Saturday, December 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 29, 2017

Isn't that how it always works? You make a decision, always wrong by the way, to get their name tattooed on your body. Then, you and your former A+ list reality star girlfriend get into a knockdown drag out fight in your hotel room while out of the country.

Paris Hilton/Chris Zylka


  1. I cannot think of a worse act of self-destruction than to be Paris Hilton's boyfriend.

  2. He's probably gotten something else from her that's inside his body..

  3. I was surprised when I found out the son on the Leftovers was the same guy as Parisite's hanger on BF that followers her around as she "DJ's".

  4. She is so strange, that even in her own little world she is strange!

  5. An older friend/riding buddy of mine told me: never get a band's name or your SO's name tattooed on you. Then he showed me his ink with his wedding date on it inside an old Harley logo. 25 years ago, you were stuck with it.
