Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list athlete who had a huge television payday this year involved himself in something that has resulted in death threats against his girlfriend. Instead of getting her more security though, our athlete is going to leave her behind while he leaves his home country.


  1. Connor McGregor? He allegedly picked a fight with people associated with an Irish drug gang.

  2. Ughhh I see this website is slow as Phuck again today. You enter a comment and it just keeps scrolling.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  5. Yup, it's Conor Mac.

  6. Conor. I wonder if he paid those guys.

  7. When you walk in my apt. the first thing you see is a large color poster of Conor. I have been very concerned that while getting hit on the head he would sustain brain damage. I fear this has come true. He is acting not only out-of-control of late, but is doing very strange and dangerous things. I feel so sorry for his adorable girlfriend and mother of his baby son. Hope and pray this blind isn't true. Someone save Conor from himself!

  8. According to my Dublin-based Irish friends, Conor does a lot of coke. This may help to explain some of his ah, overly excited moments.

  9. I know lots of inside MMA people. It's Conor and it's true.

    1. Maybe it's all for show and he just wants to get rid of her... that girl better run and hide the second he is out the door!

  10. If this is Connor Mac then that makes me sad. I had such high hopes for him that he would be different than all the other million-dollar douchebag athletes, plus if all those millions are going straight to coke? Even worse.

    What goes up, must come down.
    Do celebrities not know this basic concept?

  11. hadda jerk! I wonder why his gf and not sisters are being targeted - from this it seems she means a lot less. I guess these drug lords aren't very good at their jobs...

    PS- thanks insiders!!

  12. I follow MMA very closely. You can see from his actions he's doing more blow than Scarface. His actions at the BELLATOR fight, this shit happening at the bar.....he's in big trouble

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Don't believe the rumors. Conor has several friends and no enemies in the Kinahan cartel. They aren't going to hurt him or his family.

  14. Conor is a douche. Hope they gut him in the town square.
