Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Blind Item #12

In an effort to lock down even more money earned by their daughter, the parents of this B+ list actress are auctioning off a nude scene when she turns 18. 


  1. Millie Bobby Brown's parents?

  2. They have one all planned out for her?

  3. From learning about her parents on CDAN, they are true sleazy people.

  4. First, disgusting. Second, that is quite the assumption that she will still be relevant in some 5 or 6 years

  5. . . . . . runs screaming from the room in search of her Stoli and a smoke . . . . .

  6. +1 roxy. If it's already been recorded, it would still be child porn. Parents could be playing with fire.

  7. Dahling, ditto! I can't with this shshht.

  8. Austin, this is true! In fact if they are in possession of this child porn, they can be charged NOW. Man, I hope she doesn't turn to drugs and prostituting herself when she gets older. Her parents (if true) are setting the foundation. The girl is only 13. Let her be a kid while she can.

  9. i'm reading this more like they're in talks with a number of producers who want her first nude scene in a future movie. they'll go with the highest bidder.

  10. If this is about Millie, I hope the producers realize, that once Millie turns 18, Millie would NOT contractually committed to film any sex scene if she decides against it.
    The parents are sleazy for (allegedly) doing this -- if them.

  11. I wonder how much her virginity went for? /smh

  12. Can that even be legally binding?

  13. @just sayin' - If they're doing that, will she be contractually obligated once turning an adult for something like that?

    This is so much WTFery I can hardly process it.

  14. In the US...in the UK they may get away with 16. Samantha Fox became a Page 3 girl when she turned 16.

  15. Samantha Fox!. That was a big deal in states, she being 16. I was 16 too. 16 year olds didnt show boobs in mags or news here.

  16. good question, roxy. it would depend on uk contract law but maybe in this case it depends most on if they have such control over her that she'll do what they say, now and then. wasn't there a blind about her considering emancipation? if so, maybe it's a money grab by the parents before she escapes. and i can't imagine she'd be obligated then.

  17. Wow. WTF? This blind makes my skin crawl.

  18. Yeah, the poor kid looks like the type to do what her parents tell her. The few times I've paid attention to her I've noticed that she doesn't have the fire or sense of defiance that some kids her age have.

  19. Auctioning off film footage of her or an appearance in her first sex tape?

  20. texasrose: i'm guessing it's selling the right to have her do her first sex scene in their future movie in a few years, not an existing or future "sex tape".

  21. just sayin'- that makes sense but you never know with tricks like this.

  22. american entrepreneurial spirit at its best!

  23. Bulllshiittt this is Millie BB. They can't make a contractual promise for her when she turns of age and certainly can't obligate her for nudity while she is a minor, this is such a fake blind. I can't see it geing true about anyone. lmfao

  24. Rupert murdoch basically built his modern empire on the back of sam fox's 16 year old boobs. Her parents are gross and she might be headed for lohan territory.
