Saturday, December 02, 2017

Blind Item #4

This A list singer collected a few phone numbers from female fans while his wife was involved in a major life event several floors up.


  1. Jason Alden/Brittany kerr

  2. What a tool. I'm guessing this was while she was having a baby.

    Still can't believe he ran and left her onstage during the Las Vegas massacre.

    1. I don’t know this fella from a hole in the ground, but the wife stated in a post that she wasn’t on stage with him, but in a nearby tent but went to him when the shooting started, and they hid together. I hope that this is accurate because the other scenario is seriously grim.

  3. jason aldean & his wife giving birth

    too bad the gunman in vegas didnt shoot him dead!

  4. Jason Aldean. I don't feel sorry for his wife, she sure didn't mind his being a cheater when she was the number 1 trick.

    1. +1 if he'll cheat with you he'll cheat on you.

  5. Ah, I didn't realize she was involved with him when he was with someone one else.

    karma can suck.

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    They always go out the way they came in. A cheater always cheats.

  7. What a dirt bag. Never liked him.

  8. He's very talented, and I don't much care about a guy getting someone's phone #. Don't even care if he cheats tbh, in the current scheme of things that would be a minor misdemeanor.

  9. Wow to that last comment. A cheater only shows what kind of person someone REALLY is. Talent is one thing, there are obviously many talented ppl that are horrible also. IE: Kevin Spacey, (though I never saw him as incredibly talented) There is absolutely NO reason to cheat none, if you make a commitment to someone that is basically a trust contract. If that one person is not good enough for you, if you must have more, THEN be a human about it, tell the other person and leave. Much better to be honest and keep your integrity than to be someone that is no better than the mud I scrape off my shoe after walking on the St Johns River.
    I find ppl that make excuses for cheaters are just as bad, someone that would BE with someone that is a cheater, deserves the karma.

  10. Is anyone else having issues pressing the next button because of ads? Just when I thought this page was getting it together

  11. Aldean, once a cheater, always a cheater.
