Saturday, November 18, 2017

Blind Item #5

Most of the time the mentor to this former A+ list tweener likes to have sex with the women the former tweener has been with. The former tweener knows this. What the former tweener doesn't know is that his on again off again girlfriend did the same thing a year ago when she needed some cash.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 11, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actress took back her assistant/nanny/lover but made her break up with th guy she had been seeing on speaker phone. Our A+ lister then threatened the guy to not contact the nanny again.

Angelina Jolie

Blind Item #4

This host/mogul might be forced out of the closet by the most recent allegations against him. That would then release a whole host of other allegations. It would be Spacey Part 2 minus the young boys aspect. Oh, or always being a d**k.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the hype and there is a lot of it. This one named A+ list singer stayed far far far away from the A+ list reality star at a recent event.

Blind Item #2

One of the reasons, besides just not thinking things through before saying something, that this B+ list actress/writer/producer went out on a limb is that the person she is defending knows a LOT of secrets about her she doesn't want revealed.

Blind Item #1 - Political Murder

You think political surprises can be big, then you have seen nothing yet. In one of the bigger races in the country that has a primary just before summer, there is a candidate running who committed murder to save his political future. The anniversary of that murder just occurred. One of his opponents knows the secret and is going to reveal it about 30 days before the primary.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 9, 2017

CMA Awards

He is a permanent A list singer but last night, he was like the crazy uncle you are just trying to avoid. People think he was on some kind of stimulant just because he was running around like a rat in a cage. Yes, I know that it is a line in a Smashing Pumpkins song. But, it is appropriate for last night. He already has those bug eyes. He was definitely off.

Garth Brooks

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 7, 2017

Look for this former tweener turned B+ list adult singer to cancel the remainder of her tour for some reason. When ticket sales are in 40% range and you are bleeding money trying to continue, excuses are made.

Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 6, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actress spent the night with this A+ list mostly movie actor. She has a significant other and he has claimed nothing ever happened before with the A+ list actress. Uh huh.

Jennifer Lawrence/Chris Pratt

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 3, 2017

Apparently the superhero with the very very messy sex life/love life has added to his issues. He has drama going on at home with some people living with him. He has been in touch with his actress ex who texted him photos of herself in bed. Oh, the bed was in the trailer of her co-star. This made our superhero jealous and he flew out to see the ex.

Chris Evans/Jenny Slate

Malcolm Young Has Died

Malcolm Young, guitarist and co-founder of AC/DC, died Saturday at the age of 64. Young had been suffering with dementia for the past three years, an illness that forced his retirement from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-inducted band he founded with his brother Angus Young in 1973.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Blind Item #10

Over the past few months I have been documenting in this space how this former A+ list mostly movie actor who seemingly abused every woman he ever dated and is an Academy Award winner/nominee ditched his long time foreign born girlfriend and has been seeing men. The inside the building kisses have been replaced with multiple public makeout sessions with men everywhere he goes.

Mr. X Blind Item #3

This A-/B+ list singer/actress/Oscar winner/nominee/part-time reality star is doing everything possible to make sure her soon to be ex does not see who she is hooking up with. It would be dramatic. So, she did what she could on the legal front to make sure he doesn't find out.

Mr. X Blind Item #2

It worked for this other A list soccer player so this foreign born A list soccer player would love this leaning towards women former tweener turned B+ list singer to do a little showmance/bearding with him for a bit. He can certainly afford it and it will definitely expand her base.

Mr. X Blind Item #1

What A-list host and former reality judge was seen dining with someone who was not his wife the other night and getting rather intimate? To be more specific, it's the woman who many claim has made his show too PC.

Blind Item #9 - Blackmailing

Showing you how horrible this foreign born former A+ list tweener is, he is blackmailing a fellow A list singer who comes from the same country. Apparently the former tweener would like some songs and doesn't want to have to pay for them. So, he has a recording made by a celebrity offspring who gets her coke from the former tweener and is bearding for the blackmailed one. One the recording, the blackmailed singer is talking about his sexuality which keeps in the closet and also talks about the first time he had sex with the guy he considers his boyfriend.

If I were the blackmailed A list singer, I would get in touch with this one named permanent A list male singer who has video recordings of the blackmailer which he would never want to see the light of day.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

March 28, 2007

So when celebs are out of the country they can get away with acting really strange. Usually. This A list film actor decided to take advantage of his recent foray to another country. (This wouldn't work in the UK, so skip it when thinking about it) The actor went to a shop that catered to the plus sized woman and walked out about 30 minutes later in women's clothing. Apparently someone tried to take a cell phone pic of the actor but only caught him from behind. When the person tried to catch up with the actor, he turned around and advised her to mind her own business and she was too shocked to just hold up the damn phone and take the pic. No word on where the actor went.

John Travolta

Four For Friday - Raped For A Part

This movie is generally considered to be one of the more vile movies of all time. It condones statutory rape and purposefully filmed outside the country and lied about the dates of production just so they could show the star naked and having sex even though she was underage. As bad as that sounds, it was much worse.

Lets go back in time to before the movie was shot. You had a 60 something Hollywood lecher/director who was scouting high school talent he could convince to have sex with him for $100 by using his former A list credentials to convince her he could make her a star. Sure, they were in the middle of nowhere and not even close to Hollywood, but it was a game he played often.

He knew photographers in the city who would pass along photos of the mid teen females who thought they could be big in the modeling world. Some scam agency would tell them they needed head shots and send them to the photographer who would see how if he could get them naked and what they would do for money. Then, dirty old men like the director would come in and spin tales of money or fame or whatever was their con and then rape these teens. I use the term rape because most of these a-holes were middle aged to old and most of the teens were 15-17.

Anyway, lets call our actress Lisa. If you have been reading the site the past few weeks, this kind of all ties it together doesn't it. Lisa was 16 when she met the director. He spun his tale and she loved it and they had sex every day for a few weeks. Apparently the director became convinced from his own words to make a movie starring this teen who he was in lust with. He wanted to keep having sex with her and thought she could be a star. Mostly though, he just wanted to have sex with her.

He has an idea for a movie which fulfills all his horrible fantasies and the great thing is, that movie already exists. He just needs to switch it up a little. He also needs money. He goes to his friend who we will call The Big Cheese. One thing you need to know about The Big Cheese is he is crooked. He also loved to make money. Oh, and he also loves teens. One thing led to another and he also raped 16 year old Lisa.

The Big Cheese also saw it as a way he could have sex with someone who was barely legal he had been lusting for on television. She would turn into an A+ list actress and she remains A list to this day. He offered her a role in the movie for about 50 times what she was making doing television but she also had to have sex with him for a whole weekend. She did it and says today it was the worst weekend of her life but it also made her career. She never slept with any other guy for a part.

Now, Mr. Big Cheese was really on board and he saw this as a way he too could have sex with a bunch of teenagers and knew where they could film the movie to take advantage of that. He also knew which A list actor to hire. The actor loved sex with teens and loved filming in out of the way fun places. He also loved a check more than any script. The actor, who we will call DRS also raped Lisa. He did so repeatedly throughout the filming of the movie.

The filming of the movie was just one big orgy with no care or concern about making a hit. The only thing they cared about was staying under budget which was not hard because they were shooting one take of each scene so they could go back to partying. The A lister says she hated going out at night and blames the movie on her drug problem later in life because she just sat in her room bored at night so turned to drugs.

Lisa made more shows and more movies but was usually required to get naked in auditions and in movies and to have sex with whoever was casting her. She burned out and left the business when she got married. A few years went by and then out of the blue she got a call to come do a movie. To be close to top billed. She had been out of the business for almost a decade. Why was she called back? The producer/writer of the movie had a crush on her from back in the day. Despite the fact he is married he wanted to have sex with Lisa and pressured her for weeks and weeks until she agreed. She got the part. The movie sucked. Lisa had been willing to give it one more try but after that she said no and has never worked again. 

Your Turn

Name some websites and blogs you love reading.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

March 22, 2007

So what does it mean when you go around bragging about how much you are going to make off a video when you have been saying all along that none of it was your idea and that you had no idea it would ever be released? Does _______ know about you and the tall pierced one? (I know you know the blank, but don't want to make it too obvious which is why I put it there.)

Kim Kardashian/Ray J/Dennis Rodman

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

This blind is actually within a much longer piece. A much much longer piece.

In December 2013 I provided a hint which read,  "He is set to have a very big December. Will he get an Academy Award nomination for his new movie?"

March 19, 2007

There is this other guy she knows who EVERYONE would also know even though he is not a celebrity. He has been with lots and lots of women including lots of celebrities and celebutantes. LOTS. The thing is that he has a very tough time performing and just prefers watching. Watching other couples or the girl he is with or two girls. He pretends he is all manly and virile, but the only way he can be that is with Viagra and lots of watching. She says the only way he can usually finish is to do it himself. Figures.

Harvey Weinstein

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

March 14, 2007

So, back to last night and the dinner and drinking and gossiping. Did I mention the drinking? During dinner, AP got a text message talking about a party that was going on at the same time we were eating. She read it aloud and wrote back. Several more text messages revealed this.

This party caused a headache today for one person already and does not need to be rehashed. It may cause a few more. It seems that no big celebrities really wanted to attend this appearance, and so the companies involved ordered up some really no name female "talent". This talent consists of women who shuffle between the front of the camera and the crew as well as women who usually model or just appear in a very brief scene showing nothing at all. They came out in droves and swarmed over the few B list male attendees.

This married B list television and film actor was seen with two girls in one of the bathrooms trading kisses and gropes while finding time to do some lines of coke. Another fading and aging married C list film and television actor found two "actresses" of his own and spent time with them on a couch in the corner and then left with one on each arm. Meanwhile, a C list television and film actress known more for her body was in another area showing off her new breasts to a group of enraptured men and two women (not together). She gave each of them a lap dance while the others cheered and whistled. Tips were offered and accepted.

B lister - Taye Diggs
C lister - Christopher McDonald
two "actresses" - Stormy Daniels and Mary Christina Brown
C list actress - Bai Ling

Blind Item #8

Provided he can lose the weight and grow back his hair from his current role, this foreign born A list mostly movie actor is set to be offered the most money ever paid an actor for any role if he returns to the superhero franchise he walked away from. Other names might be thrown out there, but our actor is going to be offered $50M just to show up the first day of work and could stand to make another $100M if the movie does as well as would be expected. All of that for just one movie.

Blind Item #7

This online magazine which is very very conservative has taken some secret funding to push an agenda. Hey, nothing wrong with that. Probably not even blind item worthy. What is interesting and blind item worthy is that the owner of the site is spending the money on online gambling and a whole lot of strippers. I'm guessing his backers would be upset, not to mention his A- list celebrity girlfriend.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 2, 2017

Despite doing way more for music and the world during an event this year, this A- list singer who is not always the most friendly person was denied an award. Why? Well, unlike the winner of the award our A- list singer wouldn't sleep with the guy making the ultimate decision and the winner did. Now, the A- list singer wants to speak out about it, but her management team won't let her.

Ariana Grande/Selena Gomez

Blind Item #6

Lets be honest. This A-/B+ list Academy Award winner doesn't work much. A movie every other year or so. A television episode here and there. I think it is because he spends so much time with his girlfriend who he makes pick up other women multiple times a week. Meanwhile, the actor's lifestyle is causing him to quickly run out of money.

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list celebrity who for years was an A+ list athlete not only pays his girlfriend to be with him, but she has also started taking a piece of events where he is paid in cash. For a guy still so young, he is out of it most of the time because of pills and booze. Another year or so of this and she might control his own empire.

Blind Item #4

You know that CW show that sounds like one word but means another? Yeah, well there is a foreign born B list actor on the show who thinks he is having phone and webcam sex with dozens of women a week who are all above the age of 18. Nope. There are a couple who have slipped through who are younger and apparently have saved all of their sexts with him. Apparently he has a collection of hundreds of videos and thousands of pictures of women he constantly has cyber sex with. Many of the women think he wants to marry them because that is what he says. He also promises to fly them to see him which also doesn't happen. 

Blind Item #3

This A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Oscar nominee but not winner and is set to join a franchise in its next installment, is looking less likely to stay with the franchise. The studio thinks she is speaking out too much about all the men in Hollywood preying on women and want her to be quiet. Somehow, I don't think she is going to stop talking, but she will be stuck in indie hell for a few years.

Blind Item #2

Things are tough between this three named actress not named Evan Rachel Wood or Mary Louise Parker and the cheating pond scum foreign born actor she chose to date. Apparently our actress was told by him certain things about his marriage that were not true. Our actress is sticking with the actor for now, but her public image has taken a huge toll the past few weeks and she hates being known as the other woman.

Blind Item #1

I'm sure this former Disney actress turned future porn star is sad her celebrity ex died. The thing is though, they only hooked up long enough where he agreed to be her supplier for pills. Now, she will need to find them from somewhere else.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed - Revisited

Good to know that every one is finally on board with that Sylvester Stallone story. Most of you guessed the blind correctly two years ago and I revealed it 18 months ago.

July 4, 2016

This actor is probably permanently A+ list. He is not that great of an actor but somehow is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee.He is getting up there in age. Hitting a big birthday this year. Back in the day he was cruising for teens. He always went looking for them. The younger the better, He especially loved going to states that have really young age of consent laws. Back when he was in his 40’s, he found a state that had an age of consent of 16. He would go to a mall or arcade and make a big entrance. People recognized him and swarmed him. He would find one or two of the female teens and take them to his hotel. They had to be 16 or 17. No one older. Anyway, one time he found a 16 year old and played his star card and she was soon joining him back at his hotel. At his hotel he brought out a surprise. She was going to have to have sex with the actor and his bodyguard. The bodyguard was a regular in these things. He was there to act as a witness and to make sure nothing happened to the actor. When it was over our actor threatened to kill the teen if she ever told anyone. Well, she did tell someone and went to the police. The police pressured her to say the encounter was consensual because they didn’t want to have any trouble with the actor. The police never even bothered to talk to the actor or the bodyguard. They just pressured the teen until she dropped the whole thing. She has lived with the emotional scars her entire life and is finally going to come out talking about it and what the actor and the bodyguard did to her.

Sylvester Stallone

Blind Item #13

If you have been wondering why that one named B list actress has been so sad as of late, I think she knows that her superhero boyfriend is hooking up with his co-star on a movie he is filming.

Blind Item #12

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is permanently A list is married. He was once married to someone as famous as him. Anyway, he is filming a new movie and specifically wanted several actresses hired who live in other countries. He doesn't want them easy to find if he has sex with them.

Blind Item #11

I really was hoping this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress who starred on an almost network hit for a long time would pull herself out of her drug use. Nope. She filmed a project with this alliterate actor who has seen better days. He verbally abused her every single day and she has not been the same since. Seeing her last night, she was a shell of her former self and was lsurring and stumbling.

Blind Item #10 - The Cold Case Payouts

What do you do if you are one of the richest, most powerful men Hollywood has ever seen? Well, if someone does something you don't like and the entire world is discussing it and you, then you take matters into your own hands. Almost two decades ago, that is exactly what happened. The person who did the something the whole world was discussing was found dead. No reason was ever given. None. Every single person interviewed said the deceased person had been in perfect health and took no drugs. Every single person interviewed was shocked that the person died. This was not a nobody who died. Our powerful man in Hollywood had him killed. Six months after the death, the two police detectives who had been handling the case got themselves contracts paying them $500K a year for 5 years working for a shell company owned by the powerful man. Probably just a coincidence. Before they left the force, they made sure the case was closed and that they took anything that could possibly lead back to the powerful man.

Blind Item #9

All this new cable reality show is going to do is continue to reveal just how racist this late night talk show host is.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

April 24, 2009

This tweener actor on a hit show needs to get off the coke that was introduced to him by a former tween actor, and now, unemployed drug addict on the same network.

Kyle Massey/Orlando Brown

Today's Blind Items - Once In A Lifetime - Kindness

Back when I was in high school there was an old family friend of my parents who used to pull out a yearbook and show me the picture of a couple people she went to school with. It was cool she went to school with them, but most of us have someone famous we went to school with or a school close to us. I didn't really think she knew this particular person. The person, who by the way is probably a permanent A list mostly movie actress who has more than a handful of Oscar nominations/wins.

The family friend had a party one day and lo and behold the actress was there. Right there. Just as loud and lovely as you probably imagined she would be. She was very nice and loved/hated being the center of attention. At one point she started swearing and yelling at her wig which she was tired of adjusting and handed it to me. The rest of the party she was strolling through the party, talking and taking pictures while she consumed vast quantities of wine which ended up everywhere as she spoke. She was big into hand gesticulations which works fine if there is nothing in your hand. Wine would go everywhere, but no one seemed to mind.

Fast forward a few years. The family friend died of breast cancer. It was sudden and it still gets me in the feels all these years later. At the funeral, our actress was there. She was a complete 180 from the party. Somber. Dressed in black. Black mink coat too. I remember it was drizzling that day and she looked as if she was about to slip on some stairs. I took her hand and then she looked at me a couple of times and remembered from a few years back that I was the one who held her wig all night.

She then went on a 15 minute monologue about life and death and was just rambling away. She asked me if I was in school and I said yes. She then asked if I was working and I said yes. She made me give her my phone number and said she was going to check in on me. I really didn't believe it, but once every two or three months she would call and check up on me.

About a year after the funeral, she made one of her calls and we started talking about a charity she worked for and basically forced me to spend some time with. I was glad she did and because I was doing it she got me some jobs doing some things for some people which have made it into the blinds before.

Anyway, I told her the branch I was working at was having an auction and was missing something really big to auction off. There were lots of small and medium things but nothing big. Something that had been promised had been pulled. I asked if she had any ideas. She said she had one. She said to come meet her the next week in NYC and she was sure she could solve my problem.

It was a Saturday when we met in NYC and she said we were going to have tea. I had never had tea before. I mean I drank tea. Iced tea. Oh, I guess I would drink hot tea when I would eat st Chinese restaurants, but no high tea for me. I like real food. I actually thought we were going to a restaurant. Nope. We actually ended at an apartment building. This was not some 100 story tower rising into the sky. I remember the doorman wanting to be thorough, but our actress was having none of that and just walked to the elevators and we went up.

The actress had not told me who I was meeting or who we were having tea with, but I instantly recognized her when the door opened. I had only seen her in pictures. I am not even sure I really had seen her in video except for the one thing every one on the planet has seen.

I know I had my mouth open, but of course, our actress took care of that. I believe she said something like, "I hope you have some f**king whiskey to put in that tea, because I need a drink. Oh, and this is ___________. Say hi to __________."

The woman who answered the door is permanent A+ list in the whole world. Literally. She could not have been more charming or gracious and laughed just as loudly as our actress. It was three hours of each of them telling stories. Stories where I didn't know half the people they were discussing and only vague thoughts of who some others were, but it didn't matter. The stories were so good and they were having so much fun, that I didn't want the day to end. I'm not sure I talked for more than a total of 10 minutes. At the end of three hours, the actress pointed at me and said that I need something for this charity auction and did she have anything. The ask was so abrupt. It didn't seem to phase the A+ lister though and she disappeared for a minute and came back with some antiquity. She then rummaged through what looked like a library card catalog and pulled out a car which had all the information on the piece. She then took out a sheet of her stationary and wrote two sentences and signed it. You could tell she had done this before.

Apparently it was a crown that her second husband owned. Honestly, I had no idea how valuable it was, but I knew it wasn't something cheap. She even had boxes for everything and I remember thanking her. I remember her kissing my cheek goodbye. I remember the charity not selling it at auction during the event but put it up for auction at an auction house where the item sold for almost $500K.

The actress of course reminds me of this every chance she gets. Her two month phone call is due any day. Yes. For years and years she has kept to it. She has made some amazing things happen, but that one day is definitely once in a lifetime.

Your Turn

Do you celebrate your birthday? More or less than when you were younger?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 11, 2017

This mess of an actress most recently seen on OITNB, who has been referred to here numerous time as a walking blind item has her drug supply delivered to her via FedEx or UPS. One day she was busy and had her latest girlfriend (soon to be former “friend” labeled “stalker), pick up the package.  According to our actress the amount was short and in her drug-fueled irrational mind she believes that the girlfriend stole drugs from her supply. Truth is this happens every time. Our actress claims she gets cut short and pounds on the dealers doors or sends a million threatening texts until they just give her some additional for free just to make her shut up.

Taryn Manning

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 10, 2017

Yeah, those hair plugs look realistic said no one ever to this B+ list mostly television actor who has gone from one show to the next the past several years after being in a network show for many many years. He wants to look younger. He looks like he is going to star in some kind of Nicolas Cage tribute show.

Dylan McDermott

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 10, 2017

I really don't understand people sometimes. They could end up dead or beaten but if they have a chance to be with someone famous, they take it. This permanent A list celebrity who is famous for entirely different reasons than when he retired from his profession hired an escort for a night. After she saw who it was she would be sleeping with, she has been seeing him almost every day for free and for all practical purposes is his girlfriend.

OJ Simpson

Blind Item #8

You know who you don't expect to be really racist? This former A list tweener turned A list mostly television actress from a long running hit network show who now seems to do made for television stuff. She was at a nail salon last week and made slurs about the staff working there and then just went after several other races of people too.

Blind Item #7

There is a woman in this church who has agreed to have sex with this disgraced former reality star whenever he needs a change of pace from his wife. She gets paid by the church for these activities. These people are so strange. On the surface everything looks so good and then you start to dig and it is a mess.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 9, 2017

CMA Awards

Apparently this foreign born B+ list dual threat actress could slide her dress to the right or left and reveal a bare breast. Apparently she did this each time she went to the bathroom or at least did it enough where more than a handful of women were discussing it. The actress never said anything, but would just expose herself.

Ruby Rose

Blind Item #6

This network reality star has been on multiple reality shows for the same network. She is still on tv, but the vast majority of you never see her. Anyway, she is currently the sugar baby to this married music manager who is married to a former A+ list singer.

Blind Item #5

It was pretty shocking the way this one named singer who sometimes has a vowel in her name found out her boyfriend got another woman pregnant while also trying to get the singer pregnant.

Blind Item #4

His actual name might be out, but the company he created is not out of the next installment of this superhero franchise. I am pretty sure this foreign born A list mostly movie actress is not aware of this behind the scenes trickery.

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who seems to have been given parole by the Hollywood community has been giving death stares to reporters who ask about sexual predators while doing a press tour for his latest movie. He also seems to be ignoring all of his predatory behavior, of which there is a verrrrrrrrry long list.

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list singer has been hitting the coke hard the past few days. She went a week where she was completely sober and didn't even have any wine. So, now she is overdoing it and it is costing her work and money.

Blind Item #1 - Kindness

This A+ list mostly movie actor might have made one of the worst movies of the year and agreed to some horrible casting choices, but he still did a good thing. At a foreign premiere of the movie, the actor quietly left the theatre after it began and signed autographs for every single fan who showed up for the screening. It took almost the entire length of the screening to do so. He even signed a drawing that some guy is getting tattooed to his body today. Hope he talked himself out of it,

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Random Photos Part One

One part today. Anna Faris is going to get crushed by this new guy. For now though, let her enjoy Venice.
Kelly Clarkson doing that Redbook thing.
Mischa Barton bundled up in NYC with one of her dogs.
Miley Cyrus going with a new look this week.
Priyanka Chopra canoodles with Russell Tovey on his birthday.
Bob Saget, his girlfriend and some clean shirts. Sounds like a party.
Speaking of parties, Wendy Williams got her party on last night. As usual, it was a solo event.

Blind Item #12

This back in the day A list mostly television actor who starred on an iconic buddy show for many years and was even made into a movie where he made a cameo, now makes a living helping people screw over insurance companies by making false claims and he takes a percentage.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born from north of the border back in the day B list model/wannabe singer turned multiple cable reality show star went on a homophobic slur filled rant the other day. It was ugly.

Blind Item #10

At that big wedding this week, this permanent A list singer who is permanently A+ list in the minds of many has requested to be seated as far as possible from that reality momager she can't stand.

Blind Item #9

Our favorite former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort is now trying to play madam to make one of her patrons happy. I think she probably told him that she knows this A list actress/"singer"/former reality star and said it was no problem to set up a date with her. Now, she will probably be beaten again for not following through. Hey, at least the sibling managed to get out of the business before she got sucked in too deeply.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 8, 2017

This former A+ list rapper will lose any asset he has remaining if he isn't careful. He wants to compete against the permanent A list rapper who already owns just about anything of value the former A+ lister has or will have. Oh, don't believe the hype about the properties. He likes to pretend he is balling but nothing is in his name. He wants to directly compete against the permanent A list rapper which will result in lawsuits and legal fees. If he does that, he will have to go to his in name only wife to bail him out which she won't do because she has already parted with millions to keep them propped up for the past several years.

Kanye West/Jay Z/Kim Kardashian

Today's Blind Items - A Couple Of Rants From Himmmm & Some Old Hollywood

#1 - Apparently Hollywood royalty _____________________ (Aging just about permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee) thinks it is not only okay for a woman to molest her tween stepson, but she thinks that is what an empowered woman does. This is why our actress (without noticing how far up her own ass her head is) decided to make a movie paying tribute to that woman who is an Old Hollywood A lister who was an Academy Award winner/nominee. She notoriously raped her own tween stepson, the son of a famous director. The director reportedly caught them in bed together and divorced the actress. The director has been attacked for years due to his relationship with a teenage actress who was murdered in her later years.  However, neither the director nor the teenage actress were related to each other. Family friends of our Old Hollywood actress and the director said the actress kept her stepson "groomed" and tending to her every whim during their time together. The world would collectively castrate any actor who did such a thing to his tween stepdaughter, but apparently that is romantic if it is a woman.

#2 - In the next few days, this studio will have a public announcement made relative to them that the corporation swallowing them up will be stalled. The government will announce they are suing to block the deal. The studio's stock price will drop like a rock and a lot of investors and partners, both Russian and Arab, will lose a lot.

Behind the scenes, this politician is making good on his threats - that I told you about last month -  that unless this network bends to his will? He will block the takeover deal, which will allow congressional hearings - and politicians will go crazy grilling the studio and the corporation over their Hollywood abuse culture. It's the last thing the studio or corporation need now.

The studio head is already putting out feelers for a new job and told one Hollywood super agent (has a famous offspring) he'd take a job in Silicon Valley to escape the pressure. Meanwhile, that friend/"employee" of the politician was told that if he has to resign his post due to overseas entanglements, he's got the politician's blessing to form a consortium to take over the studio for himself. That is, of course, unless the corporation decides to cave in to the politician and become his personal "kneepads network" like this other network.

Your Turn

What liquor do you put in your egg nog?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 8, 2017

This A+ list mostly movie actor is driving producers crazy with his wishy washiness about continuing to play a superhero in various movies. I'm sure they would love to replace him because no one likes him as the character but it would cost them a bunch of money and they would have to quickly find a replacement.

Ben Affleck

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 8, 2017

This A- list mostly movie actress who is only that high because of her name and not her recent success at the box office is cheating on her significant other who is foreign born and an A list model. The A- list actress has not been in anything successful since her franchise ended but people keep giving her chances.

Kristen Stewart/Stella Maxwell

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 7, 2017

This on the run in a foreign country child molester who ALL of you know is selling off the remaining assets of his business to this mogul/wannabe rapper. At this point, the molester is not selling the one thing which keeps people coming to see him which is his main source of income.

Joe Francis/Sean Combs

Blind Item #8

You know this slimy organization must be feeling the heat getting closer to them if they are bringing out one of their least credible celebrities to speak out. No one believes anything this B list actress/part-time reality star says. 

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list comedian/talk show host is doing anything to stay silent through all of the sex assault/harassment stories because the host knows what they are covering up and is afraid it will be exposed on their own staff and own history which will tarnish that A list brand in a hurry.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 7, 2017

An entire hotel bathroom was covered in blood. The hotel room was out of the country. The blood may or may not have belonged to this A+ list mostly movie actor who was the guest staying in the room. This was not a few drops, but apparently a whole lot. Enough where the hotel called in a special cleaning team. I wonder if he is using heroin again or if he was drunk and cut himself badly.

Johnny Depp

Blind Item #6

This former A list teen actor from back in the day who is in the news a lot is thisclose to having his wife dump him because she is tired of him yelling at her when she doesn't bring home someone to have sex with while he watches.

Blind Item #5

This MTV star who may or may not actually get to be on MTV any longer depending on the day of the week thinks she has it all figured out with a guy who has been paying her almost six figures a month to be with him full time. The thing is though, he is talking about getting back together with his wife which would leave our MTV star scrambling to ensure she keeps her old job.

Blind Item #4

Before anyone knew him for that hit back in time cable show, this A- list mostly movie actor was on a very big movie where he was probably 20th billed. I think he had one line in a movie with at least four permanent A listers. Anyway, he and another guy with a small part forced a woman who shared their scene to have sex with them. She thinks because she is small time that no one will believe her.

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly television actress who will drop like a stone to bad tv movies and direct to On Demand once her hit show ends reminds me a lot of Jennifer Love Hewitt a decade ago. If you date her, and our actress likes you, she will expect you to commit to her 24/7 within a week and constantly text and call and be talking about marriage. Unlike JLH, I don't know if this actress already owns the engagement ring she wants but it wouldn't shock me.

Blind Item #2

Apparently all the sexual harassment/casting couch stuff has not stopped the recording industry from continuing its practices. In the past two weeks I have heard of this former B+ list tweener turned adult singer having to orally service a singer to get him to join her on a track and this foreign born solo singer who spent more time in a manufactured group than solo actually had to have sex with a singer so he would add some vocals to her song. 

Blind Item #1

This married foreign born permanent A list mostly movie actor who has been A list for over three decades has been showering his girlfriend with lots of gifts the past week because she caught him naked with two other women at his office. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blind Item #13

This recent network reality cast off was spotted doing lines of coke last night to the point where her face was just a haze of white powder.

Blind Item #12

This celebrity offspring is probably B- list on her own but with that name, it is so easy to remember that she scoots up to B. She has 24/7 guards at this point to protect herself. I don't blame her. There is a lot of violence and at least one animal death going on in this little war between various factions.

Blind Item #11

Our favorite former A- list mostly television actress from that hit network show that needs to be rebooted turned B-/C+ list joke all of you know won't leave her boyfriend's apartment. Well, boyfriend might be too strong of a word. I mean she will leave to go outside, but she has moved in and if he wants her out is going to have to evict her. She is so strange.

Blind Item #10

This A- list reality star waited until his teen girlfriend left the country and hooked up with his reality star ex who is also cheating. 

Blind Item #9

The B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister thought she found a guy who really was into her. He wined and dined her and spent time with her overseas. Turns out though, he wanted to borrow money from her which is how most of her relationships end up.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

December 29, 2006

This singer/reality star had a relationship with that waxy woman. Although he does enjoy the ladies, more than one relationship has ended because of his love of the men as well. Every time he is caught or confronted he always says it is the last time, but it seems he just cannot get enough. It has got to the point now that he is hollow inside and just goes through the motions with women until he can find one who is willing to let him explore or even join in.

Aaron Carter/Paris Hilton (she was in House of Wax that year)

Today's Blind Items - Sex, Drugs & Death - Hollywood, Politics & The Bohemian Grove

I will try not to make this book length. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. The spring of 1990 to be exact. Yes, I know many of you don't even remember that year, but it was a very important year. It shows just how powerful certain people in the world are and how life can be taken in an instant if you cross the wrong people or end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In that summer, there was an A list comedian working everywhere. He was at his peak. He was making movies and specials and was in music videos. He was also using a ton of drugs. That is not an exaggeration, he was using a lot. Any kind of drug, he loved. Despite having a girlfriend, he was always picking up any woman he could find to have sex with. One night, he was on tour in a small southern town. He was hanging out with pretty much a nobody back then except in his own state. Later, that person would become an A+ list celebrity and to this day remains so. These two loved to party and pick up women and had very similar backgrounds growing up.

After our comedian performed he picked up two women. Both of them were not old enough to drive. The two teens were introduced to our comedians friend and the four of them began partying. The partying involved a lot of coke and booze and there was sex. Apparently the teen who was being sexually assaulted by the future A+ lister began having convulsions from the combination of drugs and booze and died right there in this cabin in the woods.

The future A+ list celebrity had access to some very helpful assistance due to his position and the now dead teen was removed and taken to a distant location. Her parents were informed their daughter had died of a drug overdose but nothing of the circumstances or who she was with. The other teen was sworn to secrecy and remarkably enough, let go to return home.

Our comedian went back to Los Angeles, but did tell his girlfriend what happened. His girlfriend told him he should go to the police or even better blackmail the future A+ lister for some money. The comedian said no and that was the end of it. What did happen because of this is that our comedian got sober. For a couple of months he was sober. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, his girlfriend was using the information she had received and was trying to make some money by blackmailing.

One night, the comedian went out to work and met up with a man who drugged the comedian. He then carried the comedian to his car and brought him home. Then, for the next 12 hours, the stranger raped the girlfriend and said next time she tried to blackmail anyone, she would be killed. When the comedian came to and found out what happened, he told the girlfriend to drop it. She didn't. She decided to press charges against the man. There were some strings pulled and some money distributed and a mistrial was declared.

Fast forward to the summer of 1991. Our future A+ lister is in the Bohemian Grove where his future is being debated. Basically it comes down to whether he will be a future A+ lister or will someone else. This messy incident involving the two teens is problematic. The girlfriend of the comedian is problematic. It is agreed that the other teen involved - the one who was let go needs to be killed. She is a loose end and knows the whole story. They agree to have her killed and the future A+ lister is chosen to be the A+ lister they know he can be.

The teen is killed under very mysterious circumstances. It was designed to look like it could be a few different reasons, but when the toxicology report showed coke and tranquilizers, police just chalked it up to drugs and let it go.

Fast forward to the spring of 1992. Our future A+ lister continues to clean up his messes and one of those messes is that our comedian is getting nervous and his girlfriend who is about to be his wife is getting nervous. They want to speak out about the soon to be A+ lister but know what happened the last time the girlfriend tried. The comedian decides to pick up the phone and calls our soon to be A+ lister.

Everything sounds good on the phone and our comedian relaxes. He relaxes so much that he decides to take his girlfriend on vacation and they end up getting married. Meanwhile, the powers that be know something has to be done. The comedian and his now wife are big loose ends and especially the wife needs to be killed. So, they arrange for an accident. To find their killer, they go to the boyfriend of the teen who was recently killed and tell him that the comedian gave his girlfriend the drugs and then raped her and killed her and that the wife of the comedian was there too.

The teen wants revenge and he gets it. He kills the comedian and almost kills the wife. Because he is a teen, he ended up doing no time for the death and no one even knew his name. They muddied the waters of the accident by making sure that the comedian also had some drugs in his system. Coke and tranquilizers which were the go to drugs of this group.

The wife learned to stay quiet after that and the future A+ lister became an A+ lister.

Your Turn

How often do you go to the movies? What kind of ticket price are you paying?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

December 20, 2006

Usually this gay (dropping quickly to B) actor is suspected of being gay but has never come out to the general public. The reason for this confidential item though is that lately his many boy toys have reported drugs strewn around his LA house and that more often that not, the actor is not up for the task at hand. Looks like his career is not the only thing not rising to where it was.

Kevin Spacey (I think this was his first appearance in the blinds. I have been waiting 11 years for him to come out so I could reveal it)

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

December 19, 2006

What high-profile, huge wedding, marriage of convenience (not last Friday’s) is coming apart because he started sleeping with her boy toys instead of finding his own and is doing so in an unprotected way?

Star Jones/Al Reynolds (that one has just been sitting there waiting on Al to come out)

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 30, 2014

This former A list singer who is still relatively young dropped really fast and has never risen above B again despite her one word name recognition. Apparently she overdosed two weeks ago after becoming despondent about her career and ex hooking up with someone younger and with a brighter career.

Ashanti/Nelly/Shantel Jackson

Blind Item #8

This celebrity offspring of an actor who has seen better days loves to refer to herself as a model. She is barely above Instagram model level. Anyway, I will say that she earns her money as a beard and everyone who reads weekly tabloids is now convinced this foreign born A list singer is a heterosexual stud. The thing is though, when she starts making money she inevitably starts wanting to use a lot more than normal which means she goes to that former A+ list tweener turned adult singer/a-hole which in turn leads to him passing her around like a seven layer dip at a football watching party. This in turn leads to lots of photos which might ruin several tabloid relationships.

Blind Item #7

It was really nice of this superhero on a tv show not named Arrow to say what he said about respecting women. The thing is, he treats most women in his life like crap. This is not a guy you ever want to date or be with if you want to respect yourself at all.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 7, 2017

This foreign born former reality star here in the US is a mini Heidi Klum type person in her own country. She has been hooking up with one of the recently named single sexual predators after trying her best to hook up with the married one.

Joanna Krupa/Jeremy Piven/Harvey Weinstein

Blind Item #6

One of the older sons of this A list mogul/wannabe rapper has cost his dad several hundred thousand dollars over the past couple of years because of how violent he gets with women.

Blind Item #5

This singer who got her start online is probably B/B- list here, but overseas she is A-/B+ list. Lots of you probably have never heard of her but in Europe, she is pretty big. Still a teen. When she was 16, her still manager made her have sex so they could "seal the deal."

Blind Item #4

This former PLL actress can't get any acting work at all. None. The only money coming in is from appearances that are barely making her rent payments. 

Blind Item #3

It is a pretty crazy thing when you say this MTV star needs rehab while she is pregnant. She left the wagon a long time ago and is so far away from it she can't even see it.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born B+ list still one hit wonder has been offering a very special meet and greet to certain fans who can pay her $25K a night fee. It has actually been more money than she makes each night singing on her tour.

Blind Item #1

One of the daughters who has been married off in this very large reality family says absolutely nothing when her husband spends all their money on drugs and his other vice which already almost cost them their freedom. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Random Photos Part One

One part today.

Christian Bale looking like this, gets the top spot.
Diane Kruger solo at an event last night.
Amber Heard hitting up a flea market yesterday.
Jessica ALba and Cash Warren after lunch yesterday.
Johnny Rotten finding a snack for the drive home.
Kate Hudson shilling for her designer, Michael Kors.
Elizabeth Perkins calls out James Woods.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born dual threat A- list actress gushed blood everywhere two nights ago. She had just come from her regular 15 minute run to the restroom and then it just seemed to pour from her nose right into her food at the table where she and two friends were seated.

Blind Item #12

Our favorite three named singer is using again in a big way. I think all of what has been going on around her the past few weeks is taking a toll. She has not used like this in a long time.

Blind Item #11

This former A+ list mostly movie actress is probably still A list. Academy Award winner. Apparently she recently had a mild stroke or is at least using that as the excuse the other night why she has not been seen much in public the past few months.

Blind Item #10 - Bohemian Grove Blind

I know there are some of you who want to know more about the Bohemian Grove parties. As promised to someone on Twitter, I asked a guy I know who gave me the Kevin Spacey item and goes every year to give me some scoop. Apparently in the very early 80's, there were two politicians who were at the event one year. They each had sex multiple times with one of the male workers. He was a college student who was HIV+ but didn't know it. These were early days. Both of the politicians contracted HIV and then AIDS. One died within a couple of years. The other managed to live for quite some time, but did die of AIDS related complications. The crazy thing was the latter politician had basically been thrown out of politics by that point so I'm not sure why he was still being invited.

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list singer was so bold, she got her music producer ex to produce a song she had written about a guy she was having an affair with. The producer thought it was about him and had no clue she was cheating.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

October 28, 2014

A popular tabloid which I don't really like had a meeting the other day with the PR team from this former A list mostly movie actress who has probably dropped to A- since her franchise ended. She has not been able to score a big hit other than one which she would probably want to forget. The PR team is concerned because they feel like they don't get enough positive publicity from the tabloid and the tabloid says they have a hard time coming up with stories that don't include her female lover. At that point the PR team freaked out and said that our actress is straight and that how dare the tabloid and the tabloid people responded by saying, they meant nothing by it and will make sure they take the line that our actress is straight and that men love her but before they can give her any kind of sexiest woman alive thing, that they are going to need to see her with a boyfriend or have some type of male/female romance. They have no problems with our actress being gay, but if her people want her to be straight, then they need to come up with a boyfriend quickly or there will be very few story lines or articles that can be written. The PR team said they would come up with one and they even worked on a time,line for stories about the new couple.

People/Kristen Stewart

Today's Blind Items - Child Porn And Drugs - The Story Of Two A Listers

For the past month, I keep hearing that these two women, who were each at one point A listers were going to come forward and tell their story. They can tell it a lot better than me. One of them even knows the details of how this became one of the largest child porn rings in the world. Back when this show first aired, people were just starting to buy VCR's. Those are machines which play videos in cassette form. Yeah, a cassette was - never mind.

The first A lister basically made her career from the show. All of you know her. I mean all of you. Although she credits her career to the show, she also credits her years of hard core drug abuse and her sex addiction and trouble with intimacy and commitment to the show. You tell me how you would be if at the age of 9 or 10 you were being offered drugs by producers and then while you were almost passed out from the drugs, being molested and raped by those same men. Oh, and a great percentage of other times they would take the boys you were starring with and make them have sex with you or the producers would be getting naked with the boys.

What if they kept telling you how great you were and then sent you all over the world to promote the show? Did I say promote as in talking about the show? No, they sent her all over the world to have sex with guys interested in child porn in other countries who wanted to start their own versions of the show.

When she got to be in her teens they pushed her out of the show and she ended up being molested by a different group of producers in a different corner of the entertainment world. She says she was first molested at 9 or 10 and that she did not have consensual sex until she was almost 20.

Our second A lister was A list for much longer. ALL of you know her. She was kind of a replacement for out first victim. She was also about ten when she started on the show and started being molested and assaulted on an almost daily basis. She blames her trust issues and intimacy issues on the experience. She also says it is one of the reasons she ever refused to get naked or topless for a movie. It triggers her to see any kind of camera when she is topless or naked. That is the only way they would film her when she was a kid. She has never really relished being in the public eye but always said she would work enough to never have to work again and she has pretty much done that.

The owners of these companies were incredibly smart sexual predators. They were constantly changing the name of the holding company. They would transfer ownership of the companies through other studios. They knew which producers and politicians loved child porn and would send them the videos. These guys started doing child porn and then realized if they started a television show or pretended they were starting a show they could have more access to kids. The way things worked, they made a few episodes of the show just to show people so they could get more kids. It was not until they met another child porn lover who was also a producer that saw the show that they sold it.

One of these producers is still working today in the same kind of environment. For decades he has been doing what he does to children and tweens. The thing is though, none of his shows have really ever produced stars the level of the two mentioned here.

Oh, one time about a decade ago, the second of our two victims in this blind was making noises about going public. One of the foreign child porn producers she had met one of her "exchange tours" arranged for her to make a record. Although it was released here, it was only a moderate success. In the country overseas though it sold millions of copies making her a huge star in that country. The company spent millions on advertising to ensure the sales and that deal has kept her quiet until now.

I am really hoping they step forward because it will create the avalanche necessary to get all the other victims from that show and the ones since to step forward and bring this group down.

Your Turn

The blind item you would most like to see revealed or your favorite one.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 27, 2014

This foreign born C list musician was at a party the other night and would not stop talking smack about this A list singer who the musician used to be in a band with. The musician says he has to work every day of the week to earn a living because the singer was greedy and didn't want to share the spoils from the band all teens like at some point even though the band split almost 30 years ago.

Andy Rourke/Morrissey

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

October 19, 2014

He might talk a good game about his marriage to his wife and posted a loving tribute to her recently online but this A+ list rapper was having sex with this Real Housewife this weekend.

Snoop Dogg/Porsha Williams

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 18, 2014

This aging former A+ list singer turned bad actress turned singer turned everything shills for a weight loss company but gets lipo every time she has to film a commercial for the company.

Marie Osmond

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A- list celebrity/former network reality star with the American born momager needs to know that the momager is always about protecting the brand. No one is allowed inside the brand because they could walk away with it or change it or even try and make it all about them. Think she learned that lesson from the Kardashians.

Blind Item #7

This former dual threat A+ list actor from back in the day took his fake hair back to television this past year. He also continues to make crap movies but is probably an A lister. He just will not stop continuing to victim shame and to send a team of lawyers out to quiet victims. He did it again with the biggest crap story ever. He needs to be called out for all his sexual assaults and stop giving him a pass just because he has a good lawyer and that organization behind him who wants to protect their cash flow.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 6, 2017

These one named permanent A list singers talk a good game about charity and doing their fair share but they both have a long history of evading taxes and hiding their money. From the looks of it they are far more interested in increasing their own wealth than anything else.


Blind Item #5

This shunned A list mostly movie actor is acting like he wants help but when you are paying a guy to have sex with you while you are trying to get help, is it really getting help? Apparently our actor offered multiple men the money before one accepted.

Blind Item #4

This B list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show doesn't want his wife to know about his substance abuse issues so has created a story which he thinks will get him off the hook. He went too big with the story though. Could have kept it much more simple.

Blind Item #3

This A list singer got wasted out of her mind and was angry. Not a great combination which is why she ended up injured. Why was she angry? She found out her husband was cheating on her. Apparently his story just fell apart when she started looking into it.

Blind Item #2

They might not have gone home together after a big event this weekend, but they did hook up on Sunday. So, for those of you who wanted this A list mostly movie actress to dump her latest guy to get back together with the foreign born former superhero, things are looking better than they did a week ago for sure.

Blind Item #1

This A list K-pop singer who is also an actress and a reality star recently split with her celebrity boyfriend after he sexually assaulted her. Apparently he recorded them having sex a few times and if she leaks anything about the assault will release her sex recordings on the internet which would ruin her career in Korea and Japan.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blind Item #4

With one tweet, this A+ list singer could put a stop to the homophobic slurs her fans are heaping on this openly gay foreign born A list singer. She won't though. She loves it and won't ever say a word to protect him or stop her fans. If her fans only knew the truth about her.

Blind Item #3

Every couple of years, this A+ list author shows the world what kind of a-hole he is by defending men who are pedophiles. How is it he knows so many? How is it his best friends are pedophiles? Ever since he first came out in support of it, I have not bought or read any of his books. 

Blind Item #2

This always broke A-/B+ list rapper is now selling stolen goods. Apparently though, he has also been talking to his A list ex, so maybe she will take him back before he goes to jail. 

Blind Item #1 - He Made Millions From Raping Young Girls - Himmmm

Because I was an idiot yesterday, I didn't scroll down and see the full length blind. I only posted the summary. Here is Himmmm in all of his glory.

Every Thanksgiving as families and friends gather together to enjoy a meal, while others get ready for shopping, and others help out with meals at homeless shelters and charities, some people recall another Thanksgiving from decades past.  A November that one rock legend spent drugging and raping young girls.

Set the DeLorean time machine back to November 21, 1980.

#1 was coming to the end of his legendary run with a group. They had made tons of money, and would go on to make more and more. But the fame, money, and adoration was not enough for this rocker. Fueled by drugs and unquenchable appetites, his disgusting lifestyle (and the victims left in his wake) was horrible in its day, and would land him in prison if he did it today.

#1 had developed many nasty habits and lifestyle choices that made Roman Polanski look normal.  But the Rocker was always protected.  His past girlfriend #4 was always there to support him, as was her then-boyfriend #5.  Both were always at the forefront of Feminist causes, and possibly the most powerful couple on the California or even national scene. It also helped to have the most powerful people in show business to protect you too. His manager #2 who had lawyers, media contacts, and investigators on speed-dial. Also #3 who, although they had a love-hate relationship that would eventually turn to all hate, was glad to protect his money machine.   Even when they would later sue each other for millions, they came together for political events. Thus, the Rocker never really cared about consequences.

That November, holed up in his California mansion a week before Thanksgiving, the Rocker made his usual call to his usual madam, #6 and he requested "the usual" for dinner. The usual for him meant young girls and he had done this many times both at home and on the road.  He made Jimmy Page look like a gentleman.  The Madam routinely searched for new talent at bus stops and runaway shelters.  She had just found a new 16 year-old girl who looked young and liked to party.  She was also very desperate and very scared. When the Madam made the offer to her for a night's work, it seemed safe enough with such a huge star.  The Madam promised no sex involved, that the Rocker just liked to hang out and smoke dope and drink. Still, the Runaway asked if she could bring a friend. And yes, the Madam sent two underage girls to the Rocker's palace that night. The "friend" accompanying the 16 year-old runaway was another homeless girl, who had just turned 15 years-old that week.  She had just run away from a violently abusive home, and was still a virgin. The Madam got to double bill the Rocker for that visit.

On arrival, the girls were fed cocaine to get them excited, and Quaaludes to keep them calm.  They smoked a lot of pot, and after a dip in the Jacuzzi with the rocker, they all three headed to the bedroom.  The entire time the Rocker kept asking the girls to do things to each other, which neither had done before.  They figured maybe if they did each other – he wouldn't do them. They were hesitant and scared, and the Rocker got more and more violent.  He kept taking Polaroid pictures of them all, doing everything, which embarrassed the girls. The 16 y.o. asked to leave.  The Rocker told them they couldn't because they'd be arrested and it was too late to call a cab.  He pushed more and more drugs on them both.

After the 15 year-old passed out, he began raping her.  Then he began raping the 16 year-old.  When the younger girl woke up, she was scared to death, and saw her friend was having convulsions.  The Rocker was ignoring her, yelling on the phone, talking to someone later revealed to be #2.  Then the Paramedics arrived.  They walked into a scene they described as "Sodom and Gomorrah" with drugs, vomit, and booze everywhere.  Both underage girls were totally naked, although the younger of the two began trying to dress.

The Paramedics did CPR on the girl as she was unresponsive, then she went back into seizures. The 15 year-old said it was like a nightmare, and she tried to sneak away out of the room.  The whole time, the Rocker was freaking out, talking to people on the phone, until guys in suits showed up.  They threatened the Paramedics to stay silent. The men in suits told the younger runaway they would "take care of her" and stay with them.  The older runaway was put in an ambulance, and the younger one begged Paramedics to take her too. When one of the Suits tried to interfere, a Paramedic shoved him and threatened to kick his ass.  Off to the hospital they went.  The rocker, his manager, and the other men in suits stayed behind.

What none of them knew at the time, was that the 15 year-old had managed to grab several of the Polaroids and stuff them into her clothes.  At the time, she was petrified of the cops or her parents finding out, and the proof of her activity was all there in those Polaroids.  So she grabbed them when the others were distracted, to destroy them later.

At the hospital, the older girl was given medication to save her. Uniformed cops arrived, and took statements from both girls.  Hours later, one of the men in suits also showed up, with a bus ticket and envelope of cash for the 15 year-old. They told her to leave town and not testify or talk to anyone, or else she'd be arrested – or worse.  She left town that day.  #2 and #3 wound up spending a lot of cash that Thanksgiving. To lawyers, to pay off cops, Paramedics, and even a judge.  Several reporters were paid thousands to kill the story.

Since so many people knew about it, the cops had little choice but to do something.  So they handed the case over to a Detective who was a friend of theirs, an elite golden boy in LAPD.  He was friends with the Madam too, and became head of the LAPD "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" in Vice.  Mostly his time was spent taking bribes from executives and covering up cases.

The Detective made sure the case got downgraded and the evidence was lost.  With the Judge's help, the entire nightmare for the Rocker wound up far different than that of Roman Polanski years before.  So it was then that the Rocker was convicted of "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor", given a $2,500 fine, and put on probation. No mention of rape, soliciting, or abuse of the girls.  No word on what happened to the 22 GRAMS of cocaine, 5 oz. of marijuana or 160 Quaaludes found in the rocker's bedroom strewn all over the bed.  It was booked into evidence, but later became worthless as evidence.

The 16 year-old runaway got out of the hospital, and was found dead near the 101 freeway a year later.  Allegedly an overdose.  Friends of hers and workers at a local shelter said she'd cleaned up, gone straight, and was trying to turn her life around.  Her death was ruled an accidental overdose.  Many never believed it.

One news anchor who didn't believe it was the one who didn't get bribed.  She didn't like what was happening, and didn't like the corruption, or the rape and drugging of young girls.  So she went public, running her stories.  She got pushback from bosses, owners, and even fans of the Rocker.  She was hounded from her job several years later. Her attempt to uncover the truth in the case gave way to the Rocker feeling like HE was the victim.  Like HE was the one being maligned and unfairly punished. Yeah, like HE was the victim.

Since he split from the band, his new solo career was taking off.  He turned HIS "hurt feelings" into a song, which became a global hit.  Sure, he said it was about the media coverage of #7 and others, but he later admitted it was about his "unfair" abuse at the hands of a "mean" reporter  A song that was spawned by his abuse, rape, and drugging of two children who nearly died due to his perversions.

The Rocker spent much of the next 20 years rehabilitating his image, becoming a big political supporter and environmental activist.  Became big pals with two big politicians, #8 and #9 whom he met at events at #3's house.  He played fundraisers for them both. He never was asked again in the media about that November, and it faded away mostly.  Funny enough? You can still find it online, and yet nobody compares him to Polanski or these other monsters. Meanwhile, he became filthy rich, as did his powerful manager, and the powerful record label executive.  Their images all bought and paid for. 

What they didn't know, however, and still don't know – is what became of the other girl. That 15 year-old runaway, who took the bus ticket, cash, and blew town.  She too turned her life around, got straight, and found good people up in northern California to take her in.  She went to college, found a nice man, had a family and settled down.  That nice man she married would go on to a nice career in politics.  And with his wife's support, he's become one of the most powerful men in California politics.  Now, all the years later, that scared runaway girl has grown into a confident, fearless, brilliant woman.  She's spent the past few years (urged on by her husband and kids) putting her story and the case meticulously back together. Piece by piece. Legally.

In 2018 she's going to drop a bomb of a "reveal" on the Rocker, the Manager, and the ex-label executive.  She's prepared a criminal charge against them for many of their misdeeds (which include racketeering and collusion and criminal conspiracy), and is also hitting them with civil charges – with any funds being set aside for childhood victims.  Because, you see, those Polaroids she swiped that night? She blew town with them. Years later she found them and put them in a safe deposit box.  She now has many copies, including in her attorney's safe. They too will be revealed in her case, along with hospital records, court records, legal affidavits from old cops and Paramedics.  There's even a video deposition from the original Madam back from before her death. And the former golden boy detective? He was later caught for his many, many misdeeds and arrested.  And he talked too.

So as this Rocker sits down in his palace this Thanksgiving, giving thanks to himself for being so wonderful, he better enjoy it.  His next one will likely be spent eating from a cold, metal tray in jail.  He and his wealthy mogul pals will be the Turkeys, and justice will be served.

#1 - Permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group
#2 - The manager of #1 and many many many others.
#3 - Top 3 entertainment mogul. You don't mess with him
#4 - A+ list singer back in the day. Probably permanent A- list singer.
#5 - Permanent A list celebrity.
#6 - Celebrity madam who has passed.
#7 - Permanent A list actress who was murdered.
#8 - Permanent A+ list celebrity
#9 - Permanent A+ list celebrity and spouse of #8.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

December 14, 2012

"If you ever see me at a Twilight convention signing autographs or posing for photos, then you either know I have been kidnapped or paid $10M because I would not do it for a penny less. I shudder thinking about if I had to make another one of those. I took a shower when I finished the last one and hate that I am still talking about it." Twilight actress who is B list and owes her career to Twilight.

Ashley Greene

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

December 11, 2012

This actor is A list and always will be. If he lives for 50 more years and never makes another movie he would be A list. Academy Award winner/nominee? Absolutely. A list name recognition? Definitely. Strangest actor around right now? Oh yeah. Our actor rarely showers. The only time he showers is when he is making a movie and then only every few days. He has turned into the laziest person in the world. Meals are brought to him. Many different meals that he takes a bite of each. he is not a glutton. Weight gain is not an issue. Sex? Umm, he is not doing the work but he calls over women who are willing to do the work for him. That is of course if they can get over the smell of a guy who has not showered in a week and has food all over his clothes or drinks. He loves to drink. Like a fish. Then he likes to get up and do scenes from his performances and makes the people in the room watch. He gets confused and mixes up lines from different roles and refuses to do a couple of the roles and gets very angry if people ask. He is a very angry guy and will throw things and yell and scream and the name calling is out of control. Ditto with any kind of slur that he can think of. He then forgets he did it or pretends he does not remember and returns to normal a few hours later. It is probably Alzheimer's or the beginning stages of it but he refuses to go to a doctor.

Al Pacino

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 5, 2017

Down in Joe Francis land is this A- list reality star who is enjoying not only his girlfriend but many younger teens who also will do lines with him and he doesn't have to worry about being caught.

Scott Disick/Sofia Richie

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Anniversary Month

August 25, 2015

The friendship of these two former best friends is on the rocks right now. They are both B list. Both actresses although one started off as something else. The one who started off as something else was horrified to learn that her best friend used to sleep with this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee throughout his marriage. Even though the marriage ended a long time ago the affair revelation was recent.

Mandy Moore/Minka Kelly/Sean Penn