Saturday, November 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6 - Anniversary Month

January 27, 2014

Grammy Awards

The award for most coke use in one night was this A list singer/celebrity who has multiple kids with multiple women. He used to be married to an A+ lister. The celeb was sweating like crazy and out of control at one point before he drank some booze and outside to calm down.

Marc Anthony

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 29, 2017

A little posing for photographers on the red carpet after an argument walking up to the carpet from the valet. More arguing throughout lunch and once again the world wonders why they don't just give up this pretense of a marriage. You know, the one with the foreign born A- list mostly television actress on the hit network show and her gets some movie roles because of his looks husband.

Sofia Vergara/Joe Manganiello

Blind Item #4 - The Suicide

I don't usually do named blinds on the weekend. This will be quick. There needs to be an independent investigation into the recent suicide of this actor. It was way too much of a coincidence that he was talking to reporters about the permanent A+ list producer/icon and the A list mostly movie director and ended up dead a few days later. He had been involved with them from an early age. 

Blind Item #3

In return for cash a long long time ago, this husband of a deceased icon gave up the right to associate his last name with the icon. He thought the family was going to relent on a very special event. Nope. They would actually like to pretend he doesn't exist.

Blind Item #2

Earlier this week or last I wrote about this couple that had promised to keep silent on drug use in return for silence on domestic violence issues. Turns out though, the domestic violence issue is going to be front and center. That will probably bring out the money laundering and fraud which will probably lead to some kind of murder suicide. Seriously.

Blind Item #1

I would imagine that by the time everything is said and done it will take about six months for this now ex manager of a permanent A list singer to be sued. Audits take awhile. All those credit card bills need to be examined. Those six figure wire transfers. We are talking millions here.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

January 22, 2014

This A list everything likes the world to think he is straight and make sure you always see him with women and he even has kids with women. Lately though he has been showing tiny hints that he also enjoys men. He also set up a foundation which also looks for aspiring male songwriters in undeveloped countries and has been personally looking through the photos of the applicants and flying his favorites to meet with him where he spends a weekend with them in a hotel while they work on songwriting. Uh huh.


Blind Items Revealed #3

October 29, 2017

This network reality star from multiple shows on the same network really wanted DWTS after she got all that attention. She didn't get the gig. She really wants to be the star of the main reality franchise in which she stars. She won't get it. Before she heads out on a lifetime of VH-1 shows though she is going to try her hand at a recording career. She hooked up with the directionally challenged rapper thinking he would help her accomplish that. Umm, when you hook up with him, it usually means he will be pimping you out or using you as a drug mule. So, good luck with all of that.

 Corinne Olympios/French Montana

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 29, 2017

The three named singer/ingenue has been in contact with the disgraced producer. He wants her to be seen in public with him. The thing is though, he can't offer her money because she has plenty of her own and he really can't offer a movie, so I'm not sure what's in it for her. She is talking to him a lot though, so you never know. At some after party last night she texted him nonstop.

Lana Del Rey/Harvey Weinstein

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

April 2, 2013

Back in the day this actress had a career. I make it sound like it was a long time ago, but it really was not that long ago. She probably thinks it has been forever since she was popular and loved and talked about constantly in the news. She was a big thing. Not ever A list, but a very solid B+ lister. Mostly television, but she dabbles in movies. Actually, right about now she would be willing to dabble in whatever you gave her. At just about the height of her fame, which was within the last decade she was involved in several high profile relationships. Very high profile. She loved the attention. When she got dumped in one of the relationships she vowed to never put her heart on the line again. The thing is that in that previous relationship she had developed somewhat of a reputation for wanting publicity and no one really wanted to date her. She found someone eventually. Problem was that he was married. It didn't bother our actress. She was all for it. She had the guy wrapped around her finger or so she thought. During the relationship our actress got pregnant. She told her boyfriend who confessed all to his wife because he wanted her to know. It was at that point, that she made a very strange decision. The wife had dumped the husband so he was free to be with our actress and our actress was thrilled and everything was going great, but she wanted a career and not a family so without even telling her boyfriend, she had an abortion. She thought he would be thrilled that they could just focus on each other and make their art together and she could be his muse. He was devastated and dumped her and since then, the word is out on her and she has barely managed to work since.

Rose McGowan/Robert Rodriguez

Friday, November 03, 2017

Random Photos Part One

One part today.

As Johnny Depp attends the London premiere of his new movie,
his ex, Amber Heard is struggling through a coke and booze hangover.
Meg Ryan and her daughter shopping in NYC.
Nicole Richie was at some award show last night.
Also at an award show was Padma Lakshmi.
Harvey Weinstein was spotted in an orange wig while
one of his rape victims, Rose McGowan hung out with Anthony Bourdain.

Blind Item #13

Hmm, so that A- list singer/B+ list actor who has that Oscar thing going for him is not so much worried about what women are saying about him, but what he did with women with that banned photographer. They had many sessions with women which he is probably desperately hoping never see the light of day. Most of those sessions were captured by video cameras.

Blind Item #12

Look for this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner and height challenged to take some pressure off his favorite organization. A new girlfriend complete with pictures and a ready made story would do nicely. It is ready if the rape story does not quickly go away.

Blind Item #11

This late night talk show host who has been under the spotlight as of late wanted nothing to do with an interview he agreed to weeks ago. It was a radio station interview and our late night host would answer nothing of interest. You know, the same kind of thing that would get one of his guests banned from future appearances.

Blind Item #10

Apparently the superhero with the very very messy sex life/love life has added to his issues. He has drama going on at home with some people living with him. He has been in touch with his actress ex who texted him photos of herself in bed. Oh, the bed was in the trailer of her co-star. This made our superhero jealous and he flew out to see the ex.

Blind Item #9

This one named actor who seems to only act in a franchise is smoking so much meth right now, it is no wonder he is doing an Amanda Bynes on social media for the world to see. He needs help fast.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 27, 2017

This permanent A list singer has her soon to be ex basically extorting money from her for spousal support and has agents and managers and the government clamoring for money. So, she is going to sign on doing a residency gig at an east coast casino. She is getting screwed over in the pay though. Only about half what Britney or Jennifer Lopez make.

Mary J Blige

Four For Friday - More On The Island And A Child Rapist That Needs To Be Brought To Justice

Apparently when you start publicly writing about things, then more documents appear and more people start talking.

#1 - The Island - Yes, there is diplomatic immunity, BUT this foreign born former A+ list royal had to get special permission earlier this year to visit the US. The government couldn't say no when asked, but did make it clear they wanted the royal to cancel his travel plans. Apparently during the Island investigation, a recording came to light from about a decade ago during a visit to Washington DC where the royal was overheard having sex with a 15 year old girl. It was a recording that was not listened to live, but later. No one really knew the recording existed until questions were asked about the island. Apparently the owner of the island provided the teen in question.

#2 - A reporter needs your help. They know you will figure out the name in this blind and hopefully you will know something that will help bring this celebrity down. They are A+ list at what they do. If you turn on this cable network, you will feel they are on almost all of the 24 hours in the day. Of course if you manage to watch him for longer than five minutes, you must have it on mute or have lost your remote control. According to a very close family member, this host/celebrity has raped multiple young boys. He is paying people off and many of the boys he has raped have been family members so it is a very closely held secret. The reporter is afraid everyone will be bought off before he can be exposed. So, send me tips to send to the reporter.

#3 - The Island - Apparently this permanent A+ list celebrity had a don't ask don't tell policy. He wouldn't ask the women how old they were and he didn't want them to tell. He would also request that during flights to be blindfolded and according to one of the girls interviewed he said he could guess what nationality a girl was by the way they pleasured him orally. He insisted on playing the game every single time he flew to the island.

#4 - The Island - That A list mostly movie actor who is having so many issues right now has another big one staring him in the face. Apparently the owner of the island made special arrangements one time for a trip not to the island but to a different country where our actor raped a dozen boys in one of the poorest countries in the world. Oh, and get this. The actor bragged about the money he paid to the parents and said he claimed it as a tax deduction.

#5 - The Island - That A list director was getting bombarded by young men he molested threatening him and he has gone into hiding and shut down his social media accounts. 

Your Turn

Favorite pizza toppings. Favorite pizza chain.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 26, 2017

Don't believe what this former A list mostly movie actress is selling. She is a celebrity offspring of someone arguably more famous and has offspring who are arguably more famous at least to a younger generation. Her many years of drug abuse continuing through to the present day is what is causing all of her health issues. Nothing else she is spinning in her yarns is true.

Melanie Griffith

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

May 2, 2013

This B-/C+ list mostly television actor from a very hit show is probably going to end up in jail within the next year. He is leaving a trail of women behind him who claim to have been sexually assaulted by the actor. He shuts them up with cash and some he has threatened, but the numbers grow everyday. He never has just a normal relationship. He loves the power and loves the violence. He has been confronted before and exposed here before for his past behavior which he had said he had put behind him.

Mark Salling (and within a year, one of those women turned him in for child porn and another accused him of rape)

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 26, 2017

This A- list mostly movie actress who will be busy the next decade or two filming some installments to a franchise had an opportunity to involve her husband in an ad campaign. He wanted to. She said no. She says she is the star of the family.

Zoe Saldana

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner is pregnant, but not by her husband.

Blind Item #7

This infamous former A lister on par with Casey Anthony is trolling the family of a deceased person simply to try and make a few bucks either with another book deal or documentary. She was supposed to be filming a tv show this winter/spring but is having trouble nailing it down. She was told trolling might help get her some attention.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 25, 2017

This former celebrity from a decade ago on the site has reinvented herself as a reality star on a seemingly never ending franchise. What hasn't changed with her over the past decade is her love of partying and her insane jealousy which led her most recent boyfriend to run away as fast as he could. And yes, he was having sex with other women but our reality star is still insanely jealous. 20-30 phone calls (not texts) are common with her.

Tinsley Mortimer

Blind Item #6

The former stripper turned celebrity turned reality star is being nice to the get paid to do nothing reality star ex because she wants him to go on a network reality show with her so she can trash him on it for ratings. Part of her deal to get hired was to bring him along. 

Blind Item #5

When you hire a guy who loves drugs and booze for a major role, you have to expect things will get shut down at some point. They did. When he did make it to filming and you had to stop multiple times to stop his nose bleeds, that probably should have given you an indication that something worse was going to occur.

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly movie actor should actually be B+ list until his superhero movie is released. Anyway, while on a trip to Asia he was bragging about having sex with four women one night. I'm sure his wife would love for him to keep sharing these stories.

Blind Item #3

Don't worry Mr. permanent A list mostly movie actor with the multiple Oscar wins/nominations who is beloved in the world. There are plenty of women who are whispering to reporters about you right now. Your turn is coming. That mostly television actress who has done hits on pay cable and network television with the alliteration in her name especially has a lot to say.

Blind Item #2

This closeted married former A+ list rapper has been living with a man the past few months. I don't think the rapper will ever come out. Ever. I will say that his marriage is hanging by a thread because his wife is tired of the guys and having to pay for everything.

Blind Item #1

It is pretty rare when this A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner is a blind item. In fact, she may have only ever been a kindness once. Anyway, apparently she was going through some issues and has started to self medicate. That has led to her start snorting some heroin which is never a good thing. She was barely coherent at an event this week.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Raquel Welch gets the top spot. I wish she would spill some stories.
Benedict Cumberbatch and his eye patch filming a new show.
Jeremy Piven back on the set of his awful new show.
Kate Upton and Justin Verlander celebrate a World Series win by walking their dog.
An interesting choice for Adam Levine.
Aly Raisman and Lindsey Vonn are really pumped about the Knicks game last night.
Matthew M on the set of his new movie.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Chloe Moretz in the rain filming in Toronto.
Joe Keery aka Jean Ralphio Jr and what looks to be Linnea Berthelsen in Italy.
Oh, the coke head and his girlfriend Natalia Dyer were there too.
Reese Witherspoon in WSJ Magazine.
Sofia Richie and Scott Disick spend another day shopping.
Sofia Vergara waits for her car in the rain.
Alicia Vikander meeting a friend for dinner.

Blind Item #13

This A+ list titan of industry who just so happens has a home in Malibu has an interesting kink. Our executive who is known for some outlandish things and is in the Fortune 100 keeps 100 pairs of Louboutins in various sizes in his home. Apparently he enjoys hiring women for the night to put them on and walk on him. 

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list reality star who is still not really liked by anyone other than drug dealers and Joe Francis and some members of her family got her kind of celebrity cousin hooked on coke. She just hates using alone. 

Blind Item #11

Apparently there are two front runners for sexiest woman alive or whatever Kneepads calls their thing. One is an aging white actress who is an Academy Award winner, so pretty much their norm. The other has spent close to $1M in advertising and is an A+ list reality star. 

Blind Item #10

This former A list tween actress turned A- list dual threat actress turned stays at home a lot is about to name names. A lot of names. A lot of molesting and assaulting and passed out to men two and three times her age when she was a teen naming names. All of the people she is naming still work a lot. I think she thinks she won't be believed because of her past.

Blind Item #9 - Himmmm

Yesterday and last night a studio (___________) was in crisis mode with executives flying in and lawyers summoned. All because this perverted jerk director (____________) and his company (_________) are such a major part of the studio's project slate that the studio itself may be in jeopardy - especially being taken over by a publicly traded company that requires Congress' approval.

Last night during the investigation into the damage done by the director, and how damaged the studio can be, they discovered some bizarre business interests. Seems the director is a major investor-partner in several adult porn websites. The studio and even the director's managers didn't know it.  One of the porn sites in particular is so disgusting, perverted, and possibly illegal in the USA that the studio is scrambling to cut all ties and remove the director from everything, before the media uncovers this.

The site, hosted offshore and hidden beneath layers of front companies, is so awful that the analysts refused to explore it - and only finally did so after a lawyer and ex-FBI man at the studio both agreed to monitor the investigation. If the director and his pals see that website as their normal views of sex? Then those abuse allegations are just the beginning of his slide into the gutter. Even a national official (_______________) is scared. He sent a representative of his to meet studio brass all because of his own former association with the director which still reaps financial income for the official. They're trying to quietly cover up all ties to Russian investors and Arab investors before people start looking deeply at those relationships. Talk was swirling about the official (_______) and the director on a Russian billionaires yacht, with Arabs and lots of young women. Why? There is a video and photos. Not good for the studio and definitely not good for a Trump appointee at the moment. 

Meanwhile the studio is in damage-control mode, and one executive (______________) is rumored to be on the chopping block due to his defense of and friendship with the director. The studio is looking to scapegoat, cut ties, and dress up as a wholesome family company before its new owner (_________) has to go before Congress to get approval for lots of new plans. Many Congresswomen in particular are just waiting to get some re-election coverage by grilling them and forcing them to pledge to change the culture of Hollywood. If anyone thinks attorney Marty Singer can handle all this? They are clueless. 

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

June 27, 2013

This former A list celebrity/singer and C+ list mostly television actress was fired from a show despite trying her best to stay on the show. She actually helped put a nail into the coffin of her marriage by having sex with a producer because she thought staying on the show was more important than her marriage.

Ashlee Simpson/Melrose Place

Today's Blind Items - The Financier

Back in the day, he was an actor. A fairly successful child actor. As he started getting a little older, he played the game the way he was told. When he wasn't old enough to drive he was hooking up with that A list movie producer and that A list mostly movie director that keeps popping up. He spent most of his time though with a guy who taught him about money while also having sex with him. I say sex, but our actor was not yet legal so lets call it what it is - rape.

The money guy schooled our actor on how to make money. Meanwhile, the actor was also used to bring in young male actors for the sick fantasies of the previously mentioned and also the sick fantasies of investors. I can't tell you how many child and teen actors ended up dead from drugs or booze or just suicide because of these a-holes.

It hasn't stopped. Things have just slightly changed. The mentor of the actor has to lay low all the time now. He is always watched by authorities. The actor though can move freely. He makes a ton of money which is used to finance movies for the director and the producer. Almost every movie they change the name of the finance company to keep people off the trail. Where do they get the money? Politicians, executives and anyone else who wants to have sex with young boys. The actor has a supply chain from acting schools and casting calls to model hunts and everything in between. The former actor uses his political connections to make people guardians of some of these boys. Can you imagine the sick f**k who knows what is going to happen to these boys but approves a guardianship for the boy to live with the guy who is going to rape them?

The thing is, people have spoken up. People have complained. You know what happens? Nothing. The voice gets hammered back down. Maybe some cash changes hands. Maybe the troubled youth ends up dead. A victim of the drug crisis or gun violence. The guardian did everything they could say the stories. Gave the youth a loving home.

If you go back a decade, you will see the fields of Hollywood littered with the dead bodies of actors who were victimized by this group. The deaths might be publicized but not the aftermath. None of the dead actors ever get in a memorial during Oscar or Emmy night. They just are child or teen actors who couldn't handle fame. No, they are actors who couldn't handle being raped and living their lives after years of abuse.

Your Turn

I have done a lot of book ones but have I ever done worst movie made from a good book? Things got so bad back in the day with the Grisham books turned to movies I gave up for a long time. I will say that if they had made the Harry Potter movies four hours I would have gone alone with it. They were great adaptations. Godfather was good. Hunger Games. They messed up Lovely Bones. Ditto with the Jack Reacher movies. I could go on.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 25, 2017

Going back to the movie in #12 (In this case, Blind Items Revealed #3) for a minute, one of the actors in it almost died multiple times. The actor in question is a former A lister and he must be spraying Windex on himself 24/7 to be staying alive. There was some issue with some meds he was supposed to take and some herbal supplements he replaced them with against doctor's orders. Seriously, he is lucky to be alive.

Val Kilmer

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 25, 2017

It was really nice of this director to throw himself under the bus for what will be one of the biggest box office flops of the year. He saved this foreign born full frontal loving actor who spent most of the movie hooking up with everyone in this Nordic country all day and night and blowing off shoot days. If he really did get married, he probably doesn't care about the vows because he already knows his foreign born actress wife will let him do what he wants.

Thomas Alfredson/The Snowman/Michael Fassbender/Alicia Vikander

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 25, 2017

The wife of this foreign born A list dual threat actor now considers herself a world class movie producer after being on a set twice. Umm. So, anyway, she is committing the new family production company to some really big ticket items and if you haven't noticed, the cash flow has slowed to a trickle.

Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Item #8

This permanent A list singer received a special honor yesterday. To ensure she wouldn't be late, the she was advised the starting time was two hours earlier than the actual time. The thing is though, she decided to take it upon herself to be on time because she knew it was a big deal so ended up being two hours early and paid $2000 to use a suite at a hotel for two hours to wait it out.

Blind Item #7

It always amuses me when a charity function takes a backseat to partying by celebrities. Over the weekend, our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/wannabe actress and the initialed singer who is also foreign born did line after line of coke instead of mingling with fans who had paid the charity a lot of money to see the pair.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 25, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actor had to be carried out from a dive bar in Santa Monica because he was so drunk. A trainer/part-time bodyguard of his ex is the one who picked him up.

Ben Affleck (Oh, and the ex is not Garner, but rather Lopez who he apparently still talks to and texts. Wonder if A Rod knows)

Blind Item #6

This A list rapper and his girlfriend get threatened almost every day from people directed by his ex. His ex is a former stripper/former reality star who makes her living having sex with other men. Apparently she thinks the rapper shouldn't be with his new girlfriend and the threats are scary.

Blind Item #5

Unless there is a sudden halt to the pills and coke and booze, there is definitely going to be a miscarriage announcement for this MTV star. Her significant other already thinks of this as a way to not have to work again and has been partying hard every night.

Blind Item #4

One person not being talked about publicly despite all the sexual assault and rape allegations against him is this author/television host of his own show and frequent guest on many others who makes his living explaining things.

Blind Item #3

I bet one thing this soon to be husband of a celebrity offspring/daytime talk show host won't be talking about anytime soon is the guy he hooks up with every time he comes out to LA.

Blind Item #2

What do you do if you are this foreign born A list singer who is young but never seems to date anyone? Well, if you are his management team you pay this barely there celebrity offspring of a never higher than a B list actor and pay her $10K for a few weeks of pretending. Much less than her "modeling" assignments but way less intimacy.

Blind Item #1

Despite doing way more for music and the world during an event this year, this A- list singer who is not always the most friendly person was denied an award. Why? Well, unlike the winner of the award our A- list singer wouldn't sleep with the guy making the ultimate decision and the winner did. Now, the A- list singer wants to speak out about it, but her management team won't let her.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Garner and her costumed kids on their way to a night of glorious trick or treating with Ben Affleck in Malibu.
Maisie Williams in London.
Chris Pratt took his son trick or treating long before dark.
Rose McGowan in NYC.
Reese Witherspoon on the bundled up school run.
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber ride bikes and self destruct.
Britney Spears shows off her horse.

Random Photos Part One - Halloween

Two parts today.

Charlize Theron
Demi Lovato
Heidi Klum
Mike Myers and Heather Graham
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
Lady GaGa
Tara Reid

Blind Item #11

This A list country singer has been seeing a woman for the past couple of weeks who is definitely not his long time celebrity girlfriend who is just as high on the list. 

Blind Item #10

I can't wait until six months from now when this foreign born former A- list singer from a group turned full time reality judge sues her agent. Our singer/judge has zero leverage in her negotiations for a huge pay raise on a show. The agent has convinced her she is in demand. She isn't. No one wants her for anything. She can and will be replaced by a million different people. She is living in a fantasy world which will involve bankruptcy very soon unless she comes to her senses.

Blind Item #9

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who will be A- list for sure when her new superhero movie franchise begins took a swing at a woman in a costume last night. Our actress, who was not in costume had been making out with a girlfriend when the woman in costume tried to do a line of the coke belonging to the actress. The actress took a swing and missed before the other woman fled. 

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What cult leader is in panic mode because there are several famous women, all of whom have left the cult lining up to come forward about him sexually assaulting/harassing them? Who are these ladies, you ask? Well it's the singer celeb spawn, the celeb spawn's eldest child, the sitcom and reality TV star, and that quirky Oscar nominated actress. 

Mr. X Blind Item #1

What former A+ list actor who is currently starring in a franchise but in the past has starred in two other franchises, like another franchise actor from a previous BI, is consulting with his lawyers about coming forward about that billionaire mogul raping him several decades ago? 

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

February 15, 2016

At this pre-Grammy party, our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/actress got together with this A+ list singer. First they trashed that tweener actress turned singer to anyone who would listen, then the pair did a few lines of coke together before having a threesome with that foreign born A- list mostly movie actor one of them has been seeing.

Rita Ora/Katy Perry/Selena Gomez/Orlando Bloom

Today's Blind Items - The Island

This is the holy grail. This is what is on the horizon for some actors/producers and directors that will ruin them for all time. Until two weeks ago, I would have thought the chances for anything leaking from this was zero. People kept their mouths shut before even when the feds were questioning lots of people. The thing is though, lots of those people lied to the feds. Some were granted immunity and still lied. Why? Going to jail for lying to the government gets you Martha Stewart time and a book deal. Telling the truth gets you jail for a long time and no career or friends when you get out.

Can you imagine a place where Hollywood types and rich executives from around the world can gather in one place and have sex with underage boys and girls without any interference from any governments or parents? Yeah, well there was such a place. There probably is a replacement somewhere. The problem is in finding it. When people are flying in from different corners of the globe, it can be tough. When your only choice before was to fly in a private plane to a private island, people knew where it was.

I think there is some shady stuff going down in Joe Francis Land, but nothing like the hundreds of teen boys and girls that were raped and abused and forced to be with men for weeks and months on end.

Apparently with all types of local governments looking into sexual assaults and rapes committed by Hollywood people coming into the light, the situation on the island they all thought they had carefully extricated themselves from is back. Could be barely back or could be back where everyone goes to jail.

Today I am just going to focus on three of the players. They all have been on the island. They all have done some horrible things to tween boys and girls. No one they were with on the island was anywhere close to being the legal age of consent.

So, most likely to flip and throw everyone under the bus is this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner. He is the one who almost killed several of the boys to the point where his host no longer invited him. Our actor had a preference for tweens who didn't speak English. He didn't want to hear anything they had to say. Probably one of the cruelest people around. He lied to the feds like crazy the first time around and said he only went to the island to fish and lay out and relax. He also told the feds he never saw anything happen with anyone and that he usually was alone when there. He is by far facing the most time in jail if caught so would first flip our second a-hole.

A few years ago it looked like this A list director was going down. He never even was interviewed by the feds that I can find. Apparently he always went to the island via a boat just because he is smarter than most and didn't want any record. No record means the feds didn't even know he was a guest on the island. Our director would come for 24-48 hours of nonstop sex. Apparently he would take enough drugs to stay awake the entire time. The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower.

One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa. Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don't know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.

There will be way more than these three who go down if it happens. There are probably a dozen A list types who spent time on the island.

Your Turn

Apparently today is world vegan day. Have you ever gone vegan or vegetarian? Still doing it?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

February 15, 2016

This former A list tweener from a musical family didn't get as much fame as another family member. The drugs probably contributed to it. He has never stopped. At a gifting suite for the Grammy Awards he had to go outside multiple times to smoke meth. If you told me tomorrow he died today, it would not shock me at all.

Aaron Carter (missed this one last month)

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

February 8, 2016

This A- list mostly movie actor who is a superhero is known for the strange things he has made his exes take part in. He had a long time celebrity girlfriend who was willing to do most and an A- list actress who was not. His new girlfriend apparently goes above and beyond and is trolling for new men and women to bring to the bedroom almost every night.

Henry Cavill/Gina Carano/Kaley Cuoco

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 11, 2017

You know who hasn't slowed down their casting couch process? This A list mostly action director who is going to be filming a new movie which lends itself to topless auditions has already begun in earnest. Seriously, he has no shortage of women willing to have sex with him or do other sexual favors to land a role in the movie and he can just say it is part of the script.

Brett Ratner

Blind Item #8

This Southern Housewife and her husband had a massive Halloween blowout fight. Apparently he ripped her Halloween costume when they were fighting and then she slammed into a door which broke the frame. He left shortly after. He probably went to hook up with that woman he has been seeing that used to have sex with another now ex husband from the same cast.

Blind Item #7

Apparently two of the biggest tabloid empires in LA have joined forces to try and destroy this female comedian/actress/reality star. Between all their properties they are just going to take turns trying to trash her at every opportunity. It is having an effect in her income and no one will hire her for anything other than one off shows.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 24, 2017

This former Disney actress turned future porn star had to go buy her own drugs this week. Apparently her dealer got arrested and a new guy didn't know who she was so wouldn't make a delivery.

Bella Thorne

Blind Item #6

This former A list athlete/reality star has been running low on cash. No deals and no endorsements. He makes a few bucks here and there for appearances. His long time girlfriend who is a barely there celebrity has been hooking up with very wealthy, very old men to make ends meet for the couple while they hope for a reality show.

Blind Item #5

This alliterate flash in the pan former A+ lister dumped that crazy religion of hers back during the peak fame days when she caught a guy pleasuring himself while she was supposed to be unburdening so to speak. When she complained, a person there said it was her fault and that she should plan on signing up for $100K worth of courses to make up for it.

Blind Item #4

The drug use from this former A+ list singer turned A- lister/wannabe actress is out of control. No one in her camp will ever suggest rehab to her. I have never seen a bigger group of enablers. All they want is to keep close to her and make money off her. Most know if she goes to rehab and gets sober, then they will be kicked to the curb.

Blind Item #3

It is amazing to me how this Teen Mom OG star rails against drugs and booze when just the other night she was staggering drunk and downed several pills from an unmarked pill bottle. Oh, all while supposedly working.

Blind Item #2

Apparently this A- list model pressures his foreign born extremely wealthy girlfriend for cash almost every single day. The model told a couple of his friends that he tries to get $2000 a day from the girlfriend and she also busy him a lot of gifts. I bet he tells a judge he makes very little money though.

Blind Item #1

This is a match made in possible overdose heaven. The B+ list mostly television actor known more for who he was married to brings the drugs to this former tweener turned adult singer who has been back on the need to go to rehab again train for almost this entire year. In return she hooks up with him. 

Brett Ratner Accused Of Sexually Harassing Six Women - There Will Be Lots More

Director-producer Brett Ratner has been accused of sexual harassment by six women, including actress Natasha Henstridge, according to a report published Wednesday by the Los Angeles Times.

Ratner, through his attorney Martin Singer, strongly denied the allegations to the Times.

“I have represented Mr. Ratner for two decades, and no woman has ever made a claim against him for sexual misconduct or sexual harassment,” Singer told the Times. “Furthermore, no woman has ever requested or received any financial settlement from my client.”

Ratner’s publicist Simon Halls did not immediately respond to a request by Variety for comment on the article.

Henstridge told the Times that Ratner, 48, allegedly forced her to perform oral sex on him during an incident in his New York apartment in the early 1990s when she was a 19-year-old model, according to the report.

Actress Olivia Munn detailed what she described as several disturbing encounters with Ratner. In one instance, she brought food to his trailer during the filming his 2004 film “After the Sunset.” Munn alleges that Ratner emerged from the bathroom wearing no pants and “furiously masturbating.” Munn later sparred with Ratner after he claimed during a 2011 TV appearance to have slept with her. A few days later he apologized for making that statement during an appearance on Howard Stern’s radio show.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Random Photos Part Two

Dakota Fanning is in Europe promoting her new movie.
Ariana Grande and
Halle Berry with some interesting Halloween choices.
Jessica Biel in a meeting about her new business endeavor.
Jennifer Lawrence filming a skit for Jimmy Kimmel.
Angelina Jolie and the hey, I do eat ice cream at least for this one photo pose.
Kate Middleton out doing royal work again after a bit of a morning sickness break.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Michael J Fox and Tracy Pollan make a rare red carpet appearance.
Mila Kunis headed into Kimmel with some very long boots.
Rachel Bilson sure has been papped a lot. That is really unusual for her.
Eddie Redmayne and his wife after lunch yesterday.
Selma Blair gets stopped by paps during a coffee run.
Sandra Bullock doing the back to back movie thing which she has not done in ages.
Selena Gomez made sure to get all made up for the paps she called.