Friday, December 22, 2017

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list mostly movie actress finally has a new movie on the way out after what seems like forever. 2018 is going to be really different for her. The closeted Academy Award winner/nominee broke up with a long time girlfriend who was not quiet upon her departure from the place where she had been living courtesy of the A lister.


  1. Us Sandys stick together. Sandy b.

  2. Can she come out already?! Nobody believes she's straight anyway.

  3. enty is loving his guess the gay blinds today. I assume he's either in the closet himself or homophobic. Why else the constant need for closet blinds when they have no other rumors or scandals attached, just that they may be in the closet.

  4. Yes Sandy Bullock with Oceans 8. I saw an advert and actually thought to myself that she'd fallen off the face of the Earth.

  5. @Don Kieballs

    "enty is loving his guess the gay blinds today. I assume he's either in the closet himself or homophobic. Why else the constant need for closet blinds when they have no other rumors or scandals attached, just that they may be in the closet."

    you must be new.

    the world is homophobic - and your naivete is showing. thats the whole point - we live in an environment where the industry doesnt feel its marketable for someone to be gay, so they set up beardings/fake marriages/babies, the whole works. Being closeted isn't bad (its sad that being closeted even has to exist), its any person's personal choice. Clearly though, you're a bit green if you haven't realized the pressures of stars to be straight, and thus pressured by PR people & others to feign straight, fake relationships. It's horrible they have to do it, but we live in that world. Actually, your response kind of bolsters what Im saying - its like you take offense that someone COULD be closeted, rather than taking offense that enty is writing it. its like people who 'get grossed out' when somebody suggests leo dicaprio is closeted - all pearl clutchy, likes its offensive - you guys are part of the problem.

    maybe if you stick around on the sight, you wont be an idiot when it comes to this stuff.

  6. Beebopcowboy - You have no idea what you are talking about. I work in music and am fully aware of the difference between the performer you are presented with and the actual person who plays that role. I'm definitely not naive. I'm also fully aware the industry is different and coming out is not looked on as a marketing disaster like is used to be. Frank Ocean killed any excuses of a necessity, along with others. Please know what you are talking about before attempting to check me.

    I'm far from new, but you are. You didn't appear until October (not just on this site, but on that google/blogger acct). Check your lipstick before you come and talk to me.

  7. Ho ho Ho Merry Christmas :)

  8. 100% SB. she just put one of her condos up for lease.

  9. OK brand new account

    1. I like knowing who is gay...just like what straight couple is cheating? It's not being hateful. Only a self hating gay who is on the DL would be offended.

  10. Don: Enty puts these out because:

    1. What, at least 75% of Hollywood “talent” is something besides straight ie “non-hetero”, and sadly the bulk of them are still in the closet to some degree or another. Unfortunately the industry perception/mindset is still “stay in the closet because it’s best for biz”.

    2. He’d still have lots of blinds but not nearly as many without the gay/beard/closet ones

    3. It’s the industry mindset that is the problem, not Enty. If it was a non-issue, they wouldn’t be in the closet (as “talent” has been from the very beginning) and there would be nothing to report.

  11. Btw that’s not my mindset - I wish people could live and let live, be happy be themselves and exactly like Himmmmm states, as long as it’s consensual, not hurting anyone then it is no one’s business (and of course underage/animals cannot consent).

    But sadly as you and cowboy both are right and stated, most of the world is still homophobic therefore the industry is systemically locked in as “bad for business/career crippler or killer”, as wrong minded as that is. Agree there is no place for it in 2017 but change is glacially slow. Hell, some of these closeted actors come out all that would make me think is “DAYUM, they’re damn fine actors, having played the macho hetero dude so convincingly all these years” would just make me respect and be more impressed by their acting ability.

    The women, well I wouldn’t think any less of them, it would just make me think I’d have to be even that much more charming/seductive/convincing to talk ‘em into giving it a go.

  12. itttt - well said. thank you. I appreciate your perspective on this.
    As I've stated before, I appreciate a good lavender relationship. I think the number of closet blinds today is what got under my skin and frustrated with enty today (notice I am still here on his site, so I don't really think he's homophobic or I would be a hypocrite). Between the difficulty loading the site and comments the past couple days and my personal dislike of outing anyone, I may have gotten a bit overly annoyed with enty.

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    While I understand the rationale for being in the closet, you have to understand that entertainers who do so are actually lying and defrauding a naive public.

    It's like being a "DACA Dreamer"; our understandable sympathy for them can make us forget that they are illegal immigrants.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I am no expert on this but under the impression many are in the closet with fake spouses and kids because they have movies and concerts in countries where homosexuality is illegal.

  16. Some people here REALLY kill the fun for the rest of us. Just solve the damn blind no need for political correctness. And YES Hollywood is STILL a VERY homophobic place. Do not let the success of gay films blind you. I notice a lot of women on here BUT how many of them would WANT the HANDSOME male movie stars they have CRUSHES ON or have sexual fantasies about BEING GAY? Be honest. Male movie stars STAY in the closet due to HOMOPHOBIC HETEROSEXUAL FEMALE MOVIE FANS. That's a FACT. Straight women are VERY HOMOPHOBIC.

  17. "Oh, there are so many beautiful women," Thompson continued. "Well, I met Sandy Bullock at an awards thing a couple years ago, and she said to me, 'If I were gay, you'd be the one.' I said, 'I'm there!'"

    Hollywood has the power to attempt to change the perception but they're not even trying... I've always disliked the Oceans's franchise and this version does nothing for me.

  18. Don Keiballs, super touchy about the gay subject arent you. I really like the gay blinds along with all the others. If you dont like it leave and stop trying to tell Enty how to run his site.

  19. Male movie stars don't stay in the closet because their female fans are homophobic, Orville. What a ridiculous theory (verging on "butthurt," IMO). They stay in the closet because their female fans are STRAIGHT and there's a limit to the "suspension of disbelief" filmmakers rely on to get audience bums on seats. If Cruise & Travolta were papped having an affair including romantic strolls on Ibiza and candlelit dinners in Paris, how many "Top Gun" or "Grease" tickets would they sell? Pretty few...because the image of romantic male lead (for women) and/or macho hero has just gone down the tubes. Same for girls. Who believed Anne Heche's romance with Harrison Ford in "Six Days, Seven Nights," when everyone knew she was hooking up with Ellen? It's all about the image. There are plenty of straight people, both genders, who are the leading men/women of today's films but get outed here as drugging, cheating asswipes...but they still fill theaters because the IMAGE is: attractive, kind, heroic spirit, great soul...regardless of the truth. It's about image, and the majority audience is straight so that's the image being projected.

  20. So many new trolls here. I'll just address all of you, which is more than I really should do.
    I am openly gay. There is nothing in the closet or shameful about my sexuality. So that line of trolling is moot. Outing someone is shameful, however. Regardless of your desire to know their business, or, more likely, desire to out them because you like your gays conveniently labeled.
    Go back under your bridge, or go in for auditing, whichever is more applicable.

  21. I wish they were all out.

    Then I could make more informed choices on how I spend my entertainment dollars.

  22. I think this is a worthy discussion. Personally, I'd rather give a not-publicly-out gay person their privacy than negatively judge them for not being out. My two humble cents!!!!

  23. Oceans 8 has so much female acting talent but is such a soft concept, it'll be lucky to make money, but those actresses need the gig.
