sexual assault. There is a vast difference between force, and feeling pressured to give in. Hell, bite!! Anyway, we have to be very careful not to play fast and loose with the term "sexual assault", and start painting it with broad strokes. This will render the term meaningless. You can tell your story, and should, but it should not have the sexual assault label if it is not. Regret is not the same thing.

  17. Some friend. She knows this guy forced himself on her underage, unwilling friend, and instead of getting her friend and leaving, or going to the cops, she makes out with him herself. What is her malfunction?

  18. Agree with PSDoctorPS, the woman describes a possible rape of her friend, and then decides she will make out with the guy, aware of his intentions because it happened right in front of her.Also a warning to people who think they are on private sites,if this was really your friend you wouldn't expose it without her consent.

  19. @Do Tell,agree with you , your post wasn't there, I had to log in again,sigh. Impossible on the mobile, so rarely comment in real time anymore.

  20. I agree with PSDoctorPS as well. Reading Cara Delevingne's story the other day, all I could think was WHY DID YOU GO UP TO HIS HOTEL ROOM????? They say it's pressure, but I don't even really see it as that. He wasn't her boss, she was trying to get hired by him. She had nothing to lose, other than a job that she didn't even have yet. That kind of stuff being pretty standard in the industry is certainly something that should be addressed, but let's be real, it's been going on since the industry became an industry. And given the choice, I'll bet most of the successful people in the industry who got there via the casting couch would do it again in a second. Sex and power are real currencies in our world.

    Just as there can be a fine line between being raped and consensual sex, there is also a fine line between sexual assault and choosing to stop saying no. And if you voluntarily get down your knees and put it in your mouth, you just made a dumb choice, you weren't sexually assaulted, no matter how pushy the guy was.

  21. Everyone is making the assumption she knew what happened to her friend beforehand.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "And if you voluntarily get down your knees and put it in your mouth, you just made a dumb choice, you weren't sexually assaulted, no matter how pushy the guy was."

    Not if your livelihood depended on it. That is, at the very least, sexual harassment by definition. Making a subordinate feel pressured to engage in a sexual manner, with an implied consequence if they don't, is SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

    Educate yourself.

    1. I agree. It is very hard to judge the decisions some of these victims have made if you haven't been in that type of position before. Sometimes you are just so stunned that something bad is happening that your brain can't process the situation and you go along with it.
      I do agree that some of these stories coming out are falsely being labeled as "rape" when it seems more like cohersion. However, it is very easy to feel victimized and taken advantage of even though the act in question didn't technically break the law.
      Do some people make themselves easier targets by their actions? Absolutely, but I don't think that makes the bad things that happen to them "justified."

  24. If your livelihood depends on it... get another job. Sorry, money, fame, drugs, ego all play a part in all of this. Your choices and yes, as someone said earlier, you have to live with those choices. It happens in every industry. Say no and get the hell out of there. It may be sexual harrasment, but accepting that harrasment for a juicy part or because someone is famous or rich, is a choice. All these women who yell about empowerment of women hypocritically accepted this behavior and probably still do. The old casting couch is alive and well.

  25. It may be their choice to be in the profession, but it certainly isn't anyone's choice to be harassed.

    The whole point of the discourse right now is that the two -- Hollywood (fame) and sexual harassment -- should NOT go hand-in-hand.

    Stop being dismissive of a systemic problem. And, please for the love of sweet baby Jesus, stop blaming the women. They didn't create this system.

  26. The problem is the people taking advantage of the situation. These predators know that there are people that they can easily prey on and wouldn't say a thing because their livelihood depends on it. They've tried it and got away with it that's why they keep on doing it.

    It's no different when you're a normal person working for a normal office and being harassed/assaulted/coerced by your boss, you can't quit because you'll starve to death or you have a family to feed. You know what to do but what are the repercussions? Yeah, I'll quit because I just got assaulted but I won't have a job anymore, no money, I probably won't have a good recommendation that'll make it harder to find a job, you're ruined and in the end you still feel like that the perp is still in control. People, it's easier said than done.

    It's scary to know that even with a little bit of power a vile person can take advantage of that and exploit it.

    If you've ever been in the same situation and was able to get out of it quickly then good on you! I admire that but please consider that everybody is not like you. If you haven't experienced it then lucky you, I wouldn't wish it on anybody else but please have an open mind. Stop blaming the victims, you don't know what they're going through at the time. Plus it's hard enough to come forward imagine when you're surrounded by people who doesn't support you. Imagine that.


  28. You guys should hear disgusting Harvey Weinstein operative and general scumbag AJ Benza's whole take on the situation. He's human garbage:
