Friday, December 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 14, 2017

A very good friend of this former B list actress who started as a child turned reality star says she was the middleman so to speak of a financial transaction which saw the former actress put herself out publicly in a place which cannot be good for her career. I hope it was a lot of money.

Keshia Knight Pulliam defending Bill Cosby


  1. I know a couple people who went to college with her. She had a major attitude then. She was also very fat and homely. After college when she decided to go back to acting, she got a lot of plastic surgery. No one would hire her and she thought it was because of her looks.

  2. I am going to say something politically incorrect Bill Cosby is worth over $500 MILLION DOLLARS. I commend Keisha she is LOYAL unlike a lot of those BLACK FEMINISTS and LESBIANS who HATE BLACK MEN. Nice to see a black woman who has a GOOD HEART on the side of the BLACK MAN. DO people think women NEVER EVER lie when it comes to these allegations? Some of these allegations over forty years ago. Sorry, but when I SEE a bunch of WHITE WOMEN ACCUSE a BLACK MAN of sexual harassment and rape you better believe I am cynical. AND if you don't believe me read a history text book. There is a long racist history of white women LYING saying black men raped them. In fact, it still goes on to this day. Do not believe me please GOOGLE Rodney Anderson name. Anderson a black college football player accused of sexual assault by a white woman because drum roll please... he didn't want to DATE HER. So the white girl lied. Good news for Anderson the District Attorney did not pursue charges. Also please GOOGLE Jemma Beale a fat lesbian from the UK who lied and said 15 raped her.

  3. Come on dude, he's guilty.

  4. umm, a lot of Bill Cosby’s accusers are black, including Beverly Johnson. I doubt that all of the vet 60 women are lying. Also, this:

    “In 2005, Cosby gave a deposition for a civil lawsuit filed against him for allegedly molesting a Philadelphia woman after surreptitiously drugging her, in which he admitted to purchasing Quaaludes, a sedative, to give to women he wanted to have sex with. The actor admitted that he had acquired seven prescriptions of Quaaludes with the intent to give them to young women he wanted to have sex with, though he did not admit to ever actually using the drugs. Constant's story surfaced shortly after the documents were unsealed in 2015, and numerous women stepped forward shortly after that to tell their own stories of alleged sexual assault at the hands of Cosby.”

  5. Billy Cosby is one of the most prolific serial rapists the world has ever known. Color should not and does not get a pass here....and to bring it up to defend him or shame his victims is foul.

  6. Billy Cosby is one of the most prolific serial rapists the world has ever known. Color should not and does not get a pass here....and to bring it up to defend him or shame his victims is foul.

  7. Billy Cosby is one of the most prolific serial rapists the world has ever known. Color should not and does not get a pass here....and to bring it up to defend him or shame his victims is foul.

  8. Triple post? Oops, sorry friends.
